
6th Jan 2005

Timecop (1994)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, while showing Walker's partner Atwood comparing the October 30, 1929 paper with the October 30, 2004 USA Today, Atwood circles Mid States Oil. The problem with this is the fact that October 30, 2004 falls on a Saturday, and USA Today does not print a Saturday paper. Instead, on Friday, it publishes a paper for the entire weekend, and it states Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on it.

Correction: While in 1994 when the movie was made USA Today did not publish on Saturdays, it is entirely reasonable that in their future timeline, by 2004 USA Today would begin publishing a Saturday edition, so could have become possible. As such this isn't a mistake, just creative license with a possible future that we now know didn't come to be.


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