Corrected entry: When Vincent and Mia get back from the restaurant, she rewinds the tape deck to play music. There is a closeup of her finger pressing the play button, then she presses play again. (00:48:50)
Jane Doe
15th Oct 2003
Pulp Fiction (1994)
20th Dec 2001
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Corrected entry: In the pawn shop, when Butch comes down to the rescue, he slashes the first man, steps in front of him, then stabs him. Zed steps forward and the sword swings up to Zed's face. In the next shot of Butch, it shows him bringing the sword up again.
Correction: Watch this scene twice and it shows the sword next to his face in both shots.
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Correction: She first presses the play with her right finger to stop the tape from rewinding. Then she does a little dance move, presses the play button again with her left finger to start the tape.
Jane Doe