Dr. Jack Harper: He really did love you, Sam.
Sam Lockwood: He didn't even know me.
Sam Lockwood: But hey you know what? As soon as you get out of here, we're gonna start from scratch. Get a little house on the beach, do it right, ya know? Chase seagulls, what do you say? As soon as you get out, I'll be right here.
Clay Beresford: I think my new heart will love you as much as my old one.
Sydney Wells: See, I have a connection with your daughter.
Rosa Martinez: Dios mio. You have her eyes.
Mrs. Cheung: He's here, isn't he? My Tomi?
Helen Wells: What was that about? Who's Tomi?
Sydney Wells: Her son.
Helen Wells: Where was he?
Sydney Wells: He's dead.
Susan Storm: You were at 4,000° Kelvin! You were approaching supernova!
Johnny Storm: Sweet!
Susan Storm: No, not "sweet"! That's the heat of the sun!
Reed Richards: You could kill yourself, other people, and burn up the atmosphere, ending all human life as we know it.
Johnny Storm: Got it. Supernova bad.
Susan Storm: You don't want to walk around on fire for the rest of your life, do you?
Johnny Storm: Is that a trick question?
Dr. Doom: Susan, let's not fight.
Susan Storm: No. Let's.
Susan Storm: Guys, we have a problem! He's here!
Reed Richards: Sue, get out of there!
Susan Storm: Why are you trying to destroy us?
The Silver Surfer: I have no choice.
Susan Storm: There's always a choice.
The Silver Surfer: Not always!
Susan Storm: Did you know I can create a force field inside someone's body and expand it until they explode?
Susan Storm: Why are you trying to destroy us?
The Silver Surfer: I am not the destroyer.
Sam: Ask yourself, What do you want in life that money will get you?
Sam: I believe in you more than the prospect of any treasure.
Mom: Let's go out for breakfast for a change, like a family.
Mona Gray: But we are a family.
Mom: Like another family, then.
Levan Beeze: Ann's in a bad mood because her parents are getting divorced, my mom is her moms attorney.
Ann DiGanno: They're not getting divorced, they're getting legally separated.
Mona Gray: Levan, client attorney confidentiality is confidential, so, shh.
Mr. Jones: I'm sorry. Maybe that day, you just weren't yourself.
Mona Gray: I don't think I've ever been myself.
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