
12th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

12th Sep 2022

Pokemon (1998)

29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Pokemon mistake picture

Pokemon Emergency! - S1-E2

Other mistake: When Nurse Joy says, "Transporting Poké Balls," the screen changes between shots. Also, the land and water have their colours reversed with the cities appearing on water instead of land. (00:14:45)


29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

29th Aug 2022

Pokemon (1998)

30th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Mystery at the Lighthouse - S1-E13

Other mistake: When Bill says, "A meaning for all Pokémon, and a meaning all of us humans too," a Sandslash on a screen has an entirely yellow head and has black pupils with white sclerae. Sandslash actually have the lower part of their head coloured cream and have their white pupils with black sclerae. (00:14:01)


27th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

19th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

19th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

Pokemon mistake picture

Evolution! That Mystery and Wonder!! - S8-E50

Other mistake: When Dr. Gordon says that the candy was created to improve a Pokémon's health, Caterpie mistakenly has seven segments instead of six. Also, Ash, Brock, and Pikachu go from being in front of a bookshelf to not being in front of one. Additionally, Max and Ash's bags go from being absent to being present. (00:08:17)


18th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

18th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

18th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

18th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

18th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

14th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

14th Jul 2022

Pokemon (1998)

23rd Jun 2022

Pokemon (1998)

22nd Jun 2022

Pokemon (1998)

2nd Jun 2022

Pokemon (1998)

13th May 2022

Pokemon (1998)

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