
New York's Finest - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Frank Castle walks up to Murdock, the chains are wrapped around his torso, two over his chest and three over his abdomen, but when the shot cuts, it's one over his chest and four over his abdomen. (00:17:40)


New York's Finest - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When the Punisher knocks out Daredevil he wakes up with a gun taped to his right hand. When the Punisher says that Daredevil has to shoot him, Dardevil struggles to escape from his chains and we get a shot from his right side, where the gun is no longer there. In a later scene it returns. (00:32:05 - 00:34:55)

Daredevil mistake picture

The Man in the Box - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: When the paramedic examines Foggy he places the stethoscope around his neck with the chest piece hanging to his left, but when it cuts to the view from inside the ambulance the stethoscope's suddenly hanging around his neck the opposite way. (00:17:30)

Super Grover

New York's Finest - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When the Punisher knocks out Daredevil he wakes up with a gun taped to his right hand. When the Punisher says that Daredevil has to shoot him, Dardevil struggles to escape from his chains and we get a shot from his right side, where the gun is no longer there. In a later scene it returns. (00:32:05 - 00:34:55)

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World on Fire - S1-E5

Wilson Fisk: We all knew, that we would need to eliminate the Russians one day. They were too unpredictable.
Leland Owlsley: This from a guy, taking heads off with a car door.

Quantom X

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A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen - S2-E13

Question: When Frank returns to his home, he has to push through a pile of mail to open the door. He then walks into the kitchen, sits down at the table, and picks up a newspaper that reads "Frank Castle Dead." Where did the fresh paper come from? Obviously Frank didn't leave it, and it must have been put there within the last few days.

Chosen answer: Castle picks up the newspaper from the pile of mail and carries it to the table. There don't seem to be other newspapers in the pile, and there should be more given how long he was away, so perhaps only that issue was put through the mail slot. Karen may have done it, but she seems to still think he was dead at that stage.


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