Plot hole: Henry was having headaches and blurred vision, which he attributed to stress. He told the doctor he never considered a brain tumor. Henry started planning how to protect Christina but a sudden severe seizure was an emergency that resulted in surgery and hospitalization; Henry never returned home, but was writing in his red book at the hospital. The tape recorder with step-by-step instructions for his mother was in the safe - if he didn't know he was gravely ill, he wouldn't have prepared it.
21st Oct 2021
The Book of Henry (2017)
23rd Sep 2021
The Book of Henry (2017)
Plot hole: Glenn's brother George and/or other relatives (Grandparents?) would question the validity of the document Glenn signed for Susan to get permanent legal guardianship of Christina. Also, a Director of Social Services (George) would request an investigation into Susan's background to ascertain if she is suitable to be Christina's legal guardian. A single (inept?) mother of one (or two), with a yearly income around $31K and a history of drinking alcohol to excess would raise red flags.
23rd Sep 2021
The Book of Henry (2017)
Plot hole: Genius Henry amassed $680K plus "more" in stocks and bonds. The amount seems way too high for an 11-year-old, who undoubtedly didn't start investing as a toddler. Throw in the adage "you have to have money to make money" and the figure is unrealistic. Even IF Susan earned $15 per hour minimum wage (tips included) waitressing at a quaint Hildebrandt's soda shop, $31,200 annually before taxes doesn't go far for a family of three in NY. Would there be ANY discretionary income for Henry to use?
22nd Sep 2021
The Book of Henry (2017)
Plot hole: After making multiple complaints/pleas to Principal Wilder and calling CPS to no avail, Henry concluded he was out of resources - it was up to him to do something to protect Christina. Susan encountered the same road blocks and agreed with Peter that Henry would not have left other possibilities uncovered... but he DID. Some options would be: acquiring evidence and/or getting Christina to call CPS; turning to Dr. Daniels; informing a teacher or school nurse; calling State (not local) police. (01:01:29 - 01:02:48)
22nd Sep 2021
The Book of Henry (2017)
Plot hole: Neither Henry's nor his mother's (Susan) calls to the Saratoga County Help Line #1-518-555-0121 were successful in protecting Christina. The last woman Susan talked to said, "We [CPS] are required to follow standard operating procedures" and Susan could file an appeal. "The best interests of the child" is supposed to be paramount, so it is unlikely CPS would say such a thing. And not one "professional" Henry or Susan contacted mentioned the NATIONAL Child Abuse Hotline #1-800-422-4452. (01:02:38)
20th Sep 2021
The Book of Henry (2017)
Plot hole: Henry gave Principal Wilder reasons he believed Christina was being abused: "Bruises, exhaustion, decreasing school performance." When Susan confronted Glenn near the treehouse, she said, "I know what you've done. Emergency room visits, school absences, bruises..." Neither had any concrete evidence/proof. Emergency room visits should have resulted in detection or suspicion of abuse if that's what doctors or nurses believed, and they are among the mandatory reporters. Maybe Henry was wrong. (00:20:35 - 01:30:30)
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