Plot hole: After the kidnappers kill the trooper and then one chases after the 2 eyewitnesses you can see that they are on a straight road (no turns and he catches up to them fairly quickly) but the next morning when Marge arrives on the scene of the 2 bodies she arrives from the direction of the trooper's body (the first shooting). After examining the bodies of the eyewitnesses she asks her deputy "where the trooper is" and the Deputy points in the direction she just came from and states "down the road a bit" how did she miss it? She would have had to have driven right past the trooper's crime scene to get to the 2 bodies.
19th May 2017
Fargo (1996)
12th May 2017
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Corrected entry: During the final chase scene, Max is shot with an arrow which enters through the palm of his hand and comes out the backside a little bit. A short while later during the scene, he slaps the palm of his hand against the car door to push the arrow out. In reality, he would have needed to slap the back of his hand to dislodge the arrow.
Correction: An arrowhead has a barb or flange which would catch and tear more tissue out if removing it the way it entered. It is easier, and generally better to pull the arrow through rather than push it back it out.
What I was pointing out was that the arrow entered through the palm side of his left hand so the barb was protruding just outside the back of his hand (against his forehead). When Max climbs in the car, he slams his left-hand palm against the door which shows the short side of the arrow protruding on the palm side and the shaft of the arrow coming out of the back of the hand...which is opposite of the way he was shot originally.
25th Apr 2017
Fast & Furious 8 (2017)
Corrected entry: When the heroes are trying to shut down the submarine's missile launch, the keyboard in the control center is in English characters.
Correction: There are a lot of English speaking Russians. A lot.
24th Apr 2017
Fast & Furious 8 (2017)
Corrected entry: At the end of the film where the gang are trying to outrun the submarine, it should be noted that submarines cannot travel much faster than about 40mph when submerged, let alone above water/icebreaking. Yet it is shown at least keeping pace with the Fast and Furious heroes.
6th Apr 2017
Get Smart (1965)
Corrected entry: On the wall of Dr Yes' lab, the words "Depth gauge" are misspelled "Depth gage."
Correction: Gage is an acceptable alternative spelling for gauge.
9th Sep 2016
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Corrected entry: When the group is running from the poison fog, they run out of that section into a different one as Katniss sees the fog roll up at the line/invisible barrier. However, when they are running from the Jabber jays, they run into the barrier and are trapped in that section.
16th Jul 2016
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
Corrected entry: In the second scene of the movie, at Dodger stadium, the Eclipse is seen with clear 'NOS' Stickers. While the next scene is in sequence, as Brian is talking about the trip to dodger stadium, and then after that, only at the end of the scene does he request to put Nitrous in his car.
Correction: Anyone can put stickers of any type they want on their car. I've seen dozens of cars with "turbo" emblems or stickers when in fact they don't have one.
14th Jun 2016
Super 8 (2011)
Corrected entry: In the town meeting, the store owner talks about having so many microwave ovens stolen. Although microwave ovens were commercially available in 1979, they were not common at all. Even by the mid 1980s, only about 25 percent of American households had microwaves. So it's very unlikely that a small town hardware store would carry these - there just wouldn't be a market for it in 1979.
Correction: How does a retailer develop a market? Often he or she will need to create the demand for a product. In other words, you can't sell a product you don't have in stock. In 1976, microwaves were selling for as little as $196, while dishwashers were over $280, and a 25" color TV was around $600. VHS cassette machines were going for around $700 in 1979. Lillian, OH is a fictitious town, but was filmed in a WV town. That town had a population of 25000 in 1979, making it a small city, not a small town, and microwaves wouldn't be uncommon for sale in a city that size.
6th Jun 2016
Game of Thrones (2011)
Oathbreaker - S6-E3
Corrected entry: When the Young Stark and his friends arrive at the Tower of Joy, Arthur Dayne stabs the ground with his famous sword Dawn. A minute later, he draws the same sword from its sheath. (00:12:50 - 00:13:45)
Correction: Dayne has Two Swords. Sword of the Morning is in his scabbard. Another sword is the one he plants in the ground. When the battle starts, he pulls Sword of the Morning from his scabbard, and pulls the standard sword from the ground and dual wields them with both hands.
22nd Mar 2016
Vacation (2015)
Corrected entry: When the family is leaving their house, their route to go south makes no sense. They show that their house is southeast of downtown Chicago, so to go south toward Missouri, the logical way to go is to go south on Lake Shore Drive and eventually hit the interstates (I-90 and I-55). In this scene, they show them going north through downtown Chicago and even going further north passing Wrigley Field which is 4 miles north of downtown. So they just traveled about 7 miles north through Chicago for no reason at all. (00:18:30)
Correction: Who says for no reason? I've been through Chicago hundreds of times, and sometimes have had to detour out of my way for traffic, road construction, accidents and more. When going on a cross country trip, a seven mile detour is nothing.
10th Mar 2016
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Corrected entry: When Max first drives off in the war rig, the water hose gets broken off but the water doesn't leak out of the tanker like it should. The on/off lever is at the end of the hose and not at the tanker.
Correction: Fuel or water tankers generally have a one-way valve so that if the hose, as in this case, gets broken off or suddenly loses pressure, the valve closes to prevent further leaking. It's mounted inside, or close to, the pump mechanism on the tanker.
5th Jan 2016
Bridge of Spies (2015)
Corrected entry: Aside from the fact that the Volvo P1800 coupe driven by the Vogel is a later mid-60s model, it also seems highly implausible than a lawyer from communist East Germany could be driving an imported sports car from the West.
Correction: Sweden was neutral during the Cold War, and had diplomatic ties to USSR during the 60's. Besides which, USSR/Russia has a long history of bringing in stolen cars from the West, often stolen from countries like West Germany, transporting them through satellite countries like East Germany, Hungary and so on, and selling the cars to well connected elites within the USSR.
16th Nov 2015
Fargo (1996)
Corrected entry: It is referred to in the movie that the "bad guys" are staying in a motel in Brainerd "off I-35." Interstate 35 does not come near Brainerd. The closest it comes in Hinckley, MN.
Correction: Buscemi says he knows a place near Brainerd where he and Stormare can get laid. They don't stay there. They stay "out there by the lake" where the bartender serves them, and the bartender says he assumes he meant Moose Lake, which is just off I-35.
1st Oct 2015
Black Dog (1998)
Corrected entry: Biker disconnected the red (emergency) line which governs the trailer spring brakes. As soon as that glad hand came off the trailer the trailer brakes should have applied, fully bringing that rig to a stop.
Correction: You are correct about the spring brakes engaging if the supply line gladhand is removed, but there are a couple of things that might make this possible. If the trailer was manufactured before 1976, the spring brakes do not operate the same way as newer systems. If the trailer is before the CVSS requirements, it is possible for the brakes to not apply, because they were not spring loaded. Also, the trailer brakes could have been caged, which would leave the trailer with no brakes at all. The trailer protection valve would still allow the tractor to move once it closed when the air pressure dropped far enough.
14th Aug 2015
The Big Lebowski (1998)
Corrected entry: Maude doesn't leave her phone number on the Dude's answering machine when she tells him she took the rug.
Correction: Caller ID has been available since the late 80s. If Dude didn't have that, there was always directory assistance.
10th Aug 2015
Furious 7 (2015)
Corrected entry: When Dom goes to the hospital to see Hobbs, Elena lists Hobbs injuries saying he "shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places." When the camera pans to Hobbs, he is lying in bed with no bandages or a harness anywhere near his clavicle. His shoulders look just fine. The cast is on his forearm instead. (00:18:05 - 00:19:00)
Correction: I broke a collarbone in a motorcycle accident. I didn't get a harness or bandages, either. You can't put a cast on clavicles.
23rd Aug 2015
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Corrected entry: The T-1000 cruises on his motorcycle inside the ruined Cyberdyne building, and holds a weapon in his right hand. On motorcycles, the gas throttle is located on the right handle, rendering the driver incapable holding anything in his/her right hand while driving. (01:56:45)
Correction: Some motorcycles have cruise control, and even if not equipped, throttle locks for the throttle (a rudimentary manual cruise control) have been available since the early 1980s.
Correction: The T-1000 is only shown with the gun drawn while the motorcycle is already in motion. He is simply cruising at this point. He gave the bike some gas, drew his weapon, and is slowly moving through the building in neutral. Once he spots the truck, he comes to a stop, puts the gun away, and takes off.
7th Jul 2015
Bad Words (2013)
Corrected entry: The main character misspells the word Rugose during the spelling bee, yet is not eliminated.
Correction: The rules require that when they are down to two contestants, the second contestant must spell a word correctly in order to win. Since the next word was also spelled incorrectly, they keep alternating until one or the other is eliminated by the other speller spelling correctly after an incorrectly spelled word.
2nd Jul 2015
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Corrected entry: When Clara realizes her mistake, that Doc may have told her the truth, and races to catch the train on horseback, a "Kentucky Thoroughbred" at the speed of 45mph could not catch the train at the speeds the colored logs were burning off.
Correction: The colored logs didn't begin firing off until Clara reached the train. In fact, the first one fired off just as she grabbed onto the rear handrail, causing her to be jerked horizontally.
13th May 2015
Mad Max 2 (1981)
Corrected entry: When Max is done with the dog food can, he tosses it away and when it hits off camera, it sounds empty. But there's obviously enough food for the dog and the Gyro captain to eat.
Correction: No, the can was mostly empty. The fact that the dog and Gyro Captain were scraping the sides to get anything out of the can indicates the can was pretty much empty, and the can sounding empty is consistent.
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Suggested correction: The trooper wasn't visible from the road, he was dragged into the ditch. She also could have been asking if he was in the hospital or morgue.