Male Receptionist: You made me want to be a woman.
Him: I have that effect on people.
Jezzie Flannigan: Dr. Cross, Agent Ben Devine. Agent Devine is security systems supervisor.
Ben Devine: Well, for now. We're going to be thrown to the wolves, as soon as they find Megan Rose dead in a ditch.
Alex Cross: Now what makes you so sure that's what's going to happen?
Ben Devine: Me getting fired or the girl in a ditch? Sorry. I'm having a pessimistic day.
Alex Cross: To be brutally honest, I think you have a morbid desire to burn in hell.
Alex Cross: You do what you are Jezzie.
Jezzie Flannigan: You mean you are what you do.
Alex Cross: No, I mean, you do what you are. You're born with a gift. If not that, then you get good at something along the way. And what you're good at, you don't take for granted. You don't betray it.
Jezzie Flannigan: What if you do, betray your gift?
Alex Cross: Then you betray yourself. That's a sad thing.
Theodore Joadson: There remains one task undone. One vital task the Founding Father's left to their sons.
John Quincy Adams: Yeah?
Theodore Joadson: ...before their thirteen colonies could precisely be called United States. And that task, Sir, as you well know, is crushing slavery.
[Lucius Fox has just shown Bruce Wayne the bulletproof nomex survival suit.]
Lucius Fox: So what do you want with it, Mr Wayne?
Bruce Wayne: I want to borrow it. For spelunking. You know, cave-diving.
Fox: You get a lot of gunfiredown in those caves?
[The batmobile screeches to a halt.]
Lucius Fox: So what you do you think?
Bruce Wayne: Does it come in black?
Bruce Wayne: What's that?
Lucius Fox: The Tumbler? Oh, you wouldn't be interested in that.
Walter Crewes: God is just an imaginary friend for grown ups.
Craig: The best way to break old habits is to make new ones.
Lucius Fox: This conversation used to end with an unusual request.
Bruce Wayne: I'm retired.
Lucius Fox: Well, let me show you some stuff anyway. Just for old time's sake.
Dr. Cameron McCarthy: Just because you're hurt doesn't mean you're broken.
Dr. Cameron McCarthy: I've got jars of peanut butter older than you.
Dr. Cameron McCarthy: I love that fish.
Lorraine Nelson: Aw, she's not a fish.
Dr. Cameron McCarthy: Looks like a fish, smells like a fish.
Dr. Cameron McCarthy: It's a big world, Sawyer. Too many opportunities out there to spend your life in a box. No matter how nice the box is.
Daisy Werthan: Did you have the air-conditioning checked? I told you to have the air-conditioning checked.
Hoke Colburn: I had the air-conditioning checked. I don't know what for. You never allow me to turn it on.
Daisy Werthan: Hush up.
Hoke Colburn: Oscar said you needin' somebody to drive for yo' family... now, what I'm 'on be doin'? Takin' your children to school, drivin' your wife to the beauty parlor?
Boolie Werthan: I don't have any children. Don't have the time.
Hoke Colburn: Aw, that's a shame! Course, you still a young man, so I wouldn't worry 'bout it too much.
Boolie Werthan: Thank you, I won't.
God: Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?
Evan Baxter: Do I know you?
God: Not as much as I'd like.
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