Tobin OReilly

12th May 2004

Starship Troopers (1997)

Corrected entry: The large spaceships in this movie have warp capability but have no shields? This is entirely half witted as they would fly hundreds maybe thousands of light years to go fight yet not have any defense against even the most basic of weapons, like the artillery of the tanker bugs. I would think shields would be a number one priority up there with warp capability, as at those speeds the tiniest object would be a) unavoidable, and b) would seriously damage the ship. Secondly, why no weapons to fire on ground targets? The ships did have guns but nothing to take out something like a tanker bug. One would think that with ships that big you would want to take every opportunity to put any and every battle in your favor.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: It's established that the Federation is the only human power of any consequence. Therefore, any military action would likely be against rebels with little but small arms, which the infantry could deal with. They had no real need to create battleships, since simple transports would suffice. They had no idea that the Arachnids could defend themselves from space (or the ground, for that matter) so well.

19th Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Show generally

Corrected entry: No matter what happens to the Simpsons' car(s) in an episode, whether they are damaged, crushed, shot with a gun or misused in someway they are always back the way they were originally in the following show.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: The Simpsons doesn't flow from one episode to another. The treehouse has been broken. The house has been lit on fire. A lot of the characters die in the Halloween episodes, but they always come back.

7th May 2004

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Correction: It's Lloyd's dream sequence, normal laws of physics don't have to apply. Remember also, Lloyd is quite stupid. He might think that bending an arm that way would break it.

6th Jul 2004

Reno 911! (2003)

Correction: As noted in another post, the concept of the show is that it is a "Cops"-like documentary show, i.e. camera crews are supposed to be following them around filming the action, therefore they are not particularly trying to hide the crew and in fact they do appear intentionally in some episodes.


17th Aug 2004

Predator (1987)

Corrected entry: When Dutch is battling the Predator one on one and he is in the tree, after he shoots the explosive tipped arrow the Predator starts shooting off plasma bursts very rapidly. After a minute or so of these bursts causing sparks to shower down on him, Dutch is either ejected or falls from the tree and when he lands on the ground if you watch closely you can see the ground bounce where he lands.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: He doesn't really hit the ground, he lands on some very thick bushes that are covered in leaves. Naturally the bushes will give a little, but they are so dense that they can support his weight.


1st Sep 2004

Seinfeld (1990)

The Dinner Party - S5-E13

Corrected entry: When George and Kramer go to the newsstand to get change for the $100 bill, the newsstand has multiple copies of Entertainment Weekly on the news racks. This wouldn't be a mistake if it had the same person(s) on the cover but each copy has a different person(s) on the cover. The show probably just grabbed whatever magazines they could find to take up space on the news rack.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Not necessarily, sometimes magazines like that have multiple covers (sort of collectible covers); TV Guide often does that with multiple stars of a featured program.


14th Apr 2004

BASEketball (1998)

Corrected entry: When Reemer and Coop are in the backyard in the beginning of the movie shooting hoops, every time they take a shot and make it the ball either stays near the house wall or either rolls to the side of the court. However in the next shot for either of them, they are shooting the ball without one of them going over and picking the ball up again. Conversation, etc. stays continuous.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: This was actually a deliberate mistake. Coop mentioned "as long as we don't have to run or jump or dribble or anything", and they aren't doing any of that.

4th Aug 2004

Seinfeld (1990)

Correction: This isn't so unusual; a race like that would attract at least the local news, who would want to film the winner.


Corrected entry: When the Predator makes the mark on Lex's face (that kind of looks like a "T") the acid used to make it, which chews through metal and armor, barely even makes a dent on her cheek.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: The trophy that the Predator uses has been sitting in his gear for a while and most of the acid blood has leaked out. The tiny residues that remain are barely enough to mark the soft flesh.


5th Apr 2004

Family Guy (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: During the opening theme you can see in the background when Lois and Peter are singing on the piano that there is a stereo and three pictures of Stewie, Meg and Chris in the background. However, during episodes the piano is in one room and the stereo and pictures are in the room where they watch TV by the staircase.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Whilst living in my house I've moved different things from one room to another. My computer was in my back room & is now in the front room.

6th Jul 2004

Moonraker (1979)

Corrected entry: In space the space shuttles make a jet sound even though there is no sound in space. Even the ones leaving from the space station make this noise and although there might be some rumbling to be heard inside the space station, there wouldn't be anything else since there is no atmosphere for sound to travel through.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Yes, technically a mistake but the sounds are added for our benefit so we know what's going on. It would be pretty boring if all space scenes in all movies were required to be in silence just to be factually accurate.


6th Jul 2004

Reno 911! (2003)

Correction: The concept of the show is that it is a "Cops"-like documentary show, i.e. camera crews are supposed to be following them around filming the action, therefore they are not particularly trying to hide the crew and in fact they do appear intentionally in some episodes.

20th May 2004

Troy (2004)

Corrected entry: This movie is spoken in English however, when the Greeks invade the beach at Troy and the camera pans over the ships you can hear another language spoken that sounds like Ancient Greek. This seems illogical considering none of the primary and even secondary actors even attempted a Greek accent and this movie was not one that proclaimed the need for subtitles.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: This is just the submitter disagreeing with what was probably an intentional decision by the film makers (or garbled dialogue).

J I Cohen

Corrected entry: How would Barbarossa have such nice looking apples? He is on a dirty old pirate ship in an Atlantic setting with no orchards within 100's of miles and yet he has such flawless, ripe fruit. Apples are not a tropical fruit in nature. This means that they have to be shipped from other places by ship, if at all. The voyage would take weeks, maybe months for them to arrive. The stories about sailors having scurvy due to the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables is because fruit like apples only stay good for about a week and then start to go bad. They would never last the entirety of the voyage.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: The pirates just pillaged Port Royal, including the well stocked home of the Governor. It makes sense to think that they stole all the delicious food that they now have aboard the Pearl, including the apples, from Port Royal.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Numerology comes into fruition in this movie a lot. The number three comes a number of times. There are of course the three heroes, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli and the ring party consisting of Sam, Frodo and Gollum. When Sam and Frodo are rescued there are the three eagles which come to rescue them. At the end of the film it is stated that the time of the elves is over and thus their three rings are cast aside for the time of man. Also Sam's house is the number three.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Sorry, but this is crossing the line into "coincidence". All of these "items" are directly from the books, and Tolkien was every bit the dry, professorial type who would have had no truck with numerology.

Phil C.

23rd Dec 2003

Cheers (1982)

I Do and Adieu - S5-E26

Corrected entry: When Sam is fantasizing about what life would be like with Diane when they are old and living in the house, when Diane serves the tea to Sam and the regulars who stop by, there is no steam rising from the cups to prove that the tea is hot.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: You don't always see this in real life, and it might be hard to capture on camera, anyway.

J I Cohen

17th Nov 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: He could have easily gone back to get the car. There was a significant amount of time between the two scenes.

Corrected entry: When the Oracle is talking to Neo at some point we see a piece of cigarette ash land on her lip. We neither see her lick her lips, brush it away with her hand or see it fall from her mouth and in the next close up of her face it is gone.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: After we see the ash on her lip she takes another drag, the shot chages to Neo, then back to the Oracle taking the cigarette out of her mouth and exhaling the smoke. It would take less than a second for her to lick her lip. Also by her putting the cigarette back in her mouth, the cig. could have easily wiped off the ash.

2nd Nov 2003

The Transporter (2002)

Corrected entry: Frank seems to have very clean hands after changing the tire of his BMW. When I've changed a tire before my hands are covered in tire grease and dirt yet his hands show no filth at all.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: From someone who changes tires regularly, it can be done, and it is much easier on a car as spotless as this one.

Sol Parker

24th Oct 2003

Outbreak (1995)

Corrected entry: Why do they make such a dramatic deal about the virus being airborne especially with Hoffman looking at the camera and saying it's airborne? We know it's airborne by the fact that people caught it in the movie theatre. You would think people from the CDC who would have handled cases like this would know that if it isn't transmitted through fluid or blood than it has to be in the air.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Actually, if you recall the movie theater scene, the lab worker who spread the disease coughs, and you can see the spray of saliva (animated and followed for effect) touch several other moviegoers, and even land in one woman's mouth as she turns and laughs. Also, as he stumbles to the snack counter, it's obvious how many people he touches as he fights through the crowd. That means it could still be spread by bodily fluid at that point. Also, Dustin Hoffman wasn't IN the movie theater so had no idea how many people that man could have directly touched, and how many THEY'D touched, etc.

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