Hanging with Axel: Part 2 - S3-E5
Other mistake: Jaden activates the spell card Contact Out to remove Elemental Hero Flare Neos from the field and summon Elemental Hero Neos and Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab from his deck. When he spreads out his cards to find the two monsters, a Fusion monster can be seen. However, Fusion monsters are never included in the main deck as they are only summoned when two monsters are fused together. (00:08:12)
Head in the Clouds: Part 2 - S3-E8
Other mistake: When Adrian passes out after the duel, it cuts to Jaden saying "Adrian" in concern. When he says this, he is looking directly forward, but Adrian is on a glass platform suspended in the air and Jaden is standing on the ground, so he couldn't have been facing him directly. (00:18:29)

Win Mr. Stein's Duel: Part 2 - S3-E10
Other mistake: When Elemental Hero Burstinatrix's attack points go from 1200 to 2000, the Life Point count is displayed, instead of the attack point count that is usually shown when monsters' points change. (00:11:49)

Trapper Keeper: Part 2 - S3-E12
Other mistake: When Jesse summons Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger back to the field after activating E Force, the Life Point count is displayed, instead of the attack point count that should have been shown. (00:04:30)

Trapper Keeper: Part 2 - S3-E12
Other mistake: After Jaden knocks the card out of Trapper's hand, an overview shot is shown where Jesse and Trapper's Life Point counts appear on screen. Trapper's life points are 4000, when they should be 1300 as he was attacked by Topaz Tiger earlier in the duel, and his life points went from 2900 to 1300. (00:15:50)
A Snake in the Grass: Part 3 - S3-E15
Other mistake: Jaden activates the special ability of Card Trooper, sending three cards in his hand to the graveyard, so that Card Trooper gains 1500 attack points. The second card shown being sent to the graveyard is Ojama Yellow, but Jaden doesn't have this card in his deck. (00:02:40)
A Snake in the Grass: Part 3 - S3-E15
Other mistake: Jaden activates the spell card Fusion Recovery and brings back Polymerization and Elemental Hero Sparkman from his graveyard. When the cards are shown exiting his graveyard, Elemental Hero Avian is shown instead of Sparkman. (00:09:55)
A Snake in the Grass: Part 3 - S3-E15
Other mistake: When Jaden activates Fifth Hope, he removes five Elemental Hero monsters from his graveyard, shuffles them back into his deck and draws three cards. In the shot of the cards exiting his graveyard, Elemental Hero Sparkman is shaded orange. Since Sparkman is not an effect monster, it should be shaded yellow. (00:16:40)
Inter-Dimension Detention - S3-E16
Other mistake: When Chazz gets out of the hospital bed, he appears to be fully dressed, including wearing a jacket, trousers and shoes. There would be no reason for him to be dressed head to toe in that moment. Even if the nurse didn't remove any of his clothes, it would be unrealistic for him to be wearing his jacket, his belt or his shoes while resting in bed, and would've probably been removed when he was admitted. (00:06:10)
Other mistake: When Jesse summons Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle, the Life Point count is displayed instead of the Attack Point count. (00:11:18)
Other mistake: After Jesse summons Sapphire Pegasus, he says he can now summon another Crystal Beast in his spell and trap card zone. In a close-up of his hand, there are four cards, and we can see Ruby Carbuncle is on the right-hand side. Jesse then reaches for the trap card next to Ruby Carbuncle, but then Jesse summons Ruby Carbuncle in his spell and trap zone despite not picking it. (00:15:10)
Unleash the Dragon: Part 1 - S3-E25
Other mistake: After Bastion tells Jaden to get to Marcel while they are cornered by the Duel Ghouls, Hassleberry is shown running and says "I summon Black Tyranno", before said monster appears. However, Polymerization is the card that is shown in his hand and not Black Tyranno. (00:07:38)
Unleash the Dragon: Part 2 - S3-E26
Other mistake: When Chaos Neos destroys Uria, Marcel takes 2500 points of damage. However, Marcel should have lost 3500 points, because an ability Chaos Neos has is that monster effects are negated, and Uria's attack points were only 1000 because an ability it has is that it gains 1000 attack points for every continuous trap card in the owner's graveyard, meaning its attack points would've been 0. Since Chaos Neos' attack points at that time were 3500, there should've been 3500 points worth of damage. (00:13:05)
Unleash the Dragon: Part 2 - S3-E26
Other mistake: When Jesse activates the spell card Prism Wall, just as he explains that "So Yubel and I, we both take damage", Elemental Hero Bubbleman can be seen on his duel disk, even though Jesse does not have this card in his deck. (00:18:30)
All For One - S3-E27
Other mistake: In the shot of the main characters falling through the portal back into the other dimension, Hassleberry cannot be seen among the group as they fall. Granted, Zane and Aster and Crowler and Echo wouldn't have been present in the shot as they were separate from the main group, but Hassleberry was with them so he should have been seen. (00:19:55)

The Forbidden Ritual: Part 1 - S3-E40
Other mistake: In the English dub, when Adrian first looks at the Exodia cards, they are shown to have the Japanese text and artwork that are used in the original Japanese dub. Cards in the English dub are displayed differently, with the image covering most of the card and the text not seen. (00:03:18)
The Forbidden Ritual: Part 1 - S3-E40
Other mistake: When Zane and Aster are looking through Jaden's deck, in the close-up of the cards, Super Polymerization can be seen. Aster then takes the card from the deck to look at it and rotates it 180°. However, the card was already right-side up when it was in the deck, so all Aster would've done is turn the card upside down. (00:04:18)

The Forbidden Ritual: Part 1 - S3-E40
Other mistake: When Aster summons Destiny Hero Dunker, in the shot of him showing the card to Adrian, its attack points are 1100, as shown on the card. The monster then appears on the field, and its attack points are 1200, as shown by the attack point display. (00:14:52)
Conquering the Past: Part 3 - S3-E44
Other mistake: By removing Cyber Valley and Cybernetic Hidden Technology from the game, Zane can draw two cards. The two cards are two individual Overload Fusion cards. He activates one Overload Fusion card, and at the end of his turn, he places the other card face-down. When Jesse attempts to attack, he reveals the face-down, which is revealed to be Dimension Explosion. (00:08:52 - 00:11:54)

Return of the Supreme King: Part 3 - S3-E51
Other mistake: When Jaden summons Elemental Hero Clayman in defence mode, the shot pulls out slightly and Jaden says "And now I activate Rainbow Neos' second ability." At this moment, Clayman can be seen on Jaden's duel disk, and the card is placed vertically on the disk, indicating that it is in attack mode. (00:06:55)