Quotes from Fredric March movies and TV shows - page 2 of 2

Sam: We all voted for you three times.
Matthew Harrison Brady: I trust it was in three separate elections! I just wish one thing, that you'd not given us quite so warm a welcome.

Matthew Harrison Brady: Is the counsel for the defense showing us the latest fashion in the great metropolitan city of Chicago?
Henry Drummond: Glad you asked me that. I brought these along special. Just so happens I bought these suspenders at Peabody's General Store in your home town Mr. Brady. Weeping Water, Nebraska.

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Wally Cook: New York is gonna lay it's heart at your feet, while the whistles blow, the bands play and the cameras grind.

Hazel Flagg: Oh Wallace, don't you think you ought to notify 'em that you located me?
Wally Cook: Oh, the fresh air'll do 'em good.

Wally Cook: Take that ice pack off your head and fight.
Hazel Flagg: No, no. What's the use? Why fool them any longer?
Wally Cook: Because I love you. Because I'm going to marry you and I don't want to spend my honeymoon hanging around Sing Sing blowing kisses to you in the exercise yard! Come on, stop dogging! You've got to be bathed in perspiration!

Hazel Flagg: I don't suppose newspaper men marry - as a rule.
Wally Cook: Not after 14 or 15. That's the dangerous age for the journalist. His ideals are not yet formed and he falls easy prey to elderly waitresses.

Wally Cook: I used to love New York when it went ga-ga over some celebrity. It danced in the streets with a neon light around its heart. I'm getting fed up with its trick tears and phony lamentations over you.
Hazel Flagg: Be glad then for me. It makes everything all right in a way. What I mean is, I wouldn't want to feel I was really making all those people suffer.

Wally Cook: Listen, my dying swan, this is no time to stop faking! You're gonna have pneumonia and you're gonna have it good!

Wally Cook: I got in touch with Oliver, er, Oliver Stone my editor. He's toe dancing in the street waiting for us.
Hazel Flagg: I hope he's nice like you.
Wally Cook: Well he's got a different quality of charm. He's sort of a cross between a ferris wheel and a werewolf. But with a lovable streak if you care to blast for it.

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