Quotes from Nicolas Cage movies and TV shows - page 11 of 12

More Trapped in Paradise quotes

Kyle Miller: In your hands they go back to being nothing but rocks. Just, just pretty, shiny little rocks.

More Trespass quotes

Richard Fink: You've been living in the Sunset Towel for over a year.
Nick Cage: They love having me there.
Richard Fink: You owe them $600,000.
Nick Cage: OK, I'm going to deal with all that.
Nick Cage: I'm going to get this next role. And when I do, all of that changes. Then, I'll be back.
Richard Fink: Not that you went anywhere.

More The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent quotes

Captain McVay: There will always be war until we kill off our own species.

More USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage quotes

Randy: That techno-rock you guys listen to is gutless.

Randy: No one is gonna tell me who I can score with! Now I want this chick, she wants me, so fuck it, we're goin' back.

Randy: All right, but when they attack the car, save the radio.

Randy: Where do you work?
Julie Richman: At my parents' store.
Randy: What do they sell?
Julie Richman: Health foods.
Randy: That's cool.
Julie Richman: Like, it's not cool at all! Like, it's all this stuff that tastes like nothing and it's supposed to be so good for you. Why couldn't they, like, open a Pizza Hut or something?

Tommy: It appears as though you forgot our French fries and a Coke, fishhead.
Randy: Oh, well, Peter Piper picked a pepper, I guess I did.

More Valley Girl quotes

Peter Loew: I'm a vampire! I'm a vampire! I'm a vampire.

Peter Loew: I never misfiled anything! Not once. Not one time.

More Vampire's Kiss quotes

Edward Malus: Have you seen what she's drawn? Under her desk? It's... pretty disturbing.

Edward Malus: What happened to her?
Sister Rose: She'll burn to death.
Edward Malus: Excuse me, what did you say?
Sister Rose: Precisely what I meant to say: "She burned to death."

Sister Summersisle: They nearly had you.
Edward Malus: Excuse me?
Sister Summersisle: Our little friends, the bees. They almost did you in.
Edward Malus: Yeah.
Sister Summersisle: Pity.

Edward Malus: You little liars. Rowan Woodward is your classmate, isn't she? isN'T SHE? That is HER desk! And you're the biggest liar of them all. I am warning you, you tell me another and I'll arrest you myself. That is a promise, miss.
Sister Rose: Rose, sister Rose.
Edward Malus: Of course, another plant! Rose.

Village Sister: You wait a minute! Do you have permission to charge in and disturb.
Edward Malus: No! I don't need anybody's goddamn permission! I'm gonna search every inch of this town and anybody who interferes will be brought up on murder charges, got that? You have my permission to stay out of the fucking way.

Edward Malus: The name's Malus. Edward Malus. I'd just like a room and a meal. Can you swing it?

More The Wicker Man quotes

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