
20th Apr 2002

The Scorpion King (2002)

Corrected entry: Towards the end, when Mathayus walks into the rebel camp, you can see a cameraman in a white t-shirt and black cap. He is crawling towards Mathayus.

Correction: There are a few different shots this could refer to and I watched them several times. In none of them did I see a person in a white t-shirt and black cap crawling. I did see many white-and-black goats.


Corrected entry: If the whole idea behind the child "mecha" was for loving couples to be able to have a "child" despite not qualifying for a parenting license, how much sense does it make that all the boys and all the girls made by Cybertronics look alike and have the same name? It would make more sense for child mechas of all different appearances, shapes and races to be made (just like Mattel did with the Cabbage Patch dolls in the early/mid 1980s).

Matty Blast

Correction: That might make more sense to you, but the entire project was driven by William Hurt's pain at losing his son. It only makes sense that the first production run would fit his model, but probably was never sold because of the safety issues that arose with the David prototype. Different appearances would have been mass-produced in future production runs, and even perhaps accessorized like cell phone plates. And of course, parents can name the children anything they want to - David is the name of the product, not every single robot.


16th Sep 2004

Van Helsing (2004)

Corrected entry: The vampires in this movie are able to move around outside during the day when it is overcast because the clouds are blocking the sun. The fundamental flaw with this is that sunlight can penetrate clouds, or else it would be completely dark when it is cloudy, so these vampires should have been destroyed.

Correction: Many vampire tales allow vampires to move in indirect sunlight, such as the kind that would filter through clouds. Otherwise they would never be able to come outside at all; even moonlight is only reflected sunlight.


Corrected entry: After entering the pyramid, the team reads the ancient scriptures and learns about the predators fighting the aliens for honor. It also says that if the predator did not succeed, it made sure nothing survived, as we see the vision of one destroying everything including itself. However, at the end of the movie the last predator flees the scene after realizing it was out of control. Are we to believe that the predators abandoned thousands of years of tradition that easily?

Correction: The last Predator planted a bomb in the egg chamber capable of destroying the entire pyramid. Since he didn't plan on the Aliens escaping the pyramid, this should have honorably finished the trial and killed off all the Aliens.


5th Sep 2004

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: During the course of the movie, the characters kill the infected by beating them to death with machetes, bats and things of that nature which seems like a pretty dangerous way to kill people who have a blood infection. Shouldn't they be shooting from far away like the soldiers did?

Correction: The UK has very strong gun control laws. The civilian characters simply don't have access to guns.


Correction: It would be very hard for the characters to obtain firearms due to the very strong gun laws the UK has. Perhaps it's a blessing that they use blunt and sharp weapons to defend themselves. The characters, if they used firearms, would likely have attracted more attention to the infected and they'd come running.

Corrected entry: The scene with Moore receiving a gun for opening a CD is most likely staged which is why this entry is a deliberate goof. In the beginning of Bowling, Moore receives a gun for opening a CD. The bank is in Michigan, and Moore is a resident of New York, which has some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation. Under the Gun Control Act (18 U.S. Code sec. 922), a gun transfer to a non-resident of a person's state is extremely controlled. If a person is not a licensed dealer, which a bank is not, then he cannot transfer a gun to a nonresident at all. He must have a permit to own a rifle or shotgun. So, Moore waited the six-month period it takes to receive this permit, then told the bank that he had covered his New York legal bases, and then ordered the rifle, all the while to film a scene showing how easy it is to get a rifle in the United States.

Correction: Moore has publicly stated several times that the event was not staged. The only arrangement that he took was to phone ahead to ask if he could bring his camera. The bank is a licensed gun dealer.


27th Aug 2001

Army of Darkness (1992)

Corrected entry: During the final showdown between Ash and Bad Ash, Bad Ash tosses a dagger at Ash. The way he flings it, it seems to land sideways at his feet, but a camera cut shows it to stab the stone beneath Ash as he rolls to the side.

Correction: It might seem that way, but slowmo shows it flying off the lower right side of the screen. Ash is on a lower platform, so this is consistent.


Corrected entry: How is it possible that when a Predator uses its claws to slice an Alien part off, it starts to melt instantly from the acid, while the throwing star slices right through unharmed as seen with the mother alien?

Correction: The throwing star and the claws are made from different metals. The claws are not really intended to be used against the Aliens; instead, they are supposed to use the shoulder blasters and other ranged weapons to protect themselves from the acid blood. The consequence of closing with the Aliens is losing their armor to the acid and dying faster. The throwing star is made from a lighter, more aerodynamic metal and enjoys a resistance to the acid.


Corrected entry: We see the face hugger attack the predator. We all know what happens. At the end with the 50 predators, why didn't any of them use their heat vision on him?

Correction: They did. There is no indication that the Predator-Alien hybrid survives more than a few seconds at the end of the movie; the Predators go offscreen and it is born, but they are no doubt prepared for this eventuality. They brought the trial Predator back on board to honor his accomplishment.


Corrected entry: In the previous Alien films, it has been established that the Alien lifecycle (egg, facehugger, chestburster, & warrior) takes anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days. However, in AvP, the Aliens go from facehuggers to full, adult warriors in less than an hour.

Correction: The Aliens of this movie have been genetically altered by the Predators to increase the viability and difficulty of the hunt. It would be a bit pointless for the Predators wait around for a day or two so the Aliens can build up their forces, especially if they have the power to engineer the Aliens.


20th Aug 2004

Sphere (1998)

Corrected entry: When the Navy officer tells Norman to pull the switch that will cover the giant squid with a electrical surge, Beth starts panicking and yells, "You're going to cause a fire." over and over again. After Norman pulls it, a fire starts. This is an obvious manifestation of "the power," but since the only one who would be in the right state of mind for it is Beth, and in that point of the movie she hasn't been inside the sphere yet (only Norman and Harry have, Harry's asleep, and Norman was always the most psychologically stable of the main cast and wouldn't give into panic like that) who caused the fire?

Correction: The electrical surge has a design flaw that starts the fire, which is more clearly explained in the book. It has absolutely nothing to do with "the power."


16th Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: The first time Spooner goes inside the scientist's lab, he finds that Sonny is inside some kind of box. But it cannot be, because the box is too small for the robot.

Correction: It's not a box, it's a large bin about half the size of a Dumpster full of robot parts. Sonny is folded up in a sitting position and fits just fine.


8th Aug 2004

Alien 3 (1992)

Corrected entry: At the end of Alien 3, just before the credits, (I don't know if this is in the Special Edition), inside the EEV there's a recording of Ripley saying that she is the last survivor of the Nostromo, and that all the crew are dead. How can this be if the Escape Ship from the Nostromo and the Escape Ship from the Suloco are completely different ships.

Correction: Near the beginning of Aliens, Gorman encourages all of the Marines to look over Ripley's report in the Sulaco's computer. Ripley's recording from the Nostromo was part of this file and some part of the computer's memory was on the Sulaco EEV.


Corrected entry: It was nice for the predators to give Lex the spear at the end of the movie but maybe they could have given her a ride home or some clothing. She was stranded on Antarctica at night with no jacket and a long distance from where the ship was docked.


Correction: When they are on the hunt, Predators are expected to be entirely autonomous. By showing Lex the respect of offering her a trophy, they recognize her as a warrior and would expect her to be able to take care of herself.


Correction: I just finished watching the movie and had this same thought. However, after the Predator ship leaves, the camera shows the Snowcat, which is the proper name for the snow tractor, with its headlights still on. She could have driven back to where they left the ship in relative comfort.


Corrected entry: When the Predator makes the mark on Lex's face (that kind of looks like a "T") the acid used to make it, which chews through metal and armor, barely even makes a dent on her cheek.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: The trophy that the Predator uses has been sitting in his gear for a while and most of the acid blood has leaked out. The tiny residues that remain are barely enough to mark the soft flesh.


15th Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: When Spooner is telling the scientist about the accident, there is a flashback of it. Spooner tells the robot to save the girl. The robot doesn't listen to him which violates the one of the three laws.

Correction: The Three Laws are ranked according to priority, with higher Laws overruling the lower. Thus, protecting the life of a human is more important than following that human's orders.


5th Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Corrected entry: Sonny resists the force field without having protection by special alloying. Sonny's brains were transfered into another body by Susan Calvin in order to save his "life". But this other body does not have the special alloying. This was described as being unique to original Sonny like his brains (Dr. Lanning wanted him probably to access the nano bots). So why could he resist to the force field containing the nano bots which were finally able to kill V.I.K.I.? Note: the robot falling against that field during the fight with Sonny had half of his face missing due to the force field.

Correction: Dr. Calvin didn't switch out Sonny's brain, she switched out his entire body with one of the spares that was also in the room sometime between setting up Sonny ("Will it hurt?") and talking to the head designer through the camera. Sonny is still intact.


Corrected entry: At the end of the film Ripley uses her acidic blood to burn a hole in the ships glass window the problem is, as any High School Chemistry student will know, acid doesn't react with glass.

Correction: The acidic blood of the Aliens is never scientifically described onscreen, only compared to highly acidic substances. Because this is an alien biology, it could have an acid-like caustic effect without actually composing what a chemist would describe as an acid. For example, the blood could contain omnivorous microorganisms that consume substances other than the Aliens - it's possible that these could destroy glass as acid does not. Remember, in the first Alien movie, the facehugger, "It secreted an acid that "burned" through Kane's helmet glass."


Hydrofluoric acid does react with glass, conceivably the blood could be partially composed of that.


Was it ever mentioned that the windows were made of glass and not of some transparent plastic?

23rd Jan 2003

Dr. Strangelove (1964)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Grp. Captain Mandrake confronts General Ripper in the latter's office with the knowledge that there is no Russian attack, he salutes and then turns to leave but finds both exits locked. He then returns to Ripper's desk and asks for the doorkey and the recall code for the planes that are en route to Russia. He hadn't asked for the code before trying to leave, yet he was prepared to leave without it. (00:21:00)

Correction: Mandrake has just recognized that his superior officer has gone insane and launched a nuclear attack on another country that will lead to the destruction of the US and possibly all mankind. He can be forgiven for being a bit rattled.


26th Jun 2004

Runaway Jury (2003)

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film, Rankin Fitch's private investigator, who has been investigating Nicholas Easter's background, calls Fitch and tells him he's headed to some small town in central Indiana and even gives Fitch an exit number. Wouldn't Fitch, who knows Easter has been stalking his gun cases, recognize that he once worked on a gun industry suit in a small central Indiana town?

Correction: Fitch knows that Easter has been stalking gun cases, but not Fitch's gun cases in particular. Also, Fitch doesn't remember about that particular case himself until later because he has worked many cases, not all gun related, and wouldn't recognize one particular place on that long list. It's obvious that Fitch doesn't spend much time with the locals during the movie.


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