Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Ned falls over the upstairs banister in his house, Mike leaps over and lands on the rug beside Ned's head. After Mike says, "I feel great," his feet are on the patterned rug, but next shot he is standing farther back - note the rug's pattern (just before Ned pulls it out from under him). (00:19:05)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After Naomi and Scarlet head into the house to work on getting Scarlet back on the market, when Mike is driving in the rain the rearview mirror is gone, but it reappears when Mike runs toward the 'janitor' who disappeared from the bridge. (00:16:45)

Super Grover

13th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: Before the '89 basketball game, in the first shot of Mike joining the cheerleaders on court, the bare chested guy wearing a Native American headdress is dancing beside the free throw lane, near the backboard. In the next shot that guy is now dancing half a court away, in front of the stairs opposite center circle (note the "Lets win" poster). The same thing happens a few shots later. (00:02:35)

Super Grover

13th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: At the start, while the cheerleaders are doing their thing center court, before Mike joins them he is standing with his arm on Ned's shoulder, leaning on him. Then, in a shot of the cheerleaders he is seen in the background standing with his arms crossed, but when it cuts to a different angle he has his arm on Ned's shoulder once again. (00:02:20)

Super Grover

13th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: In the gym at the start, when Mike is shooting baskets by himself (before the team photo) he is standing beside a 3-tier basketball rack, off which he grabs the basketballs for warming up. There is shot from behind him as he reaches for a ball and the top tier is empty, but in the next front shot the top tier is full, then as Coach Murphy walks in the top tier is empty again. (00:00:45)

Super Grover

13th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: At the start in the gym, when Mike is alone shooting baskets (before the team photo) he is standing at the center of the 3-point line, but in each of the overhead close-ups of the hoop we see Mike's reflection in the backboard (top right) and he is standing closer to the hoop, on the free throw line - note the dark free throw lane. (Only visible on DVD widescreen.) (00:00:30)

Super Grover

5th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After their fight, when Mike and Ned are in Ned's kitchen with frozen veggie 'ice-packs' over their assorted injuries, Mike has a bag of frozen peas that keeps turning around, facing the opposite way, repeatedly. (00:21:00)

Super Grover

5th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

17 Again mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The morning after Mike's party at Ned's house, when Ned finishes vacuuming the rug in the overhead shot the wood floor immediately surrounding the rug is clean, but in the next shot there is a mess right beside the rug, which would have been visible in the previous shot had it been there. (01:20:25)

Super Grover

5th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: On the bridge, when Mike topples into the water headfirst, the distinctive treads on the heels/soles of his shoes, as well as the light colored brand logo on the heels, are visible. After the newly transformed Mike appears at Ned's home wearing the same clothing, when Ned pulls the rug out from under Mike, his shoes' soles are completely different. (00:17:40 - 00:19:05)

Super Grover

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