Dick Harper: Son of a bitch.
Jane Harper: That fucker.
Dick Harper: Hon, language.
Jane Harper: We might be in a little bit of a pickle, Dick.
Jane Harper: I went to this Botox Experiment, and I had a little accident... does it really look that bad?
Dick Harper: No. Just... different.
Day Laborer: Hey Dick, can we talk about these some other time?
Ed: Look, I love Val. I love him. But with all due respect... he's a raving, incompetent psychotic.
Ellie: He's not incompetent.
Deborah Clasky: How are you nicer than me?
John Clasky: You didn't set the bar that high.
Evelyn Wright: We have to talk.
Deborah Clasky: Mother, are you buzzed?
Evelyn Wright: No. I quit drinking weeks ago! No one noticed, but I guess that's a pretty good indicator that I conducted myself quite well when I was drunk. But this isn't about me right now.
Deborah Clasky: So tell me again why I can't call him on his cell again?
Evelyn Norwich: Besides that he turned it off?
Deborah Clasky: Yeah.
Evelyn Norwich: Forty messages starts to look needy.
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