Bunch Son

Question: When Arne was in prison, Father Newman comes to Arne's cell at night and secretly gives him a vial of holy water. Arne tried to commit suicide with the shards from the vial at the end. Was Father Newman possessed too? I don't understand why Father Newman would give it to Arne at night in secret.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: It's been a while since I've seen the film, but I believe Father Newman was giving Arne the holy water to protect himself and use as a tool against the demon. I don't think there was any indication Newman was possessed. He probably gave it to Arne in secret so the guards wouldn't confiscate it, since it could be broken and used to hurt himself or others.


Question: The woman who cursed David and Arne, is she a living human or a ghost? She seems to teleport like a ghost but from the way her father tells about her, she is still alive at that moment. I'm confused.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: She's basically a witch/occultist. She uses magic and curses and whatnot, which might explain why she seems to be able to do unnatural things. But she is most definitely alive and not a ghost.


Question: The reporter on the TV says that Bruno Sauls, the owner of Brookfield Boarding Kennels was stabbed 22 times by Arne Johnson. And another victim, Katie was also stabbed 22 times by her best friend, Jessica. Why 22 in particular?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Maybe just to show the correlation between both cases?

Answer: Just an apple for the teacher, perhaps because SpongeBob is a polite and old-fashioned student. No special significance.

Question: After a phone call, William tries to take his wife and daughter and leave the town. In the car, his wife asks him why he is a such a hurry to leave, he says "Leaving. That's what they want. So they can destroy my life's work." Who does he refer to and why would "they" try to destroy his life's work?

Bunch Son

Answer: He is talking about the Umbrella corporation stealing his work, specifically, the G-Virus, so they can weaponize the virus. If the process goes well, Umbrella will take credit for it, but if the process goes poorly, Umbrella will blame Birkin for the failure, either way, Birkin loses.

12th Jan 2022

Alive (1993)

Question: When the trio first found the tail, Nando writes "Go Up 18 Still Alive" in the tail. The fuselage is lower than the tail because after the tail was detached, the fuselage slid far down. The trio had to climb up the mountain to find the tail. So why does he write "up" instead of "down"?

Bunch Son

14th Oct 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister - S2-E7

Question: At the beginning, Eleven overhears Becky Ives call the police and talk about her. Becky wanted the police to come and take Eleven. Why would Becky betray Eleven all of a sudden? Earlier, she told Eleven to stay with her in the house while showing her own room. She even said she could get Eleven a real bed. Change of mind that soon?

Bunch Son

Answer: She said that to try to make her feel calm and "at home" in a way.

4th Oct 2021

Twilight (2008)

Question: In the car with Edward driving, Bella tries to turn off the heater saying "Okay, I think I'm warm enough now." and she reaches to the heater, but Edward blocks her hand. Why is that? Do vampires like heat because their skin is so cold? I thought they rather liked it cold.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Edward wasn't blocking her hand. He, being a gentleman, was merely reaching over to turn the heater off at the same time as Bella and their hands bumped. It's really just a plot device to act as a clue to Bella that Edward is somehow different. She later works out that he is a vampire and his icy cold skin is just one trait.


20th Sep 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Chapter Nine: The Gate - S2-E9

Question: Why does Dustin make a weird noise when he talks about his teeth? One time is from season 1 and the second time from Season 2 chapter 9. He also refers his teeth as pearls.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The actor (Gaten Matarazzo) and the character (Dustin) have cleidocranial dysplasia, which delays or prevents growth of the front teeth. It appears Dustin got prosthodontics by season 2 (he seems to not have them again in season 3 and implies Suzie prefers kissing without them), and he's extremely proud of his new teeth, calling them irresistible 'pearls' and making a 'sexy' growling, purring sound (based on a Wookiee growl) when they're mentioned.


16th Sep 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Answer: She is watching the TV show All My Children.

27th Aug 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Chosen answer: A single layer sleeveless top like Billy wears after his possession by the Mind Flayer would probably not make a big difference to his body temperature, but even if it did, it's possible he deliberately wore it to fight or hurt the creature invading his mind as he does later demonstrate some ability to keep it at bay.


Billy did wear long-sleeved top after his possession. It was unlike him. I know he used to wear sleeveless top or didn't wear top at the pool before his possession. Your second answer makes sense, though. Thanks.

Bunch Son

27th Aug 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Answer: Doris was being possessed by the mind flayer, and like the rats, they craved fertilizer.

27th Aug 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Chapter Six: The Spy - S2-E6

Question: With the doctors, Will points to one point on the map, and he says, "That's it. I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important." What exactly does he refer to that he thinks is important?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The spot Will points out on the map is an an area he feels the shadow monster (Mind Flayer) is attempting to hide from him, so he thinks it is important. He later admits that the creature coerced or influenced him into indicating that point, and sure enough the soldiers the government sends in there are massacred by demodogs, so it was a deliberate trap where the mind flayer used Will to eliminate a perceived threat.


27th Aug 2021

Stranger Things (2016)

Chosen answer: The point they are demonstrating is that if they heat the samples in one flask, it has the same effect on the samples in the other beakers even though they are not being heated - basically that they react as if they are part of a hive mind or controlled by a single organism.


26th Aug 2021

Starship Troopers (1997)

Question: At the end of the movie, Johnny Rico praises Zim who caught Brain Bug by saying "Good job, Sergeant." Then Zim answers "Thank you, sir. That would be private, sir." What does he mean? Sergeant is a higher rank than private, right?

Bunch Son

Answer: While Zim was a sergeant, he had to be demoted to private in order to fight on the front line.


31st Jul 2021

Game of Thrones (2011)

Kill the Boy - S5-E5

Question: Ramsay talks with his father about Walda. Ramsay asks, "How did you manage it? Getting her pregnant." and Bolton responds, "I imagine you're familiar with the procedure." Then Ramsay says "Of course, but how did you find it?" to which Bolton didn't answer. So what did he mean by "find it"?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Ramsay is mocking Walda's obesity. He is implying that his father, Roose, had difficulty performing intercourse because Walda's excess weight impeded him finding her vagina.


14th Jul 2021

Passengers (2016)

Question: On Aurora's birthday, Jim and Aurora sit at the bar. Arthur put something into Aurora's birthday drink. What was it? (01:00:50)

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Arthur drops a sugar cube into each champagne glass. In addition to making champagne sweeter and bubblier, this is also an old Italian custom to toast a romantic couple.


19th Mar 2021

Game of Thrones (2011)

Winterfell - S8-E1

Question: As Qyburn gives a crossbow to Bronn to kill Cersei's two brothers, he says "The queen's brothers made promises to you and broke them. Her Grace wants to rectify their mistake." I remember Jaime promised Bronn a castle or more, but I don't know what Tyrion had promised to Bronn and broke it. From I can tell, it was Bronn who turned his back to Tyrion. So, what was Tyrion's promise to Bronn that wasn't kept?

Bunch Son

Answer: I believe Bronn had wanted Tyrion to give him High Garden, the Terrell's castle - which Tyrion was later unable to provide him. Jamie also offered Bronn a castle and also gave him a large amount of gold, but Bronn specifically wanted High Garden and would not consider any other as being grand enough. At the end of the series, High Garden has been given to Bronn.


16th Mar 2021

Up (2009)

Question: When Russell can't climb the hose from Carl's house in the sky, Carl turns to Russell and shouts out "Caw, caw! Raar! Caw, caw! Raar!" as he goes up the ladder on the airship. Why is he saying that? At the end, even the audience said this as that kids received the badges on the stage. What's the meaning behind the words?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Russell is part of a group called the Wilderness Explorers I think the whole "caw caw roar" thing might be something that the kids in the pack always do. Kind of like a special salute or signal.

9th Mar 2021

Game of Thrones (2011)

The Queen's Justice - S7-E3

Question: When Jon Snow and Davos visited Daenerys on Dragonstone, at some point, Varys runs in and whispers to her. Then she said something in Dothraki to a Dothraki who was there. What exactly did she say? The subtitle is missing here. Other foreign lines were included but not this. (00:17:35)

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: According to the Dothraki Wiki (!), she says: "Idriso jin mahrazhis gacheshaan mori. Ti morea chek, vosma vitihiri mora." = "Escort these men to their rooms. Treat them well, but keep an eye on them."


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