Deliberate mistake: During the Warg attack, Aragorn is being dragged by the Warg and is heading for the cliff. In the very last wide shot of Aragorn, from behind his head, we see the hillside and riders behind the Warg, where they just came from. Next, we see a couple of shots of Gimli finishing off a Warg. In the next wide shot, the hillside including riders and bodies is the same one as earlier, only it's been flipped. (00:12:50)
Super Grover
27th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
27th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Deliberate mistake: During the Warg attack, Aragorn jumps onto a moving Warg and in a close-up, he headbutts the Orc rider. In the next shot, as they're riding, they pass a Rohan rider on a white horse. In the background there are dead bodies strewn on the hill to their right, as they're approaching a huge bush also to their right. As they continue moving, there are multiple shots, including Aragorn falling and stabbing the Orc. In the shot just after the Orc rips off the Evenstar, the Orc falls off the Warg and it is the very same background plate as before, as they pass that huge bush to their right. These two pieces of footage were obviously one sequence that was split and other shots were inserted in between them. (00:12:30)
27th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: During the Warg attack, as the first Warg falls on top of Gimli, in the wide shot we see the area they fall, past the Warg. Later, when the second Warg climbs on top of the corpses and Gimli, in the wide shot, as Aragorn throws the spear we see the area past the second Warg again. The landscape, including patches of grass and rocks, is different in the two shots. This has nothing to do with the angle of the shots. (00:11:30)
22nd Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Revealing mistake: At Helm's Deep, Theoden says, "I want every man and strong lad..." behind them is Gimli, who has a conspicuously reddish face, and his beard is split down the middle into two braids. Éowyn confronts Aragorn, she apologizes and hurries off, walking between Legolas and Gimli, who looks the same as in the earlier shot. It's obviously Brett (scale double) in both shots, the beard with its two thin braids are completely different when next we see Gimli, in a close-up at the armory. This time the beard is full, with hair between the two very thick braids, and his face is a normal color. (00:51:50 - 00:52:55)
22nd Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: At Helm's Deep, in this opening wide shot, soldiers call out, "Come on, keep moving. Quickly now," as the people walk towards the Glittering Caves. We see the soldiers standing up against the wall, as the people go past. Next, in a side close-up, Aragorn talks with Legolas as they walk past the soldiers, and other people. In the next shot from the front, as the conversation continues, they're still walking past the guards and people. In the second and third shots the people around them differ and in all three shots the guards differ too. (00:50:45)
22nd Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: In the armory at Helm's Deep, Aragorn says in the close-up, "Then I shall die as one of them." As he turns and leaves, in the wide shot, most of the people that were near him in the close-up are not in this wide shot. (00:53:30)
22nd Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Deliberate mistake: Just after they've clashed with the Warg, while riding on Arod, Legolas lets loose his first arrow and hits a Warg in his face and it flips over. In this first shot, the background behind this Warg is the same background as in the very next shot. This first background shot is really the successive shot of this second background shot. The shot just after Gimli falls off his horse, is the third successive shot, only it's been flipped. The same men on horses are riding across the field in the background, as this was one piece of footage that was cut into three parts. Warg and riders were added to the image, to make them appear different and one was flipped. (00:11:05)
22nd Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Revealing mistake: The braids over Legolas' ears on his scalp, change drastically in position, shape, amount of hair that's braided and how it is braided, as does the amount of his side hair that is swept up into the back braid, in consecutive shots! The hair differs considerably in the following shots. In the armory, when Legolas and Aragorn argue and when Legolas apologizes to Aragorn, for despairing. When Legolas watches Aragorn hugging Haldir. When Legolas stands with Aragorn and Gimli on the Deeping Wall, awaiting the Uruk-hai. As Legolas lets loose the arrows towards the Berserker Uruk-hai. In these two shots too. First, standing outside of Fangorn with Aragorn and Gimli (flipped shot). Then, in Fangorn, saying, "This forest is old..."(flipped shot). (00:58:15 - 01:00:35)
22nd Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: During the Warg battle, just after Gimli falls off Arod, the Warg across the field lifts his face and spots Gimli. In the two close-up shots, directly behind the Warg, on his right, there are two arrows sticking up out of a dead body. However, in the wide shot that follows, there is no body with two arrows protruding, anywhere behind him. It is not the bodies to his side. (00:11:15)
15th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Revealing mistake: During the Warg battle, as Aragorn slices off the head of a Warg rider, in the background on the hill there are two Rohan riders on horseback, one on a brown horse, one on a white horse, riding down the hill chasing after Orcs on foot. There are many shots after, including Aragorn throwing the spear into the Warg saving Gimli, and Theoden stabbing the Warg in his mouth. The next shots of Aragorn are when he stabs a Warg rider. The background plate is the same hill and the same two Rohan riders on horseback are still riding down the hill chasing after the Orcs on foot. Obviously these two pieces of footage were shot consecutively and were cut and separated, and other various shots were inserted in between them. (00:11:35 - 00:12:20)
15th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Deliberate mistake: During the Warg battle, the fourth shot after the close-up of Legolas letting loose the arrow while riding on Arod, a Warg and rider attack a Rohan. In the background is a particular hillside with some dead bodies, and on the left of the screen lies a dead horse with an arrow in its rear. The very next shot, a horse and rider fall and a Warg attacks the rider. The background hillside in this shot, dead horse and all, is the same background plate as the previous one, only it's been flipped. (00:11:05)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: At the Dead Marshes after Gollum rescues Frodo, in the next opening shot while Sam sleeps we see the pot and pans lying on the ground near Sam's head. When he hears the Nazgul he wakes up and some of those things lying near his head earlier are not there in this shot. This has nothing to do with camera angle. (00:47:15)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: At night at the Dead Marshes when Frodo is lying down he is holding the Ring in his hand and he's stroking the Ring with his middle finger. In the very next close-up he's stroking the Ring with his index finger then in the next wide shot he's stroking the Ring with his middle finger again. (00:47:25)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli fight the White Wizard who is standing on a rock. He overpowers them and when he says, "You are tracking the footsteps..." the backs of the three are shown. In this shot Aragorn stands to the right, closest to the rock with Gimli in the back to Aragorn's left and Legolas to the left of Gimli. In the very next front shot Aragorn is in the middle now, with Gimli standing near the rock. Legolas is standing in the same place. This has NOTHING to do with camera angle. (00:52:45)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: Standing in Fangorn Forest, Legolas says, "The trees are speaking to each other," and then Aragorn says, "Gimli. Lower your axe." In the wide shot as Aragorn says, "Gimli," the trees behind and to the left of Gimli are different in this first shot then in the very next shot when he continues, "Lower your axe." The trees in the second shot are also seen when Gimli first draws his axe. (00:51:20)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: While running in Fangorn Forest, Aragorn stops kneels down and then says, "These are strange tracks." In the wide shot preceding just as he kneels down, and in the close-up when he says those words, his position and the position of the rocks and trees surrounding him are very different in both shots. This has nothing to do with camera angle. (00:50:55)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: Merry and Pippin run into Fangorn Forest and drop down on the ground. First there is a wide shot of Pippin falling, then there's a close-up of them, and last there's an extreme wide shot of the area. The area that Merry and Pippin are lying in is different in all three shots. (00:38:15)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: While Sam is cooking the rabbit stew, Frodo goes to his pack lying beside the broken stone statue to take out the plates. In Frodo's close-ups the trees and bushes near the statue are positioned differently and some are even different than the trees and bushes in the wide shots. (01:41:55)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: Gollum brings two rabbits and drops them onto Frodo's lap. When Gollum takes one from Frodo's lap, in the close-up the head of the remaining rabbit is lying on Frodo's right leg. In the wide shot when Sam takes the rabbit from Gollum and pushes him away, the second rabbit is lying on Frodo's lap differently than the close-up. Also in the close-ups of Gollum we see the structure behind Gollum that has Sam's gear lying beside it. In the wide shots some of the gear is arranged differently. (01:41:05)
14th Jan 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Continuity mistake: Frodo, Sam and Gollum are resting at the Dead Marshes. When the camera is in front of Frodo the sunlight is on Frodo's left side and on Sam's face. However, when the camera angle is behind Frodo's right shoulder the sunlight is on Frodo's right side. The right shoulder shot is shown six times and it goes back and forth between both shots. (00:44:00)
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