
22nd Jan 2004

Big Fish (2003)

Corrected entry: After Carl signs his contract with the circus, he stands in the background as Edward makes a deal for a job - his hands are visible in the shot. Carl's height and proportions to the other people in the shot are drastically reduced. Mr. Soggybottom's head is on level with Carl's hips, whereas before he barely reached below his knees.

Correction: There are several camera angles at work throughout the shots introducing Karl and the Ringmaster. Most of them are very high angles from Karl's shoulders that look down on the Ringmaster and make him look very short. The shot referred to in the mistake simply removes these special angles and looks straight across, revealing the true proportions of these characters that existed all along but were disguised by the angles used. Also, keep in mind that this is a story being told by a man with a talent for exaggeration, so Karl's height would fluctuate with the intended effect on the audience: Since Karl's height has to impress the Ringmaster, he has to appear even more gigantic than usual.


18th Feb 2004

Big Fish (2003)

Corrected entry: When Carl's shadow falls over the four sheep when we first see him, the sheep are either drinking or grazing, but also bleating loudly, which they couldn't do while eating/drinking. Seems sound effects went a little overboard.

rabid anarchist

Correction: There are four sheep eating and three sheep wandering around the corral. These three are the ones making noise, because they notice the giant approaching.


16th May 2004

Big Fish (2003)

Corrected entry: When Bloom meets Carl for the first time outside of his cave there are shots cutting from a close up of Carl to a long shot. The long shots show prominent bruising on Carl's forehead that is absent in the close ups.

Correction: The dark spots in the long shots are actually a combination of Carl's wispy hair and the actual small bruise on the right side of his forehead. From a distance, the two combine to look much darker, but the angle in the closer shot reveals that the bruise is consistently light and small and the hair layers over it to make a dark spot.


9th Feb 2004

Big Fish (2003)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Edward Bloom loses his key, it is deep in a forest. But in the scene where his car is stuck in the tree, he finds the key in a stretch of open land, not the forest.

Correction: Considering the fact that someone ran a highway through Spectre, it's not odd that the forests were clear-cut at some point to allow for development that may or may not have eventually occurred.


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