E.B.: What'd she say? Was it about me?
Fred O'Hare: She thinks Easter is cool. Talking rabbits freaks her out.
Chris Vanowen: "fatum nos iungebit" is wrong.
Detective Cohagan: How so, doctor?
Chris Vanowen: The future imperfect tense of the verb unite, iungere, is not iungebit. It's iunget. It should say "fatum nos iunget." So the person you're looking for made a classic Latin error. But I'm guessing you knew that already, too, didn't you?
Detective Cohagan: You know the phrase "fuck you?"" Germanic origin.
Rex: What smells like jizz?
Rex: I wouldn't let you drive The Judge if it was parked on my Schnutz.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: I was spitting out formulas, when you were spitting up formulas.
Tom Wachowski: I was breastfed, actually.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Nice, rub that in my orphan face. (00:30:15)
Tom Wachowski: Hey. So, what's this next planet you're supposed to go to like?
Sonic: It's no Earth, I can tell you that. There's no people, just breathable air and giant mushrooms and stuff.
Tom Wachowski: Well, look at it this way. At least you won't be the only "fun-guy."
Sonic: No. Don't ever do that again! (00:49:46)
Tom Wachowski: Why do you keep calling me Donut Lord?
Sonic: 'Cause you talk to donuts and then eat them if they get out of line.
Tom Wachowski: Again, fair. (00:26:27)
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: I'm sorry, Mister...
Tom Wachowski: Wachowski. But everyone calls me Tom. Except my dentist, he calls me Tim. But it's gone on for so long that it would just be weird if I corrected him. (00:28:49)
Lois Lane: How did you get here?
Richard White: I flew.
Gordon: No, I'm not a hipster. I can't grow a convincing enough beard.
Teddy Flood: Well, your mouth moves fast enough. How about your gun?
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