Super Grover

Chosen answer: These dates are estimates. The intro of 'PotC: The Curse of the Black Pearl' takes place mid-1720s (roughly 1725), when Will and Elizabeth are around 11/12 yrs old. Then eight years later the duo are about 19-20 yrs old during the main part of 'The Curse of the Black Pearl', then around a year later are set to marry in 'PotC: Dead Man's Chest' followed by the consecutive 'At World's End', which take place around 1733 / 1734. The next movies 'PotC: On Stranger Tides' and 'Dead Men Tell No Tales' (after the intro) take place in the 1750s.

Super Grover

Answer: Jack the monkey is a Cabochon monkey, and is played by a female named Tara and a male named Levy.

Super Grover

Question: There are numerous mentions of the fact that Depp based his performance as Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards. But I'm sure I saw an interview/making-of programme where he said that Jack Sparrow was a combination of two real-life 'characters'; one was Keith Richards, and try as I might, I can't remember the other one. Did anyone else see this? Who was the other inspiration for Jack Sparrow? (It may have been another actor e.g. Orlando Bloom talking *about* Johnny Depp's influences etc.).

Answer: On Disc 3, Johnny explains, "Take something as solid as Keith Richards and combine it with Pepé Le Pew... I felt... he would resemble a modern day Rastafarian..." Pepé Le Pew is a Looney Tunes cartoon character, based on Charles Boyer's romantic character, Pepé Le Moko. Pepé Le Pew, however, is a romantic amorous cartoon skunk and he has a huge flaw - his 'odor', which he emits in a grand way.

Super Grover

Question: After the credits, when Jack the monkey swims back to the cave and takes a coin, does that mean Barbossa is still alive because he took some too?

Answer: No. Barbossa dies because ALL of the gold, with its blood repaid, is returned to the Aztec chest, thus the curse is lifted and they are not immortal any longer. The fresh bullet is fatal to Barbossa, when Will drops the two coins in. Later, when the monkey takes a coin, it is his own new curse that seals his own fate. The monkey's curse does not alter anyone else's fate.

Super Grover

Question: When Will and Jack climb aboard the Dauntless, Jack says, "everyone remain calm we are taking over the ship". What does Will say after him and what does it mean?

Answer: Will said, "Aye! Avast!" Aye means yes. Avast means stop or cease. Jack turned and gave Will the eyeball because Will sounded silly, and Will looked at Jack and gave him a look back as if he wondered in his own mind, "What? What did I do/say that's so bad?"

Super Grover

Question: I feel like an idiot for encouraging the way the entire plot of this movie is laid out in the questions page, but, how do the pirates know exactly what they need to do to lift the curse? Does Aztec gold come with an instructions manual or something?

Answer: It is very plausible that the curse of the gold is a legend that many have heard. Of course, not many would believe it, and when the pirates realised what was happening to them, they believed it and knew what to do.

Answer: The Aztec chest has inscriptions on all of its sides. After Barbossa and the rest realized that there indeed was a curse, they went back to Isla de Muerta and learned how the curse can be undone, by deciphering the inscriptions. This is when William Bootstrap Turner decided that they all deserved to be cursed and remain cursed and then sent one piece of the gold to Will, his son, living in England.

Super Grover

Question: Why didn't Elizabeth turn into a skeleton when exposed to moonlight? She had Will's medallion for more than half a decade after all.

Answer: The Aztec coin must be removed directly from the Aztec chest in order for the curse to take effect. Hence, Jack getting cursed deliberately when he palms one of the coins while Will witnesses Jack's actions. That is also why both Will and Elizabeth do not have the curse upon them, they never removed the coin from the chest.

Super Grover

Question: Is there a PotC sequel in the works? I assume the scene after the credits wasn't there for nothing...

Answer: The working title at present is: Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Treasures of the Lost Abyss, due out in 2005. So far the cast signed includes Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Gore Verbinski will direct and Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio are the writers again.

Super Grover

Question: In the scene near the end, Jack talks to Norrington about the strategy they should use to approach the 'unsuspecting' pirates. Then Jack goes on to say something quite confusing about how there is possible danger on the ship. We then see Elizabeth being forced to go into some room. She blames Jack and mentions something about the curse. She then unwillingly goes into a room on the ship, even though there may be possible danger on that very same ship. How is this Jack's fault? What does this have to do with the curse? If there is danger on the ship, why put Elizabeth 'safely' away in a room on that very same ship? What exactly goes on in this part?

Answer: In his plan, Jack expected the pirates to get to the Dauntless via the boats, remember in the cave with Barbossa he asks,"Not to the boats?" He also expected Norrington to go back to Dauntless and to 'blast the bejesus' out of the pirates. Thinking that Norrington would keep firing cannons at the pirates until the curse is lifted in the cave at the 'opportune' moment for Jack. It didn't occur to Jack that Norrington would stay with the small boats and that the pirates would walk under water, board and attack Dauntless unnoticed. He didn't want to risk Elizabeth getting in the way of any of his plans, he doesn't trust her and it was his small payback towards her, getting her 'protectively locked away'. Norrington and his men don't know about the pirates' curse, Gillette was just humoring Elizabeth when she blurted it out, as she was being put into the stateroom. Neither Elizabeth or Jack told Norrington about the curse because it wouldn't benefit either of their motives. Her motive is saving Will and his is killing Barbossa. She knew Jack's clever and that it was his doing that got her locked away.

Super Grover

Question: How come Will doesn't know his father was a pirate? And who was his mother?

Answer: Will grew up believing that his father was a merchant sailor. Since that meant that William Turner would spend a good deal of his time away from home, it was easy for his father to keep the secret from Will and perhaps even the mother, that he was in reality a pirate. We don't know specifically who Will's mother was, only that she raised him in England until she died.

Super Grover

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