Factual error: West and Gordon are outfitted with massively powerful magnetic collars. Somehow the two collars don't interact with each other at all until they try to remove them, when they prove able to attract each other from at least 20 meters. Gordon rationalizes this by saying that they accidentally reversed one magnet's polarity, but if this were so then the magnets should have originally opposed each other with the same force, instantly throwing each other apart as soon as they were brought within meters of each other. Nonsensical.
2nd Mar 2005
Wild Wild West (1999)
6th Feb 2005
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
Factual error: During the fight just before Elvis uses the alcohol, Bubba Ho-tep exclaims a series of Egyptian hieroglyphs which are translated as "By the unwinking eye of Ra." The symbol on the far right is not the Eye of Ra (which faces right) but the Eye of Thoth (an identical symbol which faces left). (01:18:10)
15th Oct 2004
Dark Angel (2000)
Factual error: Max transfuses Logan from the inside of her elbow. The doctor pulls the needle out but doesn't bandage it. Neither Max or the cops are applying pressure as she is arrested. As any unlucky blood donor knows, without pressure and a bandage blood would be flowing copiously down her arm. (00:36:45)
8th Oct 2004
Dark Angel (2000)
Factual error: Max breaks into the hospital dispensary by shoving a knife into the gap between the jamb and the door itself, which forces the curved latch tongue back into the mechanism and allows her to open the door. However, she opens the door outward. The curve of the latch tongue always faces inward, the way the door swings, and there is no way Max could hit this to open the door with a straight thrust as shown. (00:12:20)
9th Jul 2004
Evil Dead II (1987)
Factual error: As Ash is hunting his rebellious hand, he blows a hole about the size of a fist in the wall, then removes two spent shells from the shotgun. At that range, a double-barreled shotgun blast would have dealt much more damage. At several later points, he deals the exact same damage to a wall with only one barrel. (00:32:45)
9th Jul 2004
Evil Dead II (1987)
Factual error: A line of blood flies onto the door of the work shed while Ash is using the chainsaw on Linda's head. However, the shadows of Ash and the head show that they are perpendicular to the door. All of the blood would be moved by the chainsaw in the direction of the cut, either toward Ash or the wall behind the head, so there is no way that much blood could land on the door. (00:22:00)
3rd Jul 2004
Dark Angel (2000)
Factual error: A major plot point for this season is that Max's genome has no "junk DNA." Instead, it's all coded for something. A standard human genome has about 95% junk DNA, with the remaining 5% coded for building proteins. However, research from the 1980s and 1990s indicates that junk DNA isn't junk at all, but rather explicit instructions to the cell on when and how to read the protein-building instructions. If Max doesn't have that, then her cells would never be able to build proteins and she would never have been born. Even though Max has extra coded DNA for an unknown purpose, there is still no way she could live without "junk DNA".
30th Jun 2004
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Factual error: Dr. Octavius says his fusion relies on tritium and that there is only 25 pounds of the substance in the world. In reality, tritium is a good deal more common than that. From this article (http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/tritium.htm): "It is used in various self-luminescent devices, such as exit signs in buildings, aircraft dials, gauges, luminous paints, and wristwatches. Tritium is also used in life science research, and in studies investigating the safety of potential new drugs." There's also a large region of water near Antarctica which is rich in tritium.
Suggested correction: According to the link provided, as well as Wikipedia (and its resources), Tritium is actually quite rare on Earth, and uncommon in natural sources.
The link provided said that tritium "is produced naturally in the upper atmosphere when cosmic rays strike atmospheric gases. Tritium can also be produced by man during nuclear weapon explosions, in reactors intended to produce tritium for nuclear weapons, and by reactors producing electricity." https://trainex.org/web_courses/tritium/reference_pages/tritium%20EPA.pdf.
14th May 2004
Starship Troopers (1997)
Factual error: In the English DVD subtitles, during the first commercial at the beginning of the movie, the announcer has a line that reads in the subtitles, "They're doing they're part." The second "they're" should be a possessive "their", not a contraction. (00:00:45)
3rd May 2004
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Factual error: When Richie shows the hole in his hand to Seth, it runs right through the tendons of his middle finger. Such a wound would prevent Richie from being able to open and clench that finger, but he doesn't appear to have any trouble. (00:10:35)
1st May 2004
Pitch Black (2000)
Factual error: The rock samples are from "22 years ago this month," and the solar model predicts a solar eclipse every 22 years. But in order for the sample records to be kept, they must be marked relative to an interplanetary standard. For the orrery to have consistently accurate meaning, it must be set to local years - revolutions of the mystery planet around the sun. One timekeeping is used for records that must be transferrable to other planets and the other for daily use like time of day, but the two cannot be mixed. This makes much more sense than applying the standard cycle to local time - it would totally ignore local events like day, night, and eclipses, all of which are very important.
1st May 2004
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Factual error: The movie is set in Transylvania, but the natives all speak German and with German accents (probably an homage to the book, but still incorrect). (00:14:30)
28th Apr 2004
The Fast and the Furious (2001)

Factual error: In the first hijacking, one of the Honda Civics slips under the truck's trailer to avoid the road crew. Trailers with that much ground clearance do not exist, also trailers have a safety guard running the length of that space designed to prevent this very scenario from happening with a lower vehicle. The trailer has been modified to ride much higher than normal to make this stunt possible. The modifications to the lowered Honda are not sufficient to fit beneath an un-altered trailer. (00:02:35)
24th Apr 2004
A Boy and His Dog (1975)
Factual error: In the fight immediately after Vic meets Quilla June, someone approaches Vic's nest from the right and fires just past his head. Vic turns and returns fire. The raider, who was moving forward, flies back from the impact and dies. Of course, bullets don't spread out their impact energy enough to knock someone back, no matter the caliber. (00:38:30)
14th Apr 2004
Secret Window (2004)
Factual error: At the climax, Mort stabs Amy in the lower leg. She stands up and leaves a prominent bloody footprint on a stray piece of paper on the ground. Problem is, there's no way the bottom of her shoe could be covered in blood to leave the footprint. She's been bleeding for less than five seconds, and there's no pool of blood for her shoe to pick up and make the footprint with.
18th Feb 2004
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Factual error: Legitimate religious institutions are not subject to property taxes.
2nd Jan 2004
Paycheck (2003)
Factual error: When Shorty is removing Jennings' memories in the beginning, the pictures shown are from a third person viewpoint. If they are his memories, shouldn't these be from Jennings' viewpoint? (00:06:40)
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