
5th Feb 2008

The Simpsons (1989)

Lisa's Pony - S3-E8

Corrected entry: When Homer is on the phone with someone in his work station, (I think it's Lisa) he's talking on a phone that's connected to his work panel. When he turns to his right, there's another phone connected to the wall. Why would one person need two phones?

Jack Kaltenbach

Correction: One closed-circuit intercom for calls made inside the plant, and one regular phone. For instance.


13th Jul 2007

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Burns is filthy rich, and could easily have payed to have a cassette deck installed, seeing how he had always wanted to play Ride of the Valkyries while riding a tank into battle. It is of course a spoof of "Apocalypse Now", where helicopters were fitted with tape players and loudspeakers blasting the same music.


14th Jan 2007

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Skinner (or Armin Tamzarian, if you want to be totally truthful) has been telling lots of stories about his childhood with Mrs. Skinner. It doesn't mean that the stories are true, but he tells them to gain credibility for his role as Seymour Skinner.


True. Even in the episode "The Principal and the Pauper", the judge told everyone to forget anything happened.

Plus there is nothing to say the real Skinner couldn't have told Armin stories from his youth.


26th May 2006

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: This has already been listed, and corrected. The picture may just as well be of Lisa as a baby.


3rd Jul 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Apu is a Hindu. Hinduism teaches that there is in fact only one god (Brahman), but that it manifests itself in many different ways, such as Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha etc. Each of these manifestations can be worshipped as a deity, and most Hindus chooses which manifestation to worship (the "personal" aspect of the deity, Ishvara). But ultimately all prayers and sacrifices are directed to the same entity. As we can see through the entire series, Apu worships Ganesha primarily, but he would recognize other forms of god, called Devas, which often translates as "gods". It is not entirely accurate, but that's the problem with translation. So there is nothing wrong with him expressing both a monotheistic and polytheistic wiew of the world.


3rd Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Tree House of Horror XII - S13-E1

Corrected entry: In the leprechaun short episode, a lot of things attend the wedding, including Kang and Kodos, the space aliens. One of Kang/Kodos starts crying and says: "I always secrete ocular fluid at weddings." Yet, in another clip episode, the space aliens invade Homer's Roasting Hour. Lisa thinks they're crying, but they say that they are vomiting from their eyes. Yet, in this episode, one of them starts to cry.

Correction: The key words here are "they say". We have no idea if they are telling the truth or if they are crying when they tell this to Lisa. Besides this, we also have no idea about how the bodies of the aliens work. It could be that both their crying AND their vomiting takes place through the same channels (the tearducts).


18th Sep 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Gump Roast - S13-E17

Corrected entry: When Homer starts to remember all the memories he has had with the Simpson family car, one of the clips is actually from an episode in which Homer was stealing Moe's car which isn't the family car.

Correction: Homer is not exactly the most intelligent person in the world. Mixing up two different instances that involved cars and driving is quite natural to him.


1st Jul 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Lisa's Wedding - S6-E19

Corrected entry: Marge is reminding Lisa of the differences between the UK and the USA before she goes to visit Hugh's family in England. Obviously the steak-and-kidney pie remark is a joke, but she says, "Remember, a mile is called a kilometer..." No it isn't. The metric system is used in mainland Europe - miles over here are still miles.

He's My Brother

Correction: This is clearly a mistake on Marge's part, as she is unfamiliar with European life and makes things up based on expressions she vaguely remember hearing about. And isn't it possible, since this episode takes place in the future, that the UK has joined the rest of Europe and switched to the metric system?


14th Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Why can't this be a picture of baby Lisa? She and Maggie does have some similar features (their hair, for instance), and would probably resemble each other even more at infancy.


1st Mar 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Marge on the Lam - S5-E6

Corrected entry: When Marge goes to the ballet with Ruth Powers, she has a purple coat with fur around the top. They go to the ballet, and when they come out Marge hasn't got the coat.

Correction: She forgot it at the ballet - character mistake.


27th Jul 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Yes, but in the episode where her phobia was first introduced, she was also seen to overcome her fear through therapy. Lots of people have Fear of Flying and still manage to keep it in check when they have to.


6th Jun 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: That is what is technically known as the joke... Or, to be more specific, it is obvious that the elder Burns have no idea what he is talking about, or for that matter what nuclear science is about (seeing how he has men trying to split atoms with sledgehammers). Then, when he discovers crumbs or regular pocket lint in the employee's pocket, he believes that this is the miraculous "atoms" he has heard about and assumes that this working-class lowlife has been stealing from him. Ridiculous, as everybody who knows the first things about atomic science knows, but that's what is funny in the scene.


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