Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: At the bowling alley, when Mike is with Maggie's three friends and speaks to the "too flexible" girl, her left hand is either on Mike's shoulder or not, depending on camera angle. (01:00:30)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Alex and Mike are at the bowling alley, after Mike says, "Any girl in here would be lucky to have your attention," Alex's collar is either up behind his neck or lying flat in the following shots. (00:59:35)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Audio problem: When Scarlet hugs Alex for making the team and tells "Mark" that his hug is super inappropriate, when she says, "Good job!..." her mouth is not in sync with the words. It looks as if she actually said, "That's great!" (00:53:25)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After Naomi and Scarlet arrive home, when Alex introduces "Mark" to his mom, Scarlet holds her handbag in her left hand down by her side, then it's up on her raised forearm at the elbow and once again in her hand down at her side. (00:42:45)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: Just as Mike walks to his seat in Health class, the skeleton stands in front of the window's blue shades, to the right. When Mike knocks Stan to the floor, the skeleton is right beside the classroom door. (00:44:50 - 00:47:30)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: In Health class, when Mike begins explaining his views on abstinence, Mrs. Dell has her arms down in close-ups facing Maggie, but in the shots facing the class Mrs. Dell's arms are crossed in front of her. (00:46:15)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

17 Again mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mike walks into Health class, Mrs. Dell's lectern and stool (upon which the basket of condoms and another basket sit) stand directly in front of the chalkboard, but funny how they are both conveniently gone when Mike knocks Stan to the floor, in front of that chalkboard. (00:44:45 - 00:47:25)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Scarlet dances face-to-face with Mike, her left hand moves from his shoulder to her side so as to move Mike's hand up on her back, but Scarlet's left hand goes back and forth instantly a couple of times, between shots. (00:56:15)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Alex and Mike are seated for lunch in the school cafeteria, Mike's sunglasses hang on his t-shirt collar then appear on the table and continue to change position on the table, beside the food tray. (00:36:15)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Mike returns to Hayden searching for the 'janitor', as he is speaking to the real janitor saying, "There's an older guy with white hair...," Mike's black sunglasses are in his left hand, but when it cuts back to the close-up it's back in his right hand. (00:22:55)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After Naomi arrives, as she and Scarlet walk toward the house, when she tells Scarlet, "You got the butt of a 12 yr old boy," Naomi's handbag is dangling on her right forearm and she is carrying her overnight bag in her left hand (viewer's right). However, in the next shot her handbag is up on her right shoulder and she's carrying the overnight bag in her right hand. (00:15:50)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After Ned shows up for the '89 team photo, in the shot facing the team when he and Mike are walking over to their places, players 23 and 24 are kneeling as Mike passes them. In the next shot facing the photographer, those two teammates are walking behind Mike just before kneeling. Coach Murphy also moves from beside the last teammate to behind and has thrown the ball to Mike, between the shots as well. (00:01:50)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: The position of the team (note Ned, court lines, etc), when the 1989 photograph is taken at the start, differs from the framed photo that Mike looks at when he meets the 'janitor' at Hayden High. (00:02:00)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: Near the end, when Mike is warming up in the gym, just as Coach Murphy says, "Hey, Gold," as he's walking in there is one basketball on the top tier of the rack (the last ball Mike takes is from the bottom tier), but when Coach Murphy says, "Got a little inside info...," the top tier is empty. (01:28:05)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Principal Masterson and Ned are driving to Ned's house, just as they are driving behind the teenagers, in the interior shot from the POV of the back seat the rearview mirror is gone from the windshield, yet it is visible in the previous and following shots. (01:17:05)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: During Ned and Principal Masterson's conversation at the restaurant, after Ned tells her, "I'm the kind of guy who spends ten grand on Gandalf the Grey's quarterstaff from The Two Towers," Principal Masterson's hands are clasped on the table in front of her, but in the next shot she is holding the menu up in front her. Next shot the menu is on the table, but then up in her hands once again. (01:12:05)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Alex tells his mom that he made the team, as they hug his left arm is over her right arm, but in the next close-up Scarlet's arm is instantly over Alex's arm. (00:53:20)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: During Health class, when Mike knocks Stan to the floor Stan wears a baseball cap which falls off, but as Mrs. Dell shouts, "Boys, stop it!" the cap is back on Stan's head before it falls off again. (00:47:30)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: In Mike's first class, when he sees Maggie walk in while on the cell with Scarlet, his left arm is either in front of him with his left hand up near his mouth, or his left elbow is on the desk with his head leaning on his left hand. The switch happens twice. (00:32:50)

Super Grover

14th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: During Ned's attack on Mike, Ned pulls the rug out from under his friend, after which the rug lies bunched up on the floor near the front door. As the scene plays out the rug's position changes between shots, particularly after Ned kicks Mike in the groin when Mike falls on his back with the rug under him. (00:20:40)

Super Grover

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