
9th Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: In the scene right after Peter ditches the Spidey outfit, when he's walking happily while the song is playing, he falls. Did he get hit by something, or did he trip over something due to his failing eyesight? Any information on this would be appreciated.

Answer: He falls because he's a normal person now: bad eyesight, less coordinated, and no spider-sense. Normal people experience this all the time and he's happy to be a non-superhero without that heavy responsibility again.


2nd Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: I don't understand what that look Mary Jane has at the end of the movie is all about. Is it something for the next movie, something from the comic books? If they had ended the movie just before that, it would have been a plausible ending, so I'm curious as to why that look was put in there.

Answer: She's happy to be with Peter, but she also recognizes that he has a duty that he can never set aside. For the rest of their relationship, he'll be keeping odd hours, constantly in mortal danger, and an indirect threat to her life if his identity is discovered by his enemies. She's not happy that he has to be Spider-Man, but she does understand and is ready to face a long, hard relationship.


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