Question: If Cipher only showed Elena and the baby in the middle of the film, what did Cipher show him on the phone when they just met in Cuba? Also, how was Dom able to find the Shaw brothers' mother and set up a meeting with her?
3rd May 2017
Fast & Furious 8 (2017)
15th Nov 2014
The Karate Kid (1984)
5th Oct 2013
Gladiator (2000)
Question: I don't know whether this is a mistake or if there was a certain reason for it but, at the end of the movie when Maximus tells Quintus to free his men, Quintus turns to the line of guards standing behind him and says, "Free the prisoners, go!" Two of the guards standing next to each other immediately go to free the prisoners, and the rest of the guards don't budge. How did those two guards know that the orders were given directly to them?
Chosen answer: Because they would be the ranking soldiers, and accustomed to being given orders. Being disciplined, they would obey Quintus without question. The legions would necessarily have soldiers assigned to following orders at different times, similar to how a captain would give an order to a full room, and the first mate would be the one to carry out the order.
3rd Oct 2013
Now You See Me (2013)
Question: In the chase scene that shows Dylan and Alma chasing the four Horsemen through New Orleans, Dylan runs onto a street where there is a huge crowd and loads of people throwing beads off their balconies. Why they are doing this? (01:05:30)
Chosen answer: In New Orleans, during Mardi Gras, there are parades, and huge crowds partying. People on balconies throw beads to women if they "flash" them.
23rd Sep 2013
Schindler's List (1993)
Question: Schindler first meets Geoth during a breakfast meeting, afterwards they discuss Schindler's request for his own workers. Helen is serving brandy and picking up glasses. Goeth calls Helen 'Lena'. Is this an error or more Goeth's way of mistreating her, ie.: 'I can call you what ever I want'?
Answer: Lena is a nickname for Helena, or Elena, or simply Helen. It's not necessarily derogatory, but does imply Goeth doesn't care if she prefers Helen or Lena.
4th Aug 2013
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Question: Why does it say "A Band Apart" in the credits at the start of almost every Quentin Tarantino movie? and why is there a picture of 4 guys wearing black suits, like the characters in Reservoir Dogs?
Chosen answer: A Band Apart is Tarantino's production company. It uses the Reservoir Dogs characters as a logo because it was Tarantino's debut movie.
Answer: A Band Apart could also be a reference or tribute to Jean-Luc Godard's film Bande à part.
21st Jul 2013
A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
21st Jul 2013
Parker (2013)
Question: Parker finds his enemy's new place in Palm Beach and infiltrates it to place his guns. In their garage, he quickly screws a crate back together and hides as they return. They get out and go in, but their car is still on. All got out, but the car has the lights on, and even looks like the reverse lights are on. Why did they leave it on or is this a mistake?
Chosen answer: Some vehicles are designed to have lights on while running, and after they are shut off, the lights (including reverse lights) stay on for a short period of time, usually something like 30 seconds to a minute.
28th May 2013
General questions
I don't have much to go on. I watched this maybe in early 1990's late 1980's. The only scene I remember, on a nice sunny day, in a big farmhouse in the midwest, a teen girl decides not to go to picnic or event with her family so she is home alone. A car pulls up to the house, a young man goes up to the door and tries to lure the girl to go with him in his car. I don't remember if they know each other already. She is on the staircase talking to him through the screen door it seems like for a long time. She seems scared to go, but she finally decides to go with him, and they take a ride to a corn field and I believe have sex.
Answer: It might be Smooth Talk (1985) with Laura Dern. Based on the short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates.
20th Feb 2013
Sucker Punch (2011)
Question: Why do we never see babydoll dance?
Chosen answer: Because what happens inside her mind when she is dancing is more important than the dance itself. Besides which, the whole movie takes place within her mind before the lobotomy, and most times when you dream, you don't see yourself as others see you.
20th Feb 2013
Death Race: Inferno (2012)
Question: A voice-over says "Log-on and get inside access on your favourite drivers. For an additional cost, you can tap into the closed circuit camera INSIDE the driver's car", but Carl/Frankenstein has his mask OFF while he's driving & isn't the audience meant to be kept in the dark about who Frankenstein actually is? He's meant to be the most popular character/racer, so everyone would then know his true identity.
Chosen answer: The camera being inside the car could be pointed out the windshield so you can see what the driver sees. It doesn't have to be pointed at the drivers.
23rd Sep 2011
The Jackal (1997)
Question: When The Jackal said to Koslova that she has been hit in the liver he said that her blood was almost black. Why is her blood black coloured?
Answer: Because the blood was coming from her liver, meaning it was punctured by the bullet, allowing bile and other fluids to mix with the blood.
1st Sep 2011
Judge Dredd (1995)
Question: The girl on the far left in Dredd's class looks incredibly familiar to me. Is that Milla Jovovich?
Chosen answer: No, she wasn't in the movie.
8th Aug 2011
Good Will Hunting (1997)
3rd Aug 2011
The Game (1997)
Question: Why couldn't Nicholas get his briefcase open when he was at Ansen Bear Publishing? I understand that CRS is capable of doing pretty much anything to him including his house, phone,and car, but it seems like it would be quite difficult to change the lock on the briefcase that he is almost always carrying with him.
Chosen answer: They wouldn't have to change the lock, all they'd need to do is switch the briefcase for an identical looking one.
Answer: All they have to do is replace the key, haha. No need to replace a briefcase.
24th Jan 2011
The Beach (2000)
Question: Where did the filming for this movie take place? I assume there are many different areas, but the place I'm most interested in is the lagoon, where we see the brothers fishing, and where Richard has his encounter with the shark. Also, is this a populated area? It looks like it could be a good tourist attraction.
Chosen answer: It's Ko Phi Phi Leh island off the coast of Thailand. It's a protected area, off the beaten path, and tourism is discouraged. There are resorts on nearby islands.
15th Jan 2011
Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
25th Dec 2010
The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
Question: Daniel gets his driver's license on his birthday the night before the tournament in part I. In part II, six months later, he went to his senior prom. Did he really start his senior year when he was 15?
Answer: If he skipped a grade in elementary school, sure. I graduated at 17, beginning my senior year at 16, and never skipped a grade.
Answer: Daniel is 17. There are lots of reasons he might have delayed getting his license. The biggest part (though not stated) is that he recently moved from NJ at the start of the movie. He might not have been able to learn to drive and take his test in NJ prior to moving. There should be no presumption that he spent time in an overseas school.
Answer: What I think is more likely is that Ali was a year older, and he escorted her to her senior prom.
Answer: I suspect that for a year or more, Daniel maybe lived in India, South Korea, Japan, or any other country with a higher education system, than America's education system... So Daniel, despite being younger, may be a few grade levels ahead of other students his age.
Answer: Well also when you're a senior you're usually 18 and that's when you get your driver's license or even earlier, at age 16.
12th Dec 2010
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Question: There are two things I don't understand about the mask party. One, why go through all the ceremonial, quasi-religious rituals with mask and cape, priest, smoke, organ, etc? Why not just show up and have an orgy? Second, how did the masked woman know that Tom Cruise didn't belong there if he was masked himself?
Answer: The quasi-religious rituals are all part of the allure and mystique of the party. There are plenty of places people in power can go to just have an orgy, the ceremony implies a respectability to the whole affair. If the masked woman attends the parties regularly, she'd recognize a different body, even though the face is covered.
Answer: I believe they knew who he was before he entered the party and it was a hoax to scare him off as the wealthy dude said, and so they told the girl to tell him to get away. She was a girl who did experience with drugs as we seen in the beginning of the movie at the party.
5th Oct 2010
Flyboys (2006)
Question: Is it possible to shoot the pilot of an enemy bi-plane in mid-air with a handgun? I would have thought the high wind velocity would have blown the bullet sideways, but I'm hardly an expert.
Chosen answer: Biplanes were not very fast in flight. For instance a Sopwith Camel at about 5000 ft altitude had a cruise speed of approximately 100 mph. A Fokker had a cruise speed of about 95 mph. A typical WWI handgun could shoot 830 feet per second. With the distances between the planes as shown in the movie, a bullet could travel between the planes in less than half a second. The pilot would have to lead the target some, but he conceivably could hit the other pilot if close enough.
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Answer: She showed him Elena's picture to get him to cooperate. He knew Cipher had Elena, but not where, and he didn't know about the baby.