Super Grover

17th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Alex walks in on Mike dancing with Scarlet, in the background Alex's arm is out as he turns off the stereo with the remote and then puts his hands in his back pockets in close-up. Then two shots later, Alex's hand with the remote once again points to the stereo and then puts his hands by his back pockets. (00:56:55)

Super Grover

17th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: Before Scarlet's date arrives, during the dance when Mike spins her in his arms, in a few shots Scarlet's hands are atop one another on Mike's shoulder and her bracelet is at her wrist, but in-between those shots in one shot her hands are apart gripping his shoulder and her bracelet is up on her forearm. (00:56:45)

Super Grover

17th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Ned walks into Principal Masterson's office and does the "peacocking" bit, in the close-up his index finger is at his chin as he holds his sunglasses by its arms dangling on his thumb, with the lenses facing down, but in the next shot the lenses are facing up between his fingers and his face. (00:49:05)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Visible crew/equipment: When Mike slams Stan down to the floor in Health class, the grey padded protective gear that Mike wears under his pants is visible as his shirt moves up. (00:47:25)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When the "Nedmobile" pulls out of the driveway to head to the courthouse, we see Glenn, the crossing guard, at the corner and the entire sidewalk to the right, from the driveway on down. When Ned stops, in the shot from behind Glenn there are two trees at the curb, which were not there in the previous shot. (Visible on DVD widescreen.) (01:21:15)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After being accepted to Hayden High, when Ned says, "You always had my back in high school, if your spirit guide...," Mike's left hand is up at his mouth in the shot facing Ned. In the next shot Mike crosses his arms, but when it cuts his hand is back up at his mouth. (00:30:30)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: During Mike and Ned's lightsabre duel, when Mike kicks Ned just after Ned says, "Covered by the local news," the chair in the kitchen behind him faces the foosball table (in the next room) with its back against the counter, yet in the previous shots that chair faces the front door. (00:20:20)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Mike begins to voice his thoughts in Health class, as he says, "It's called 'making love', isn't it?" Maggie is holding the pencil up in her hands, but next shot the pencil is gone. (00:46:20)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: In the school cafeteria, when Mike and Alex first sit at the table Mike and his tray are directly opposite Alex, but next shot they are seated diagonally to one another with Mike at the end of the table, then they're opposite each other again, and the tray's position still changes between camera angles in following shots. (00:36:20)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Mike and Ned are in Principal Masterson's office and she says, "I think Hayden would be lucky to have you," she stands up and removes her eyeglasses, but when she shakes Mike's hand she is wearing the glasses, and next shot they're off again. Then yet again, when she sits back down she is wearing them (in the foreground), just before Ned asks, "Would the lady mind if I smelled it?" (00:28:50)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: While Ned and Mike are waiting for the school secretary to get off the phone (for enrollment), when Mike opens the folder the faked science fair photo is at the top of the pile on the right. In the next shot, there is a photo on the left leaning on the inside of the folder cover and the science fair photo isn't at the top of the pile on the right, but when it cuts there are no photos on the folder cover. Then Mike closes the folder, but next shot it's open again. (00:26:10)

Super Grover

16th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: In the ice cream shop, when Mike picks up the unplugged jack for Maggie's earbuds, he holds the jack pointed up with its cord grasped within his closed palm, but next shot the cord is dangling free under the unplugged jack. (00:13:05)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Scarlet leaves with her date, Mike is holding her bouquet of flowers and the direction they face changes between the front and back shots - note the two tall purple Liatris flower heads. (00:58:30)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: When Ned and Mike are in Principal Masterson's office, as she reviews Mike's transcripts there are some open pages on her PC screen, but in her close-ups the screensaver is active, then it's back to the original screen. (00:28:20)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: During Health class, when Stan says, "Great, fine, wonderful! More for me," and dumps more condom packages on his desk, his pencil is to the left of his textbook, then next shot it's to the right of the book, and in the final shot when Mike slams into Stan the pencil is at the top edge of the book. (00:47:20)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: In the ice cream shop, after Alex tells Mike that Maggie got into Georgetown, in the side shot when Mike leans forward to pick up Maggie's earpiece wire he asks, "Can you turn down the...," but his mouth doesn't move, and then in the next shot he leans forward once again to pick up the wire. (00:13:05)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: Before the start of the last basketball game, when Ned (wearing a "cloak of invisibility") calls out to Jane, the people surrounding the seated principal change depending on the angle of the shot. For example, in the shot facing Jane there is guy in a green hoodie, wearing a bandana on his head, that disappears in the side shot. (01:29:35)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: At court, after "Mark" reads the supposed letter from Mike, he drops the paper onto the box. When Scarlet picks it up and sees that it is merely directions to the courthouse, its writing differs. The direction of the folds in the paper also change from when Scarlet picks it up and the next close-up. (01:25:50)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: During Mike's slapfest, given by Scarlet, Maggie and her three friends, when the blonde slaps him she turns toward her left to walk away, but in the next shot facing Mike she turns to her right to walk away. Maggie did the same thing, but the opposite way. (01:19:10)

Super Grover

15th Oct 2009

17 Again (2009)

Continuity mistake: After Scarlet slaps "Mark" for kissing her, he runs after her trying to explain who he is, and when she stops him Scarlet either has her right hand up or her left hand up angrily pointing at him, depending on the angle of the shot. (01:18:55)

Super Grover

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