
15th Nov 2002

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Nyssa and Reinhardt are fighting the Reapers after Blade has detonated the UV bomb; Nyssa takes a deep breath before diving under the water, yet vampires don't breathe. (01:18:29)

Correction: The Blade movies deal with vampires being a scientific phenomena, not mythical. It is never stipulated that vampires don't breath in the Blade movies.

Sol Parker

Vampires as depicted in the film are immortal and it is stated that only a few specific things (sunlight, silver garlic) can kill them. It could be argued that, being immortal, they therefore do not "need" to breathe. That said, you could also argue that since they feel pain (albeit it with a very high pain tolerance outside of the above things), it could be very uncomfortable for them to be held underwater and not be able to breath, so they create the same habit as regular humans (taking a breath before diving).


Then again, on the other hand, Nyssa like many vampires was born as one and should never have developed human traits.


Since the movie never states that vampires don't breathe at all, this really can not be considered a mistake.


It's also quite possible that pureblood vampires learn to breathe in order to attempt to seem human in order to fit in.


Correction: It sounded more like a gasp-out of shock-rather than her holding her breath; just look at Dylan in Charlie's Angels when she got shot. Plus, it could be possible that her mouth is closed when she goes underwater.

15th Nov 2002

Blade II (2002)

Corrected entry: During the sewer scene, Whistler says "well some of us can't see in the dark, nipplehead". Fair enough, humans can't see in the dark, vampires can. So why do they have the lights on the guns? As a UV weapon, constantly on but filtered for quick access? That's just about OK. But that doesn't explain why Nyssa uses a flashlight in the house of pain as she searches the rooms/corridor/loft. (00:42:01)

Correction: There wasn't a scene I saw of Nyssa using the light, her guns were holstered when walking around the house of pain. There is a scene when Verlaine is searching with the light on. When she and Lighthammer first enter together, you see the filter on and then the next time we see her, the filter is off. But this makes perfect sense in the movie, she kept the light on, but filtered when walking through a room full of "friendly" vampires. When they were out of the way, she removed the filter to be ready to use the UV light as a weapon.


You can see her walking up a ladder and turning on a light to check the room.

Turning on the lights and using a flashlight are 2 different things.


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