Revealing mistake: When Ash tells Lapras to go back to the ocean, his left arm is transparent. (00:14:18)
Revealing mistake: The pedal James presses when he slows down the lorry is the same one he used when speeding it up. This is due to the shot of him slowing the lorry down being a recycled shot of him speeding it up. (00:18:35)
Don't Touch That 'dile - S3-E1
Revealing mistake: As Brock starts heading to New Bark Town, he passes through Pikachu. (00:06:10)

The Mandarin Island Miss-match - S2-E18
Revealing mistake: When Prima walks over to Ash and his friends, she is briefly layered between the table and Tracey. (00:03:06)
Revealing mistake: As the camera pans up to Meowth in a crane, a building's windows move with the screen. (00:08:01)

Revealing mistake: When Team Rocket runs out of their cabin, Meowth's tail passes through a wall. (00:12:34)

The March of the Exeggutor Squad - S1-E41
Revealing mistake: When Melvin is throwing Poké Balls, they appear out of thin air before he throws them. (00:11:42)

The March of the Exeggutor Squad - S1-E41
Revealing mistake: When Misty tells Ash to stop looking at the Exeggcute, Ash's left hand is layered over the Exeggcute. (00:09:03)

The March of the Exeggutor Squad - S1-E41
Revealing mistake: When Misty tells Melvin to be careful, her left arm passes through the stage. (00:05:13)

Showdown at Dark City - S1-E40
Revealing mistake: When Ash apologises to the young boys, one of the boys' left arm is disconnected from his body. (00:02:09)
Showdown at Dark City - S1-E40
Revealing mistake: When the Yas Gym underlings send out their Pokémon to attack Ash, the Poké Balls disappear into thin air. (00:09:51)

Sparks Fly for Magnemite - S1-E30
Revealing mistake: When Ash and his friends start running away from the Grimer, some of the Grimer are floating in midair. (00:12:45)

Pokemon Fashion Flash - S1-E28
Revealing mistake: When Koffing and Ekans trip over their outfits, Koffing's lower body is briefly missing. (00:16:47)

Primeape Goes Bananas - S1-E25
Revealing mistake: When Misty and Brock pick up Ash while Team Rocket is fighting Primeape, Brock's left arm passes through him. (00:11:45)

Tentacool and Tentacruel - S1-E19
Revealing mistake: When Brock says that Tentacruel is using Meowth as a puppet, his neck is not fully coloured in. In addition, while Tentacruel was holding Meowth, it was actually a Tentacool that was controlling him. (00:13:39)
Electric Shock Showdown - S1-E14
Revealing mistake: When Lt. Surge sends out his Raichu for the first time, the screen freezes for a few seconds. (00:06:29)

Revealing mistake: When James throws the bottle caps at Ash and his friends, he is with the bowl he stole, despite it not being present before or after this shot. This is due to the fact that this shot is recycled from when he threw them earlier in the episode. (00:16:37)
Revealing mistake: When Ash and Ritchie fly out of the van, they are layered behind it. (00:19:03)

Revealing mistake: When Ash and Ritchie put their Poké Balls in the bag, Ritchie's right hand passes through it. (00:07:27)

The Breeding Center Secret - S1-E55
Revealing mistake: After Misty says Team Rocket broke into the breeding centre to steal Pokémon, Team Rocket's hands remain on the bars when they are disappointed. (00:18:23)
Answer: Yes it ran away because Layla hurt its feelings.