
13th Jun 2010

Starship Troopers (1997)

Corrected entry: The Federation is in conflict with the Bugs and mention is made early on that they throw asteroids our way. Yet, an asteroid manages to "sneak up" on Buenos Aires. One would think that they would be on the look out for such things. We have even see them destroy one. Yet, B.A. gets zero warning. An asteroid could sneak through if it were accelerated to near light speed. But in that case an asteroid equivalent to the mass of the asteroids we are shown would pretty much vaporize the Earth. (E-MC2).


Correction: It's possible that the Bugs either got lucky or refined their targeting and managed to get an asteroid in close, or it's possible that the military let one through as a false flag operation to incite people (like Rico) to join the military.


Correction: Given that it would be impossible for it to actually have come from Klendathu, it's implied that the government did it themselves to gin up support for the war against the bugs.


Correction: The media coverage at the start of the film is from 1 year in the future, after the events of the film. Just as the scene in the school starts, "1 Year Earlier" is shown, so the asteroid that hits B.A is the first, that Earth was not prepared for.

13th Jun 2010

Starship Troopers (1997)

Corrected entry: Repeatedly in the movie we are shown media broadcasts which spare nothing in showing mangled and mutilated bodies. Media reports from the battlefield show Bugs dismembering humans and biting them in two. However, when the Bug is feed a cow, it is censored. Likewise, the experiments on the Brain Bug are censored.


Correction: The mutilated bodies would be shown in order to encourage more people to join the military and thus the war. The cow being censored may be due to groups like PETA still existing (we're an odd bunch us humans) and the Brain Bug may have been censored as classified rather than for any violence reason. Remember this is a Fascist Military producing propaganda not a free media reporting facts.


13th Jun 2010

Starship Troopers (1997)

Corrected entry: At times during the movie, the "bugs" are referred to as Arachnids. Arachnids are not bugs. And none of the bugs particularly look like arachnids.


Correction: It's meant as slur against the enemy, it doesn't have to be taxonomically correct.


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