Super Grover

Corrected entry: In scene ten, Jack Sparrow's prison cell on the Black Pearl, which is in the closest cell on the right, is busted open by the Interceptor's cannons. In scene eleven, when the crew of the Interceptor is captured, the majority of the crew is placed in the exact same cell that Jack Sparrow had been busted out of, on the right side, but the lock has been mysteriously fixed.

Correction: The lock is still broken. When Gibbs says, "Good man!" referring to Bill Turner, the broken twisted bars around the broken lock are visible at the bottom right of the screen, as is the steel link chain that is wound around the existing bars to hold the door locked in place. It is visible on DVD widescreen.

Super Grover

Correction: Barbossa and the rest of the pirates have just pillaged Port Royal, including the well stocked mansion of the wealthy Governor. The fish that is served need not have been caught in the Caribbean and it makes perfect sense to think that they stole it and the rest of the food that they now have aboard the Pearl, from the Governor's mansion. That fish and other delicacies would have simply been sent to the Governor's home in Port Royal from elsewhere.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the wooden-eyed guy and the fat bald one are practicing eating, and the little monkey lands head first on the cannon and gets knocked out and falls off the cannon. The monkey is immortal too and therefore can not be knocked out.


Correction: Firstly, Grapple and Mallet are the ones sitting at the table, to be as Mallet puts it "ready when the time comes" to eat, not Pintel (bald) and Ragetti (fake eye). Jack (the monkey) hits the hard cannon (Elizabeth threw him overboard), he shakes his head from the jolt, then loses his balance and falls off into the water - he is never even 'knocked out'.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After the Pirates on the Black Pearl pillage the town and they are bargaining with Elizabeth, they are standing in the open moonlight, however they do not look like skeletons.

Correction: Before the shot of Elizabeth on the small boat with the pirates there is a shot of the moon being covered by thick clouds. So when she is aboard the Pearl with Barbossa and his crew there is cloud cover overhead, hence the pirates are not in skeletal form.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Elizabeth is running from the pirates the chandelier falls down, but when she runs into the dining room you can see that it is back up hanging on the roof.

Correction: The large chandelier in the FOYER does fall and we do NOT see it back up. As Elizabeth runs into the dining room, behind her we see a glimpse of another similar light fixture that is attached to the wall at the stairs - it is NOT the large hanging chandelier that fell. Then when Elizabeth is in the dining room, the chandelier we do see in the next few shots is the one that hangs over the table, in the dining room.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack and Will are fighting in his shop, Will pulls out the brander, the end of which has changed shape from when Jack used it.

Correction: Of course the tip changed shape, it's an entirely different tool. Jack pulls a glowing red hot 'fire poker' out of the fire, not a brander, which is glowing red-hot with caked-on ash on the tip, in order to get the donkey to move. Later Will pulls long iron tongs from the table beside the fireplace to wield against Jack, after Jack kicks Will's sword out of his hand.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Take a close look at Will's face just before Jack sprays him with soot during their fight. If you pause the movie you can see that Will's face is already dirty, probably from a previous take.

Correction: Seen frame by frame, in the first shot facing Jack, when Will's back is seen, Jack grabs the bag of soot, starts to squeeze it towards Will and plenty of soot begins to pour out into the air already. As the next shot opens, this time facing Will, there is soot in the air making this shot hazy and a large puff of soot right in front of him, so the soot has already started to settle on his face and body, and in the next frame more soot blankets him.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Black Pearl and the Interceptor are battling head to head, the crew of the Interceptor have just dumped all their cannon balls and weaponry into the ocean to lighten their load, but when it shows Jack Sparrow sitting in the brig of the Pearl, a cannon ball blows through his cell and he shouts, "Stop blowin' holes in my ship." Where did they get cannon balls all of a sudden?

Correction: A cannon ball did not make that hole. It's just as Gibbs says, "Case shot, langrage (which is shot that consisted of bolts and other pieces of iron), nails, and crushed glass!" They also inserted forks, knives, and spoons into the cannons. The force of the cannon fire propelled these things with enough strength to blast a hole in the wood. If you look at the brig cell that Jack exits, you will see a varied assortment of utensils embedded all around him.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the Interceptor is trying to escape the Black Pearl, there's a shot of Barbosa from behind. Over his shoulder, there is a pirate dancing quite excitedly on the stern of the ship.

Correction: In the two shots over Barbossa's shoulder, who is himself at the stern of the Black Pearl, the pirate that is seen 'dancing' is actually hopping on one leg on the bow of the Pearl. He is not wearing his wooden leg in these shots. This pirate is portrayed by an individual who really is missing a leg.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: The black, dread-locked pirate with the white cross on his face loses his arm to the Governor in the assault on the Dauntless. The Governor then continues to fight with this dismembered arm, but we later see the same Pirate with two arms when Norrington joins the attack. Am I right, or does a different Pirate lose his arm? And why does no one continue to fight with Swan after after he lops off their arm.

Correction: It is not Koehler's arm that Governor Swann hacks off, it is another unknown pirate's arm. The other pirates are distracted as they fight with the Marines aboard Dauntless and trying to fend off Norrington and his men who are approaching Dauntless from the boats in the water.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack walks off the plank he has shoes on, when he's swimming down to the bottom of the ocean he doesn't, and when his toe hits a rock he does.

Correction: This is wrong. As 'Jack' (Tony Angelotti) swims down, the silhouette of his boots, especially the top of his boots, are seen. The boots in this shot have a very low heel.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack is going to be hung, and Will throws the sword, he is in front of the platform so the sword should have gone through the front of it, but it went though the back.

Correction: The sword went through the front of the trap door and the tip of the blade comes out the back. Standing on the scaffolding Jack faces Norrington's office and his back is facing the parapet.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Just after Jack and Elizabeth are rescued from the island, in the wide screen version you can see a camera man dressing in a blue short sleeve shirt and tan shorts standing a few feet behind Depp to the far left. (01:40:25)

Aaron Lassman

Correction: When Jack says, "If I may be so bold to interject my professional opinion," behind Jack to his right are two sailors. One with a tan shirt with sleeves rolled up above his elbow, and wearing a black band on his wrist. The second, with a blue shirt with sleeves rolled up above his elbow, not short sleeves. The one with the blue shirt has white pants, not shorts, a dark belt and dark hair with a braid at his back. Those two men, tan shirt and blue shirt, have their arms up holding the line leading to the small boat that just rescued Elizabeth and Jack. Even more sailors wearing similar clothes, tan shirts and blue shirts, can also be seen when Norrington boards the Dauntless, before Jack and Will's escape on Interceptor.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: How would Barbarossa have such nice looking apples? He is on a dirty old pirate ship in an Atlantic setting with no orchards within 100's of miles and yet he has such flawless, ripe fruit. Apples are not a tropical fruit in nature. This means that they have to be shipped from other places by ship, if at all. The voyage would take weeks, maybe months for them to arrive. The stories about sailors having scurvy due to the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables is because fruit like apples only stay good for about a week and then start to go bad. They would never last the entirety of the voyage.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: The pirates just pillaged Port Royal, including the well stocked home of the Governor. It makes sense to think that they stole all the delicious food that they now have aboard the Pearl, including the apples, from Port Royal.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the shot where Elizabeth is admiring the medallion (after her dream), she hears her father and runs to get her dressing gown off her bed, knocking down her chair in the process. In the next shot, the chair is upright again.

Correction: While we do see the chair fall over onto the floor, as she reaches for her robe on the bed, the camera never once shows that chair again, in the subsequent shots in her bedroom. That chair has an ornate high back, with a white seat cushion. The chair we see behind Elizabeth as she puts her robe on, is another chair, with a low straight back.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Just before Norrington and his men board the Dauntless, if you look to the left of the screen, you can see a sailor fighting absolutely no one. Apparently, the computer graphic experts forgot to add his particular CGI 'actor'.

Correction: This Marine in blue, does have a pirate 'partner', that is shown in the background, behind skeletal Pintel and Ragetti, when they first come on deck. As for the specific shot you're referring to, that is when skeletal Pintel raises his sword and yells out, "Come on! Gaaah!" The marine is duelling with that pirate, who is now hidden behind the ship's red bell housing. You can actually SEE the pirate's sword swing three times, as the Marine swings his. Go frame by frame if necessary.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the very beginning, when you see the close-up of Jack on his sinking ship, he has three dangling braided beards. After that shot he only has two.

Correction: No. In this closeup you see 2 braids on the beard AND 2 shadows of those 2 braids. One is behind a braid, the other is between the two braids, so looks like a third one.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when we first see Jack, there is a sunset behind him as he stands on the mast of his boat. In the other shots, the sky is blue.

Correction: The opening shot from behind, shows a blue sky with plenty of white puffy clouds (known as cumulus clouds). The next shot from the front, the camera is looking up, and it shows the blue sky and puffy clouds as well, with the 'sunrise', NOT sunset. The next shots looking straight out, the sky is still blue with puffy clouds.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Will frees Jack from jail, he lifts the door, but the door is directly under another bar, making it impossible to lift straight up.

Correction: As Will is standing right in front of Jack's cell, you can see a gap between the top of the cell door and the cell wall bars. There is more than enough of a gap at the top to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges. That is how the door is set into the hinges in the first place.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack and Will are talking to Anamaria in Tortuga, look behind them and you will see the Interceptor with no canvas visible at all. Then when Will points to the ship and they turn to look at it, you can see canvas.

Correction: The sails on the masts are lowered halfway in all the shots during this scene. When Will points to the Interceptor, we see it from a better angle, and the sails are more visible.

Super Grover

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