
11th Oct 2015

The Martian (2015)

Corrected entry: After being rescued on Sol 561, Watney tells his crewmates he hasn't showered for "a year and a half." But the day he leaves the Hab, Sol 461, Watney steps out of what is the shower, naked and toweling off his wet body and hair. So it has only been 100 Sols since he last showered. Even in Earth time that's less than 4 months - nowhere near a year and a half.


Correction: He took baths, but those aren't exactly the same, and regardless I'm pretty sure he meant a proper bath/shower, one that involved soap.

Then why he couldn't grow more potatoes if he had water?

Lack of water is not the reason Watney can't grow more potatoes after the blowout. He can't grow more potatoes because the potatoes and potato plants were all killed by the cold-there is nothing left to grow. Also, if he had lost his entire water supply...what would he drink?


He would not be able to make that amount of water again, the whole machinery got blown out. And he did not have enough fertilizer (aka poop) at that point.

No we saw him take multiple showers. I came to this site specifically for this error. He took showers. Naked with a towel drying off his very wet hair. So for him to say he hadn't taken a shower the whole time he was there, is a straight error.

Correction: This issue isn't the water. As stated in the NASA conference room on Earth after the HAB blowout, the freezing temperatures killed the bacterial microbes in the soil which would be required for the plants to grow.

I didn't review the movie, but if NASA said that, it's wrong. Many, probably most, soil bacteria would survive freezing, the colder and dryer the conditions the better. Maybe this is a new mistake?

NASA did say they thought all the bacteria had died. (In the book Watney figures out some survived, as you indicate, but they don't go into this in the movie.) However, the bigger issue is that all the potatoes and potato plants were killed when the Hab blew out and everything inside it was instantly depressurized and frozen. So there is nothing left alive for Watney to grow.


The problem was the potatoes. After being frozen they were no longer able to grow a plant. He had plenty of water and could have got more bacteria from his own feces, so it was the potatoes.

The real problem regarding not being able to grow more food is that all the potatoes and potato plants were killed when the Hab blew out. Watney figures out in the book that some bacteria did indeed survive, as you suggest, and he could indeed make more water (and more poop!). But it doesn't matter because now he has nothing to grow.


Correction: He would not be able to make that amount of water again, the whole machinery got blown out. And he did not have enough fertilizer (aka poop) at that point.

23rd Nov 2016

Doctor Strange (2016)

Corrected entry: At least twice in the film Strange refers to Pangborn's spinal cord injury as having occurred between C7 and C8 - meaning the 7th and 8th cervical vertebrae. But humans only have 7 cervical vertebrae. An injury in this location would actually be between C7 and T1 (the first thoracic vertebra). There is absolutely no way Strange - a brilliant surgeon with a photographic memory - could get this wrong.


Correction: While it's true there is no 8th cervical vertebra, there is a C8 spinal nerve (below the C7 vertebra). So it's not a mistake for them to refer to an injury between the C7 and C8 nerves.


Correction: As the original corrector already explained, there is such a thing as a "C7 or C8" spinal cord injury. The problem is that a C7 or C8 injury would affect the victim's middle finger, ring finger, and pinkie finger on both hands. A spinal injury that would affect the legs would be signified with either a L# or a S# since those spinal injuries deal with the legs.

15th Aug 2010

Speed (1994)

Corrected entry: Payne tells Jack he wants the money left in a green bin on the northeast corner of some intersection. Then later we see Payne looking out a window at the drop bin. If that's the northeast corner, then the shadow of the bin indicates the sun is shining from due north, and quite low to the horizon. That would never happen - certainly not in Los Angeles.


Correction: The garbage can is in place at the northeast corner of Pershing Square, not an intersection (Payne worded it as so). When Traven runs towards the trash can, the Biltmore hotel is ahead of him due west. The sunlight is coming from the east, so Payne's directions were accurate.

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