
4th Jul 2004

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: Watch the window carefully at the final climactic battle/escape in the film, inside the army outfit's mansion. There is a quick shot (which requires using the forward button in slow motion) of the rain "falling" upwards as the shot reverses. Simple editing error.


Correction: The rules of this site are quite straightforward - if you have to use slow motion to spot a 'mistake', it is invalid.

18th Dec 2003

Freaky Friday (2003)

Correction: Harry probably could see out of the underwear when he ran to Tess. Tess was trying to get them off and they could have moved, thus Harry couldn't see the door.

21st Jan 2004

The Relic (1997)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Margo is running through the laboratory, knocking glasses and vials over to make the place flammable so she can kill the creature. She must have some strong feet, because there's all this broken glass all over the floor, and she's running around with only pantyhose between her feet and the floor.


Correction: When she knocks the jars and bottles over, they fall behind her. The floor where she is running doesn't have the broken glass on it yet. She'd only hurt her feet if she turned around and went back the way she came.

31st May 2006

Hey Arnold! (1996)

Part-Time Friends / Bio Square - S2-E19

Corrected entry: Towards the end of "Bio Square," Arnold and Helga manage to escape drowning in the titular Square (from a haywire sink leak) by jumping onto her inflatable mattress. The two ants from an experiment by Arnold manage to escape, too, by jumping off a table and onto a floating, half-eaten potato. However, at the end of the episode, when Arnold and Helga are describing their adventure before their science class, Arnold says that the ants "climbed onto the leaf." Knowing how sharp Arnold is, it's unlikely that he mistook the potato for a leaf. This is a simple script error.


Correction: Sharpness aside, Arnold is prone to making errors or mistakes. The two were about to drown and the seriousness of the situation might have mistaken him. Also at that point I don't believe there was anything to prove if he even knew the ants made it to safety so he might have believed they climbed onto a leaf. In any circumstance its at best a character mistake.


Corrected entry: When May (Charlie's mother) first shows him the Weekly World News article on Mrs. X, she says, "She marries men *under fake identities*...and then murders them." This is confirmed in the movie (we hear various names mentioned when Tony is calling around at the households). Okay, so throughout the movie, we know Nancy Travis' character as Harriet - even at the end. Is Harriet her real name, and she finally decided to use it, or is this unexplained and thus is a blooper?


Correction: This is a self-correcting entry - as the submitter says, it is possible that Harriet actually is the girl's real name.


11th May 2006


Corrected entry: In the prequel to this book, "Relic", the New York Museum of Natural History is located somewhere near the Hudson River. However, in this book, the authors relocated the building to overlook Central Park. This was done intentionally as a necessary plot device; however, it still stands as a major inconsistency between the books.


Correction: In fact, the museum is on on Central Park West at 79th Street. The back of the museum is only 3 long blocks from the Hudson River. No inconsistency.


Corrected entry: When Ethan Hunt is running up the wall of the Vatican, climbing onto the top, and then jumping over onto the other side, in front of so many windows, how could not a single person notice him?


Correction: If your window looked out on something as uninteresting as a large wall, I doubt that you'd look out of it very often. It's the middle of the day, so residences are likely to be unoccupied and in offices people are going to be working rather than staring out of the window. Ethan's up and down very quickly, too, so the chances of anyone glancing out at precisely the right moment are pretty small.


Corrected entry: Why was there an exact duplicate of Joanne lying on the table? According to "Mike," all that happened to the Stepford Wives were that little microchips were installed in their brains; there is nothing Body Snatchers-related going on.


Correction: The women are robots. Their human brains are equipped with the Stepford microchips, then the brains are transplanted into a replica robot body. How else do you think the wives are immune to being burnt or can produce money from their mouth? "Mike" was obviously keeping the body-switching a secret.


11th May 2006

Angels & Demons

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the book, the X-33 airplane travels at Mach 15, "hurtling through space at 11,000 miles per hour." There's a slight problem with this, however: 11,000 miles per hour at this altitude (60,000 feet) is actually over Mach 16, because the speed of sound decreases with altitude.


Correction: In fact there is no problem at all. Mach 1, when used as a measure of aircraft speed, is defined as 'the speed of sound in air at sea level at one atmosphere'. It does not alter with the local speed of sound, so ironically a high flying aircraft witll break 'the sound barrier' while flying at about Mach 0.92.

Correction: It was either a cablegram or a telegram and it would have been unlikely that the British Post Office would have been able to send either in Chinese Pictographs, necessitating the use of English.

22nd Aug 2003

Freaky Friday (2003)

Corrected entry: Jamie Lee Curtis (being possessed by her daughter) is playing the guitar towards the end of the movie, so Lindsay Lohan (being possessed by her mother) looks like *she* is actually playing it. However, since Lindsay Lohan's body is obviously not playing even remotely the same notes being heard by the teen audience (and furthermore, her fellow bandmates) in the movie, how come everybody seems to think she is?


Correction: Teen audiences normally don't pay attention to the way people's fingers move on the guitar, they just listen to the music. Or the ones who do pay attention don't care. The ones in the far back can't even really tell.

27th Jul 2004

Mysterious Island (1961)

Corrected entry: When the balloon is inflated inside the sunken pirate ship and it resurfaces, where did all the dead pirates go? True, some had jumped into the water as the explosion occurred, but there are none who swam to shore, nor are there any bodies. Also, I doubt that the ship was under long enough for ALL the bodies to just disappear naturally.


Correction: The fact that you doubt it doesn't mean in can't happen. They are in warm tropical waters, so a putrefying body would fill with bacterial gases and float away from the wreck, providing a free lunch for hundreds of species of predatory or scavenging fish, worms and crabs. The ship would be clear of bodies within days.

27th Jun 2004

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Corrected entry: Malcolm isn't reflected in the door handle in that famous shot of Cole's hand reaching for it. I think this was done on purpose.


Correction: In the DVD version, you can plainly see Malcolm's reflection when Cole reaches for the doorknob. You can't see his face, but that would be out of the range of the reflection. You can see his left side.

22nd Oct 2004

Timeline (2003)

Corrected entry: Where did the scientist at the beginning appear from? Why did he wind up appearing out in the middle of the desert, far from the machine? There is no logical way this could have happened, according to the film's plot. However, even the other scientists are aware that this was strange, but they never make any attempt at explaining it. This was a flaw that was left very unfixed.


Correction: While the scientists in this movie don't seem to have a logical explanation for the man appearing in the desert, they do offer an explanation. They basically say that they do not know how their machine works. They pretty much just stumbled upon it. And they find out that once a person has went back in time and came back so many times, something goes wrong. They don't really know what goes wrong. So in a way this isn't really a flaw left unexplained, because the scientists themselves don't really know anything about time travel. They explain what they do know, which isn't a whole lot.

Corrected entry: In one of the first shots of Jabba the Hutt, we can see his tail is "inflating" - and I doubt that this is supposed to be muscle movement.


Correction: Without truly knowing Huttese physiology, it may be possible that portions of a hutt's skin "breathes", just like worms.

10th Dec 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Corrected entry: Imhotep's eyes are brown. The American he attacks after his resurrection has blue eyes. So when Imhotep takes the American's eyes, why aren't his own blue now, even BEFORE he fully re-generates his body?


Correction: Imhotep doesn't use the eyes he takes as his own. Consuming the eyes allows him to regenerate his own eyes.


21st Oct 2003

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Correction: Unger and Jurnigen landed in a patch of ice that was near the bottom of the pool and beneath the reach of the ladder that leads out of the pool. They probably realized that they couldn't get out.

Also, anyone that has ever fallen through the ice can tell you, it's very difficult to move in freezing water, especially wearing clothes. Also, as the camera is not on them the entire time, we don't know that they didn't try to escape, we just know they didn't.

21st Jan 2004

The Relic (1997)

Corrected entry: When the Kothoga is running towards D'Agosta, Dr. Frock, and Margo, they go to slam the door shut, and there is the briefest shot of the dog, Pollux, that D'Agosta was leading - and that's it; no more is ever seen of the dog. There is no conclusion of if it was killed, ran away, or anything.


Correction: After Margo screams after seeing the Kothoga there is a scene that shows Pollux break free from the chain that D'Agosta is holding and run away.

20th Aug 2004

Rat Race (2001)

Corrected entry: When Nick used the slot machine at the beginning, he received TWO of the gold coins. Neville Sinclaire said later that he picked seven people for the race (and ultimately, there would be five others joining them all, including the Pear family, Vera's daughter Merrill, the other Cody brother, and Tracy), but this means there were only seven coins placed in seven slot machines. So why was there an extra coin?


Correction: He only received one gold coin, the other coin that came out was a quarter.


31st Aug 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Correction: The Magi claim that they stopped Imhotep during the process, though they do not clarify how. Presumably it was some sort of magic.


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