Randy: That techno-rock you guys listen to is gutless.
Randy: No one is gonna tell me who I can score with! Now I want this chick, she wants me, so fuck it, we're goin' back.
Randy: All right, but when they attack the car, save the radio.
Fred Bailey: So, you wanna dance?
Girl: In another life.
Fred Bailey: Yeah, I didn't either. I was just taking a poll.
Randy: Where do you work?
Julie Richman: At my parents' store.
Randy: What do they sell?
Julie Richman: Health foods.
Randy: That's cool.
Julie Richman: Like, it's not cool at all! Like, it's all this stuff that tastes like nothing and it's supposed to be so good for you. Why couldn't they, like, open a Pizza Hut or something?
Fred Bailey: Do you believe a girl should pet on the first date?
Girl: Who are you, Bozo the Clown?