Plot hole: The facehuggers "see" by reading body heat, but this contradicts nearly every other film in which the creatures appear. In the original film they can see Kane's face through a space suit and helmet, so it must be tracking more than just body heat. The creatures also routinely leap directly at their victim's faces. This suggests that they "see" facial detail in some way that goes beyond simply reading body heat. The protagonists should not be completely invisible just by hiding their body heat.
22nd Aug 2024
Alien: Romulus (2024)
Suggested correction: The thorax and chest cavity is the warmest part of the body. It's tracking the heat from your breath and see's it as an opening down to the chest cavity. Which is why it always latches onto the face. It helps when the victim screams too. More heat.
It can't read Kane's body heat through a space suit, and his breath isn't escaping from his helmet at his mouth. It leaps directly at his face and melts through the helmet to get where it needs to go. The intent in the original film is that the creatures can see, not just read body heat. Additionally, we see from the xenomorph perspective in Alien 3 and Alien Covenant and their vision is not based on body heat. The heroes are invisible here just by raising room temperature.
Where has it ever been stated that they can't read Kane's body heat through a space suit? They're literally showing you it can. That's not a mistake of the movie. Alien 3 happened after this movie. Alien Covenant's praetomorph was created by David. So not the same situation as this. This is also someone speculating based off observation and study vs. A camera trick of showing their actual vision in events that haven't happened yet or on another planet. So they could be wrong.
It's a space suit, they are insulated. That's why when you wear a space suit the lack of atmosphere doesn't kill you. There's no possible way creatures that only see heat could see a human through a space suit. That's a mistake for THIS movie and this movie alone because this is the only instance where heat vision is suggested. The fact that earlier released films take place later in the mythos doesn't really change anything, this film makes a claim unsupported by the other films.
There was wind and ice on that planet. That constitutes an atmosphere. Kane is in a giant helmet, leaning fully over the egg opening as it hatched. That was pretty much the only place it could go. Just because the suit is insulated from the cold atmosphere on the outside, doesn't mean the suit itself can't get hot from the heat inside. Also, these are aliens, I never get trying to apply human logic to a fictional being from another planet, in the future, that survives in an atmosphere we can't.
There is some atmosphere on LV-426, but that is entirely missing the point. The space suit is designed to be worn in no atmosphere, so it is insulated. Space is incredibly cold; if your body heat could be drawn to the surface of a space suit, you would freeze to death in minutes while wearing one in space. You can't read someone's body heat through a space suit. I am not trying to apply "human logic" to an alien; I am saying this film contradicts the others. Thus, it is a plot hole.
You're missing the point. Kane leaned over the opening in a giant helmet, inches from the creature. Where else was the facehugger going to jump to? You keep saying, "you can't read someone's body heat"; that's based off current human knowledge and our abilities, not the abilities of a fictional alien creature who lives in the cold reaches of space. You can't say what it can or cannot do when it is showing you that it can.
We can absolutely say what the creature can and can't do based on what has been shown countless times throughout 40-plus years of canon media. This film makes a claim to create a tense scene. That scene contradicts what we know about the creatures. There has never been any indication that they see based on heat, and implying that they do does not follow how we see them behaving in basically every other appearance. Them "showing us that it can" is the mistake; that's, by definition, a plot hole.
Why do you refuse to answer my question? Kane leaned over the opening in a giant helmet, inches from the creature. Where else was the facehugger going to jump to?
To answer your question: How does it know anything is even there? They see by heat, and the characters in this film are invisible just by raising room temperature. It shouldn't know that Kane is even in the room. So where else should it have jumped? Nowhere; he should be invisible according to this film. It shouldn't have jumped at all.
Suggested correction: Someone in a spacesuit has the problem of excess body heat; the suit needs to dissipate the excess heat from the body, as it insulates the body against the vacuum of space. In real life, space suits are attached with tubes that dissipate the body heat when the astronaut is on a spacewalk; the suit has a cooling system for this. But Kane didn't have tubes to dissipate his body heat with, so where does his body heat go? Why not the helmet?
That's speculation, not really a correction. It's a space suit; that much is clear. It doesn't have a visible cooling system like a real-life space suit, but this series takes place in the distant future. We're getting a little hung up on this one example, but honestly, these films are 40-plus years apart. There are dozens of other instances where it is clear the facehuggers and the xenomorphs can see more than just body heat.
The xenomorphs can definitely see more than just heat, but that's not the statement in the movie. I can think of no examples that show facehuggers can see anything more than just heat/infrared.
16th Nov 2015
X-Men (1992)

Slave Island - S1-E7
Plot hole: After Storm's attempt to escape the Genoshan prison is thwarted, she ends up in the ocean right at the shoreline of the beach, where she is captured by a Sentinel. Aside from the fact that it makes no sense for a Sentinel to be hiding in the ocean in the event that a mutant tries to escape the prison, there is absolutely no way that a two-story tall robot could hide in the ocean right by the beach, as the water would be way too shallow. You can even see that the water level only goes up to the Sentinel's ankle area when it is standing upright in the ocean. (00:03:15)
Suggested correction: Perception. (1) The Sentinel isn't as close as it appears. If it were close, then she would have been caught in its waves as it emerges. Also, she would be looking only at its chest circle. It's several yards away. (2) She washes ashore. She fell from the sky. She couldn't have fallen from that great height into shallow water without hitting bottom. (3) It's also a two-story tall robot. Its weight would sink it into the sand. So it could have very well been down that deep.
Sentinel never sank into sand in other episodes.
Well, it's shown here.
27th May 2023
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always (2023)
Other mistake: Zack transferred his powers to Adam, thus giving up his ability to be a ranger again. So technically, he should not have been able to morph into the Black Ranger.
Suggested correction: It's in the title "Once and Always" and repeatedly said, "once a ranger, always a ranger". This is not a "mistake" of the movie. This movie is a one-off anniversary special. Not in complete line with the show's continuity. They did this with the original Mighty Morphin Power Ranger: The Movie as well. They have also historically done this with team-ups. Such as when Adam came back to be the Black Power Ranger. Same with Justin in In Space. Same with Jason most recently. Same with Tommy (RIP).
Despite that phrase, three of the original Rangers gave up their powers to attend a peace summit; we saw the powers leave their bodies and transfer to the new Rangers. The original poster is correct that those powers were lost to them, therefore, they should not have been able to morph. Jason is the exception since he was given the Gold Ranger power, that relinked him to the morphing grid.
Again, Jason has morphed into the Red Ranger for his team-up. So has Tommy. So has Adam. In this film, they even give Rocky and Kat new power coins after saying they've been experimenting with the morphing grid. It's been a decade and Zordon is dead (or lost). You can't sit here and abide by the same old rules. When almost every team-up they've had, inexplicable rangers come back and morph. You might as well flag everything in the MMPR: The Movie for taking place in the series or vice versa.
All of the Rangers you reference still have the power to morph. Zack and Trini gave up that power as seen in 'The Power Transfer' from the series. It's one thing to point out team-ups with Rangers that still have the ability to morph, but not for Zack and Trini, they surrendered their powers.
They surrendered their powers to go to a peace conference. Assuming they cannot take them back is not logical. Powers that shouldn't exist. Especially considering Rocky and Kat were given powers. Billy is able to morph...and Kimberly, who also surrendered her powers, was able to take them back. Powers that were seemingly destroyed. Along with the Dino Megazord. Billy has shown that he has been experimenting with the morphing grid and he's had some time to do it. It's not within reason.
Neither of you pointed out that Zordon said in "The Power Transfer," "the power will always be with you and protect you." Former rangers can morph back into ranger form.
25th May 2023
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always (2023)
Plot hole: If Minh knew about the Power Rangers, their identities and their history, it makes no sense that she would expect to morph without being specifically chosen to become the Yellow Ranger.
Suggested correction: The rebel teenager archetype. If I had a dime for every time a kid didn't listen I would be a billionaire. It's not a mistake.
It doesn't make sense at all that Minh would expect to morph just because she had a power coin in her possession; she had to have been told about how it works.
Pretend that morpher is a gun and she's a teenager in the real world. To say no teen would pick it up, disobey an adult, just try it themselves is a joke. She's a kid. Kids do stupid stuff and don't listen.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. We are talking about the daughter of a Power Ranger, not a typical teenager. Trini, being the type of person she was, would have explained how it works; it is highly unlikely that Minh would make such a careless choice.
She didn't discover her mom was a Power Ranger until after death. There was a whole scene where she walked in, and Billy and Zach accidentally revealed it to her. Also, itization. All she's done was make careless, impulsive choices.
2nd Jan 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
Continuity mistake: During one of the scenes when Brad Pitt arrives home, he is driving a Lincoln Town Car, not his Cadillac. This is the car that he doesn't get until later, when he steals it and drives home during the scene when they crash the cars into each other at the end of the driveway.
Suggested correction: Didn't he steal the Lincoln after the restaurant?
He did. But, the car appears before he steals it when he drives home after going to her office.
21st Jun 2006
Liar Liar (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Fletcher takes his son to the office, they step out the lift and a woman in a purple suit is seen walking to the left. In the next shot, the same woman is walking to the right. (00:06:25)
Suggested correction: That's a different woman with a different hairstyle. The second lady's hair is up over her ears and the first woman's suit is a darker purple.
I don't think there's enough detail in the wide shot to say it's a different woman or not. She's seems to be carrying the same clipboard in the same way. Plus, in the next shot, the first woman should still be seen somewhere in the wide shot off to the left, and she's not.
Again. In the wide the woman's hair is up. You can even see a pin in it. It's not in the first shot. Also, she would not necessarily need to be seen in the wide shot. The first shot has them in the elevator, then there's a hallway, before they cross the doorway into the lobby. She would have already walked past the desk (notice the lamp) by the time they were a few inches out of the elevator. By the time they walked to the doorway she could easily be out of frame.
Impossible. The very short distance she walks takes her almost 2 seconds, and then she's off camera for maybe a second. The distance to the hall to be out of the shot is almost twice the distance she was just seen walking.
Depth perception. She's walking directly in front of the desk. She's not in the same spot as the second lady (in front of the lobby door). She walks across the screen before Max's feet leaves the elevator. The distance between the left side of the desk and off screen is fairly short and plenty of time for her to cross before they exit the elevator. Third time...different hairstyle. I'm pretty sure the second lady is even wearing a different shirt underneath her jacket too.
2nd Oct 2004
Power Rangers in Space (1998)
True Blue to the Rescue - S1-E18
Corrected entry: The Turbo powers were destroyed in "Chase Into Space" part 2, at the end of series 5 - Justin shouldn't of been able to morph into the Blue Turbo Ranger.
Correction: The Blue Turbo Powers could possibly be powered by Storm Blaster for this mission (it was Storm Blaster who gave Justin the Turbo Moprher and key).
That's a nice theory. But it's still a mistake. Then again it's tough to explain all the other power rangers returning with their powers.
1st Oct 2004
Power Rangers in Space (1998)
Corrected entry: This happens until the end of the series. When the Delta Megaship is found, it attaches to the Astro Megaship, and they travel around together. However, throughout the series, the Delta Megaship is constantly disappearing and reappearing.
Correction: They do not "attach and travel around together". They only ever combine during Megazord battles to form the Astro Delta Megazord. They never attach in ship mode.
They're referring to the Delta Docking Station. The space station type platform that the Delta Megaship was kept in and the Astro Megaship would sit on top, from time to time. But yes they do not ride together all the time and it's not appearing and disappearing.
30th Sep 2004
Power Rangers in Space (1998)
Plot hole: For the past 5 series, Bulk and Skull have been in every episode. They've seen villains from other galaxies (Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, The Machine Empire, and Divatox) who have all sent monsters to Angel Grove and threatened Bulk and Skull on countless occasions. They've even been turned into monkeys and made invisible by space creatures. Why do they feel the need to spend Series 6 seeing if alien life exists? Surely 5 series worth of aliens is enough proof?
Suggested correction: They do not spend the series seeing if alien life exists. Their first scene in the season is them spotting Astronema's ship through a telescope and yelling UFO. They know. It's another one of their kooky schemes to get rich by being the first to discover these aliens and getting rich off it. (they were out looking for an undiscovered comet) They even get Professor Phenomena who's already been doing this before they were. It always felt like a play on Peter Parker getting rich off selling photos of Spiderman. But, dumber. I mean come on they tried catching a rabbit with carrots because they thought it was an alien. Stupid idea yes. Plot hole. No. It tracks with their characters.
Suggested correction: Think about it They have no reason to believe that they are aliens from space. They look human or could have been created by humans. It could have been a form of magic. Plus we never know what the news or the government is telling the public to normalize these situations. They don't actually know where they came from.
This is only a theory. Theories never solve mistakes.
No one in Angel Grove, believes them when they say they've seen aliens. It's been a running gag since Zeo. Go back and look at King For a Day Part II, after they got back from being kidnapped. Even the professor is viewed as a kook for believing in the existence of aliens.
18th Dec 2021
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Plot hole: The whole premise of the movie is that due to a botched spell, people who happen to know that "Peter Parker is Spider-Man" are pulled inside this universe. It's a bit of a stretch already that amongst those people is...Peter Parker himself, twice over, but let's say it makes sense. The problem is that Jamie Foxx's Electro does not meet this condition; he never found out. You could say it's a retcon or it's a different universe from the original movie's, but even this cop-out explanation is negated by the movie itself when Max Dillon makes a joke that shows that he didn't know Spidey's identity or even race.
Suggested correction: Although Max didn't discover Peter's identity on film, an explanation of why Max knows his name IS offered. When the villains are talking about what happened before they found themselves in the MCU, Max indicated that once he tapped fully into the power grid and information systems, there was nothing he didn't know at that point. Since we know there is a clandestine organization tracking Peter from the end of ASM1, it's possible Max gained the info from their database.
In the interest of clarity, you refer to the one line that goes "I was stuck in the grid, absorbing data."? Nothing about tapping fully, and becoming omniscient as the correction presents. So we have to give it that specific meaning and make a connection to the obscure postcredit scene by Fiers in the unfinished trilogy that asks Connors if he said anything to the boy imagining that it produced data that was 'on the grid' somehow, and Electro never processed this information in the movie. Not sure if it's quite an"explanation offered", since the movie offers none. It's a 'possible' explanation like the other one people use, about hearing Gwen say Peter's name (I like this one better because at least it would give a special meaning to a throwaway line and I do I love attention to details).
Suggested correction: I don't find it such a stretch that he knew Peter's name but didn't know what he looked like.
When Spider-Man is explaining his plan to defeat Electro to Gwen, Gwen addresses him as "Peter." Electro was laying on the ground nearby and likely would have heard this. Presumably, knowing that Spidey's real name was Peter was enough to pull him in.
There are almost 10,000 "Peter" in New York alone in our world. Knowing just the super-common first name wouldn't cut it and the movie does nothing to support this theory, in fact does everything to undermine it (Strange's explanation, Electro's joke, complete lack of addressing it, etc). Also if he overheard that bit in the original movie, he would have also learned their plans to defeat him.
Suggested correction: I guess we're all going to ignore the fact that this Electro has a completely different look than the Max we saw previously. It's quite possible he's from a different universe.
He's not from a different universe than the Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. The Lizard and the Andrew Garfield version of Spider-Man both know who he is, and he talks about events from the aforementioned film. His different appearance is also explained in the film.
All that means is he went through similar experiences and has a similar appearance as the Max they knew. Ala J. Jonah Jameson.
Suggested correction: It's not people who know who is Spider-Man that are spilling in, it's people who are connected to him in any way.
No, no. Strange says it explicitly "That little spell you botched, when you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-man? It started pulling in everyone who knows that Peter Parker is Spider-man" and so on. That's why in the end they fix it by making everyone forget who Peter Parker is, not who Spider-man is.
3rd Dec 2005
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
Green With Evil (2): Jason's Battle - S1-E18
Plot hole: How were the Rangers (minus Jason) able to form the Megazord if Jason wasn't there to summon the Tyrannosaurus (not to mention Jason's morpher being in Goldar's possession)?
Suggested correction: It's been shown on various occasions that the zords can be operated remotely.
Yes but to call upon the zords you need to have the power coin. The Rangers don't have the coin, therefore the Tyrannosaurus shouldn't be there.
Zordon created the zord. I'm pretty sure he can summon and operate it without a power coin.
Zordon was disabled by brainwashed Tommy, so he couldn't have summoned it at this point.
No, the command centre is able to remotely control the zords.
26th Oct 2017
Geostorm (2017)
Corrected entry: The arena they just left (the Democratic National Convention) inexplicably explodes into a large fireball as they are escaping during a lightning storm. No mention of a bomb or anything and the lightning didn't appear to hit anything large enough to cause such an explosion.
Correction: It was destroyed by Dutch Boy.
Dutch Boy changes the weather. It doesn't turn an entire building into a fireball. Lightning is hitting buildings all around them.
11th Jul 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: Did Professor Hulk bring back the original Infinity Stones with the Blip?
Answer: No, his snap simply restored all the people Thanos' snap eliminated. They discuss it before he snaps. Tony reminds him to not try to do anything other than bring the people back.
We don't know that's all he did. Considering the Ancient One's warning that removing a stone for one's universe could have disastrous affects on that universe. One would think he would return the stones.
She was talking about removing them from the timeline, nothing about destroying them. According to the comics when the stones are destroyed the powers they represent will be made physical again in a different way. This does not happen when they are removed completely, since the power inside (the energy) cannot be reassembled again.
Destroying the stones almost killed Thanos. Hulk would not have been able to bring back half the universe and the stones with no further impact.
We do know. As stated in the answer, Tony and Hulk specifically discuss ONLY bringing the people back. Since it's stated in the film, we can say with certainty that's all he did.
As stated in the film, he also tried to bring Natasha back who wasn't one of the half Thanos snapped away, so while unlikely, perhaps he did try more.
15th Oct 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Question: How are Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther talking to Proxima Midnight through the Wakandan cloaked shield? What's she looking at? Trees?
Answer: It's not a cloaking shield. It's a defensive barrier. There would be no need to have a cloaking shield within the city because anybody that's inside the city would seemingly already know that Wakanda is hidden.
The cloak is to hide the city. If Cap flew in and only saw trees...what is the Black Order looking at and talking to?
The cloaking shield is what hides the city from overhead view, so aircraft that fly over can't see that there's an advanced city hiding within what is believed to be a third-world country. The barrier around the palace is to prevent enemies from attacking. That's why the "space dogs" are being torn apart when they try to go through the shield. When it becomes apparent that they can get through the shield when they attempt to do so in large numbers, Black Panther orders a section of the shield to be opened in order to bottleneck the forces in so that they can't surround the palace and penetrate the shield from a side that's not as well guarded.
This wasn't an overhead view. They were flying low and in a straight line into trees that on the other side hid buildings that were the same height. They weren't looking down.
Irrelevant. The simple fact of the matter is the Wakandans build that shield, and they can do anything they want with it. Perhaps the cloaking part is discarded to boost the shield's defensive capabilities.
That's an illogical answer: they can do what they want. Perhaps? Where is that in the movie? These are guesses not answers.
Are you saying they don't have full control over their own shield that they designed and can manipulate very specifically, as seen in the movie?
"Perhaps the cloaking part is discarded to boost the shield's defensive capabilities." - where is that in the movie? This website would not exist if every response was "they can do whatever they want".
It is when we are talking about future technology in advanced civilizations. This entry is also a question, not a mistake. There is a simple explanation for it, so that is the answer.
This is a theory not an explanation. An explanation would be backed up by facts from the movie.
There isn't an in-film "explanation", but that's a distinction without a difference. If in a movie we see someone in one place and then several scenes later we're shown them somewhere else, there isn't an "explanation" for how they've got there, but there might be plenty of perfectly reasonable theories about how - drove themselves, got a ride, took the bus, etc. This is a wholly fictional technology and the "facts from the movie" are that people can talk through it, just like they can choose to open specific narrow sections. So we take at face value that it's possible, because there's no in-film reason to assume it isn't possible.
30th Jun 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: Why did Rocket deliberately hide the fact that he knew where Thanos was? Cap told Tony they couldn't find him but Rocket detected him two days ago.
Answer: They detected an energy surge that they suspect to be Thanos 2 days ago. Tony and Nebula had only just returned and Nebula confirms to them that's where Thanos is. Rocket didn't hide anything, they just hesitated to act on it.
Cap told Tony that they had done various forms of searches and scans and they didn't know where he was. So they didn't know. So it wasn't a matter of "hesitating to act." "Hesitating to act" is also out of character of all the heroes and makes no sense that if they did all that searching only to hesitate when they found him?
No no no. I mispronounced. Nebula tells them where he is, probably told Rocket on the spot where the planet was located and Rocket explains that an identical energy surge that occurred on Earth occurred there as well. They didn't know that was Thanos, they didn't look for it, it may have happened 2 days ago but they didn't notice it. Not until Nebula told them he is there, the energy surge simply confirms he is there and that he used the stones again. I do still think they hesitate, they got no plan, no confidence. They all feel defeated and unable to beat him. They just do all they know, react.
That's not what happened in the movie. Rocket announced the surge and what planet it was and Nebula confirmed it. Not "probably" the other way around. How could they not notice a power that strong? They aren't incompetent. Especially when half of the universe is destroyed. Who else is going to create that? No plan, no confidence? They have Stormbreaker and it stood up to the power of the stones. To the point Thanos had to run and hide. Cap America has never been one to simply "react" when he has time to create a plan. Even if, as you said, all they know is react...You just said they hesitated. Which one is it? They had almost a month. Lastly, again why are they searching for Thanos, if they are defeated and without a plan? what were the expecting to happen when they found him? Send him a postcard?
They wanted revenge, they are the Avengers after all. The plan was to take the stones, but they aren't sure if they could since they failed the last time and Thanos is pretty much unstoppable with all stones, so they are hesitant. Thanos didn't run and hide from Stormbreaker, he just retired and prepared to destroy the stones, he could have turned Stormbreaker into bubbles. Nebula first said she knew where Thanos was, in the next scene Rocket tells about the planet and the power surge there. He talks about it because Nebula told him that's the right planet. Captain Marvel convinces them to just act right now, so they go there. They don't have anything else anymore.
Thanos took an axe to the chest. He isn't unstoppable. "The plan was to take the stones, but they aren't sure if they could..." that's not a plan. Thor had the ability to kill Thanos in his hands. They just needed to find him and take his head off. Thanos couldn't turn Stormbreaker into bubbles. He didn't do it when it was coming at him the first time. Nebula said he had a plan for retirement. Not where exactly. All of this is pointless. I figured it out. Two days is how long it took for that energy surge to reach Earth and be detected. Much like any other interstellar event. When we finally see it, it happened in the past.
I said this before on this website, Thor caught him by surprise, probably the last time anyone could. Thanos had only just gotten the stones and was distracted. We don't know how much power he really has when he had all 6 of them (not as much as in the comics) but I'm pretty sure that if you can eradicate half of all life in the universe you can destroy a simple little axe with them as well. Nebula said she knew exactly where he is, even named the planet. Rocket said there was another power surge 2 days ago, not that it took 2 days to detect the surge.
31st May 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: Thanos should have noticed there were no stones in the Gauntlet before his final snap attempt. When he knocks Iron-Man off he pulls his hand back, and as he adjusts the glove, he looks at the back of it. He sees it fully in the wide and he can at least see the back of the thumb in the close-up. (02:29:50)
Correction: He simply didn't notice. Entirely plausible under the circumstances.
What about the fact that the power that surged through his body when he put the gauntlet on would have left his body abruptly? Fact is, he should've noticed.
I'm afraid you've missed the point of the scene (and Thanos' entire arc). He said the arrogant never suspect anything. That proved to be prophetic about himself. He believed he was inevitable and in that moment he was completely caught up in his sure victory. Thus, he was arrogant and did not suspect anything, including the idea that the stones wouldn't be in his gauntlet.
At that point Thanos doesn't even know what to expect from the gauntlet, because he never used it before, so he might think that the stones are there.
Not possible, when you're looking at it. That's the only reason he would look at the back of the glove.
That is not plausible. The glove glows. Missing one sure. Not every single stone. Especially when he looks directly at the back of it.
The glove does not glow.
Correction: He had already had the surge of power. Stark didn't remove the glove and had no intention to. His intention was to remove the stones in a tussle while pretending to try to remove the glove. Thanos himself gave him the idea when he removed the power stone to punch capt marvel.
30th Apr 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: Spoiler! Given Gamora is brought to 2019 from 2014 with no ill effects, presumably just spinning off a new timeline with no Gamora in it (or Thanos for that matter, making that new timeline pretty peaceful), why can't the Avengers just go and "retrieve" alternate-timeline versions of the other people they've lost? They don't seem too worried about the timelines that have branched off due to their actions, eg. Cap going back in time (a whole other issue), Loki stealing the Tesseract, etc. They could hop back to a day earlier and basically get their friends back.
Answer: They actually do have some concern for the alternate/branched off timelines - that's the whole reason Hulk proposes returning the stones (after they're done with them) to the point they were stolen from, so that those branched off timelines won't be royally screwed with a stone (or 2) missing from their timeline (i.e. The Ancient One telling Hulk that the sorcerers need the stone in order to combat the forces of darkness). Granted, some of the changes they've made they can't do much about - not without spending more time and further interfering (Loki escaping with the Tesseract in the alternate 2012 timeline, or the alternate 2014 timeline's Thanos and co. Traveling to main-timeline 2023 - leaving alt-2014 without a Thanos, which as you say, may not be too bad). With all that in mind, I think they would be hesitant to 'steal' their friends from the past because think about what they were doing just a few days ago... trying to figure out how to unsnap the 50% of the universe that Thanos dusted. If they take their friends, who were pretty integral to figuring out how to/and carrying out the undoing of that, they would be dooming that new alternate 2023 timeline to failure in their endeavors.
Since Thanos coming from the past didn't change 2023, I don't think taking their friends from the past would change anything either. They are constantly creating new time lines/universes. However, the only people they lost were Black Widow and Vision, and Hulk tried to bring Black Widow back and failed with the stones whilst Vision lived on the mind stone, which is gone (brought back to it's own timeline). So bringing those 2 back isn't going to be happening. Who else did they lose?
Chosen answer: There's really no reason that they couldn't. Probably an oversight by the writers. I think an easy fix could maybe have been the Ancient One or Doctor Strange warning the heroes that continually altering the space-time continuum could potentially lead to paradoxes that threaten the existence of the multiverse and it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie. It would have been somewhat of a cop-out, but it would have at least addressed it.
Answer: That would be kidnapping. Also, you would be killing someone else who would need to take their spot. Either way someone dies. Are you going to keep going back and saving a fallen comrade?
Not kidnapping if they agree to it.
You assume they would agree to it. Why would they agree to it?
Because of their imminent death in their own timeline. If they get told they're going to die if they stay, but hop over to our timeline where they can still do some good, that may well persuade people. And yes it makes their timeline more uncertain, it's not guaranteed they'd choose to leave, but they may well be willing to. Regardless, "kidnapping" is a stretch.
Gamora - she's not going to die in her own timeline. Her timeline's Thanos is dead. He's not going to be there to throw her off the cliff. Black Widow - you have to explain to her that her being alive can kill countless others. If you remove her from anytime line she doesn't do the good that she has in the last Avengers movies and as a Shield agent or Hawkeye (or another Avenger) has to take her place for the soul stone. That's counter to her sacrifice. Vision - You remove him, you remove the mind stone from that timeline. Which isn't good. If you remove them from their timeline without telling them all of this, yes that would amount to kidnapping.
27th Apr 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: How did Thanos get to the present timeline? Wasn't Nebula left with just one dose of pym particles, which she used to get back?
Answer: It shows Nebula presenting the vial of Pym particles to Thanos, it's probable that he (or someone like Maw) was able to reverse engineer the particles so that they had their own supply to use.
Answer: 2014 Nebula would have needed the vial to power her future self's suit to get to 2023 so she could impersonate her. But Thanos would have had to re-create enough of the particles so that the time tunnel could lock onto his ship and pull it through.
Answer: She used the excess Pym particles that Tony and Cap brought back.
Is that your own personal interpretation of it? They don't show it in the movie, unless I am mistaken. And it should be Thanos to use the Pym particles to jump into the Quantum dimension, how does she having the particles in the present affect it?
Her robotic fingers seem to be red as they go into the machine, implying they're making use of the Pym particles. And they had Nebula's "GPS" unit they all wore on their hands - given Thanos' technology they could presumably have copied or adapted it in some way to work with the ship, positioning it in time and space if nothing else.
Yes that's my interpretation. The machine works differently than the suits. She did a lot of modification to it as well before activating it. She somehow managed to get an entire ship transported to the future in a matter of minutes. The only logical conclusion is that she used Pym particles to power the machine and then pull the ship through.
No. Thanos on his end, would need those particles to get small and enter the Quantum Realm. Like the others.
Answer: The directors have addressed this and confirmed that Thanos gave the Pym particles to Ebony Maw (a brilliant scientist) who then reverse engineered them and created more.
Answer: He could have gotten the Pym particles from Pym himself. Likely by force. He has Nebula's memory and saw their whole plan. But, the official answer that came out was Maw reversed engineered them.
30th Apr 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: When the Avengers got the space stone and mind stone from the past, they were in the form of the Tesseract and the scepter, but when Steve goes back to replace them, they are in their raw forms. If they want to undo any offshoot timelines, they would have to replace the time stones in their original encasements, at least some of which have been destroyed in the process of obtaining the raw stones. If the Tesseract doesn't exist in Tesseract form before Captain Marvel, would the light speed ship by Dr Larson have been made, etc. And the events of Avengers 1 would have been altered...Ultron/Vision/Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver timelines would likely be disrupted if the scepter itself is not replaced, only the mind stone. It would be an anomaly in the time line.
Correction: They aren't concerned with creating any alternate timelines, as they won't affect their own timeline. They only agree to return the Stones to the point where they are taken in order to avoid any major catastrophes being caused by the Stones' absence in their respective timelines (i.e. the Ancient One tells Dr. Banner that she needs the Time Stone returned to her reality, as it is her chief weapon against forces of darkness). The Mind Stone ending up in an alternate timeline as a result of being removed from Loki's scepter and not leading to the creation of Ultron or giving the Maximoff twins their powers will not lead to a catastrophic event.
This is not consistent with Captain America's comment "I know, clip all the branches"
Another way around that would be to return the Time Stone to the Ancient One first and then have her use the Time Stone to return the Space and Mind Stones to their previous housings. We know the Time Stone is capable of doing that because Thanos used it to bring the Mind Stone back into existence after Scarlet Witch destroyed it.
Their primary concern appears to be removing the stones from where they "should" be, or taking one and leaving others - the ancient one implies it's that imbalance which causes a "bad" timeline to branch off, the black line she demonstrates, not just making other changes. Otherwise even Hawkeye going back in time and removing a baseball glove would have catastrophic consequences and need to be remedied.
He has the infinity stones. It's quite possible he could have used them in some fashion to return the others to the original form. For example, he could have done it or asked the Ancient One to use the time stone to return them to their original form. Regardless, there is no way he or Hulk wouldn't have planned for this before he left. They were in no rush to return them. They had a time machine.
1st May 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Corrected entry: At one point early on, but after Vision has returned to his red and green robot form, the space on his forehead is missing the Mind Stone. If you look at the set photos of Vision before they used the computer animation, it becomes clear that the CGI wasn't properly completed.
Correction: I've seen the movie twice, and at no point is Vision missing the stone.
I've seen this movie a few times now and there's been a shot or two where he didn't have the stone on his forehead. I think one of the moments is when he's talking to Wanda, either in their room or when they went outside just before the attack; I would have to double-check.
Yea except this entry said he was in his robot form and missing the stone. When he was outside just before the attack, he was not in his robot form.
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