
18th Aug 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Corrected entry: Ancient Egyptians did not have literal "books" like this movie's so-called Book of the Dead. In fact, the Book of the Dead was written on papyrus sheets/scrolls.


Correction: This is more like trivia than a mistake. After all some leniency has to be applied for movie fantasy sake. We have learned a lot about Ancient Egypt but there is tons that we do not know at all with literally hundreds of years lost completely. We can only speculate and guess that they did not use books or "only" used papyrus but the long years of lost Egyptian history leaves a lot to the imagination of the movie makers, thus the Book of the Dead and Living made the way they were to look in the movie. After all, there are no living mummies floating around Egypt either now are there?


7th Jan 2004

Rat Race (2001)

Corrected entry: Jon Lovitz and his family were going to the Barbie museum (mostly to pacify the daughter, as it was pretty out-of-the-way), and had to take a detour. The two brothers Blaine and Duane happened to pass the Lovitz family van outside the Barbie museum and hence sabotaged it, but wait - why were the brothers going down that direction anyway? Even if they were heading on the same route to get to Silver City, why would they also take the same detour?


Correction: The Barbie museum was not out of the way, the restaurant with the bathroom was, Lovitz didn't want to stop at the restaurant to let his daughter use the restroom because it was three miles off the main road.

Sol Parker

6th Aug 2004

Dark City (1998)

Corrected entry: The City is perpetually set at night, because the Strangers are allergic to sunlight. Every time the clock strikes midnight in the film is when the Strangers "Tune" the City and change things, etc. After each Tuning, the clock (which is stopped at midnight) continues moving past twelve. There are two problems with this: one, there is no daytime in the six or so hours after midnight, which is to be expected for an average city, like this City is supposed to be (as opposed to some place like Alaska). The other problem is that very little - TOO little - time elapses between Tuning sessions, and surely somebody who didn't have their memory changed between Tunings would find it strange that it was suddenly midnight again (and I mean somebody other than John Murdock). This is a very big flaw in one of the most pivotal aspects of the plot.


Correction: The strangers, who appear to have some reasonably powerful psychic abilities, have fixed things so that the people in the city don't notice the inconsistencies in their environment - no daylight, never leaving the city (and not even knowing how to) and so forth. Given their total control over the city, it's not unreasonable to assume that they could manage this. The only time anyone notices is when Murdock, who's outside the Strangers' control, points it out to them - the rest of the time, they either fail to notice at all, or they rationalise it away. Some sort of mental block is presumably involved - probably psychically reinforced during every tuning session while they're sleeping.


Corrected entry: Why did Mark (Colin Firth) just storm out from Bridget's apartment after flipping through her diary? I know it was to buy her a new diary so she could start all over again, but he could have at least told her where he was going...or at the *very* least, answered her when she was shouting out her window to him.


Correction: I've always interpreted this as he's sticking it to her a little - kind of like slapping her wrist for writing bad things about him. But since everything she wrote was basically true and he still likes her, he's not really mad. He's just trying to scare her a little.


24th Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When Dr. Octavius first attaches the mechanical arms to his body, he turns to the audience in his lab and lets the harness click around his waist, then the long spinal-control thing attach to his back. Needles which interface with his nervous system sink into his flesh, which is gross for the audience to watch, because they all flinch and/or groan in disgust. However, as he was facing them, and thus they couldn't SEE those needles, what were they disturbed about? Also, there's no way the tentacles' cameras could have shown it on the TV screens nearby - they were not activated yet.


Correction: Two possible answers. One, the noise is sufficiently gross that their imagination does the rest. Two, that Octavius's implement has been somewhat explained to them beforehand, so that when they hear the apparatus and see Ocatavius wincing, they know exactly what is going on.


5th Jul 2004

Rocketeer (1991)

Corrected entry: With Neville Sinclair being so good at everything he does (acting, language, appearing to be who he is in general), why can't he dance? Just look at him with Jenny at the fancy restaurant: about as flexible as a bowling ball.


Correction: Oh, I know quite a few otherwise perfect men who can't dance. You just can't help being born with two left feet!


Corrected entry: How come these supposedly "Russian" characters have British accents? Obviously it's because the actors are British, and for the sake of simplicity and American audiences, the majority of dialogue was written and performed in English. Even Bob Hoskins, a British actor, performs perfectly with a Russian accent; so why couldn't the others do this?


Correction: There have been umpteen incidents of 'wrong' accents in films (often involving Sean Connery), to the point where it cannot really be considered a film error - in many ways, it's better if an actor simply uses their natural accent rather than doing a really appalling version of the 'real' accent. Hoskins was obviously capable of pulling off a Russian accent - maybe the others weren't.


16th May 2004

Speed (1994)

Corrected entry: When the sharp curve is coming, Keanu Reeves tells everyone to get onto the side of the bus that the bus will be turning *into*. This would only cause more weight on that side and thus cause the bus to flip.


Correction: No it wouldn't. The weight was on the correct side.

Craig Bryant

Corrected entry: Throughout the time we see Jabba, his tail appears to be relatively dry (at least the final couple of feet or so). However, when Leia is strangling Jabba with the very chain he enslaved her with, his tail thrashes about madly, glistening moistly in the light and making a thick slimy sound.


Correction: The 'thick, slimy sound' is the sound made by Jabba as he is being strangled, and the tail is not wet. Even if it was, there is more than one plausible explanation for this.


Corrected entry: As Indiana and Marion escape the Well of Souls (via pushing the large stone block at the end of the mummy tomb adjacent to the Well), there is a person distinctly propped up against the side of the stone walls, apparently napping. Even if this was supposed to be a watchman/worker falling asleep on the job, why didn't he notice the crunch and rumble and resulting loud THUD of a stone block being moved not ten feet away?


Correction: This is actually a visible remnant of a deleted scene. As originally shot, when Indy pushed the block out, it startled a worker who was standing nearby. When Indy emerged, he had to silence the worker before he alerted the rest of the camp. See Not really a mistake, as the subsequent startling is just not shown.

Phil C.

2nd Dec 2003

The Lion King (1994)

Corrected entry: "Mmm...tastes like chicken." How would Timone know what chicken tastes like? There are no chickens in Africa.


Correction: There are lots of chickens in Africa.


Corrected entry: Why was the Bride able to move her arms? It is understandable that her legs couldn't move after having been in coma for four years, but why could her arms move so easily then?


Correction: Muscle atrophy (or entropy) is not uniform, meaning it does not effect the entire body at the same rate. Bride's legs could medically have been that atrophied but her arms could have only had very slight or no atrophy.

troy fox

Corrected entry: Whatever happened to the wheel chair that the Bride had wheeled herself to Buck's truck? We see her ditch it as she jumps in, but thirteen hours later when she goes to leave, it's gone - poof.


Correction: You can hear the wheel chair roll back and hit something (it sounds like a car), in fact you can see the wheel chair start rolling back as soon as The Bride lifts her legs off the chair. The camera never pulls back far enough to reveal if it's there or not - plus - presumably - the person whose car it hit would have moved it or left it in the 13 hour time span.

Corrected entry: Look at Jabba: he is slimy, slimy slimy, but only around his mouth, nose, and upper stomach. His arms look dry. When he bats Threepio with his arm, the droid gets a notable amount of green goop on his armor. However, whenever Jabba pulls Leia to himself, he pulls her close; her body gets smooshed against his multiple times, and yet she somehow manages to stay completely dry. Unless there are major - not to mention unmentioned - time shifts in which she either cleans up or the slime dries up and crumbles off, there is no way Leia could stay clean.


Correction: The green slime isn't from Jabba. It is from a gelatin dessert 3PO falls into, according to numerous source materials about the movie.

Corrected entry: Why does Leia acquiece to Jabba's horny demands? Knowing her from the other movies, she would have been resisting him at all times. However, as it is seen in the Sail Barge, if Jabba only so much pulls her chain (and he obviously is not strong enough to toss her around with the chain), Leia runs from the window, up to his throne, and presses herself eagerly against him. Unless Jabba had been up to something with her before Luke showed up, this is a plot hole.


Correction: Obviously because she is his prisoner, she would have been killed or tortured unless she obeyed him at all times. She's probably just biding her time awaiting rescue or the best time to escape, and keeping him in a false sense of security until then.

Corrected entry: When Jabba pulls Leia from the window on the sail barge, the chain is attached to the back of the collar on her neck. However, when she runs to him and jumps onto his throne and presses her body against his, look carefully--the chain is attached to the front of the collar.


Correction: The collar could rotate around her neck, putting the chain in different positions.


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