
23rd Sep 2021

The Book of Henry (2017)

Trivia: While on the phone outside school making investments, Henry said, "Oh, let's just say I had the benefit of being born into a bull market." In a "bull market", the economy is good and stocks are rising at a rate of 20% or more. The opposite is called a "bear market." (00:05:05)


23rd Sep 2021

The Book of Henry (2017)

Trivia: Was it absurd for Gregg Hurwitz to write that 11-year-old Henry bought his mother a new car? Believe it or not... NO! New York does not have a statute specifying a minimum age. Presuming Henry used cash (from his investments) to pay for the car, it was legitimate. Being able to buy a car regardless of one's age does not mean everything needed to USE the car will be doable. According to NY Vehicle Code, "You must be at least 16 to register a vehicle. You can title a vehicle at any age." (01:15:35)


20th Sep 2021

The Book of Henry (2017)

Trivia: During the opening credits, there are excerpts from Henry's red notebook outlining his plan. (00:01:20)


17th Sep 2021

The Book of Henry (2017)

Trivia: Although relatively rare and quickly dwindling, there are still some (100,000?) functional payphones (coin-operated or credit card) in the US, including in New York. It is doubtful there would be one outside of Henry's elementary school, but pay phones are typically near public buildings.


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