Black Dynamite: Lemme speak to the man in charge.
Militant 2: Sarcastically, I'm in charge.
Black Dynamite: Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!
Black Dynamite: First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp slapped you into that china cabinet.
Black Dynamite: Fiendish Doctor Wu, you done fucked up now!
Black Dynamite: Hey lil' mama, it may be bigger than you, and it may be bigger than me, but it ain't bigger than you AND me, can you dig it?
Black Dynamite: Who the hell is interrupting my kung fu?
Afroditey: I get off in fifteen minutes.
Black Dynamite: You right about that, sugar. You right about that.
Sholanda: My momma said my daddy's name was Black Dynamite.
Brickwilla: So did my momma!
Black Dynamite: Err, uhh, hush up little girls. A lot of cats have that name.
Black Dynamite: I'd like to take the credit, but dig, mama, there's no "i" in "revolutio...", in "team."
Black Dynamite: Scram. Scram! I said split! Shake the scene you turkeys! Get out of my house! I'll see you all tomorrow.
Black Dynamite: I'm declaring war on anybody who sells drugs in our community.
Chocolate Giddy-Up: But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!
Black Dynamite: Shh, mama, you gonna wake up the rest of the bitches.
Black Dynamite: Tiny. Get Pimpin Jake out of my trunk. Tell him the rest of my money by Wednesday or I'll make him stick himself.
Black Dynamite: Bullhorn, no! At long last, our friendship bonded by the struggle against The Man has been brought to an end by kung-fu treachery!
Black Dynamite: Mama, you can bet yo sweet ass and half a titty whoever ordered the hit on you has already got the pigs in they back pocket.
Gloria: So you're one of those Tom Slick brothers that think they can get by on good looks, a wink and a smile, huh?
Black Dynamite: Tom Slick - no. But thank you for the compliment.
Gloria: No, I didn't mean that. Not that I think you have good looks. I just mean, y'know these guys with their...
Black Dynamite: Winks and smiles?
Gloria: Yeah
Black Dynamite: [winks.]
Gloria: Well what about the smile?
Black Dynamite: I am smiling.
O'Leary: We heard about your brother's death and we don't want you running around turning the streets into rivers of blood.
Black Dynamite: Then tell me who did it and I'll just leave a puddle.
Zack: Relax, mister. I've seen worse faces at the coroner's.
Spawn: Thanks, kid. That makes me feel much better.
Spawn: You sent me to Hell, Jason! I'm here to return the favor.
Jessica Priest: It's a little early for Halloween, Simmons.
Spawn: Where you're going, every day's Halloween.
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