Continuity mistake: When Dr. Cox is examining Ben, he has his hands on his face. The shot cuts to another angle and Dr. Cox's hands are by his side.
13th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)
13th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Hero (2) - S1-E23
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Ben has several Polaroid photographs scattered on top of his bed sheets, the position of the photos changes between long shots and close ups.
13th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

Continuity mistake: When JD is giving Ben the bad news of his diagnosis, Ben's arm can be seen held down by his knee in one shot, and in the next it is instantly behind his head.
13th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Hero (2) - S1-E23
Continuity mistake: When JD is talking with Dr Cox and Ben in the staff room, Dr Cox's white coat keeps changing from wide open to mostly closed, and his stethoscope moves between shots.
13th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)
Continuity mistake: When Elliot is crying to get her own way, her hair changes from hanging loose to tucked behind one ear, and back again.
13th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Hero (2) - S1-E23
Continuity mistake: When Carla and Elliot are in the cafeteria, just after Doug sits down at their table, the top from Elliot's bottle of water moves across the table.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Old Man - S1-E19
Continuity mistake: When JD's Dad arrives at the apartment, and sits down to drink a beer, from straight on his jacket is open and his tie is draped to the right. When the shot cuts to a view from the side, his jacket is now open much less, and the tie hangs straight down his shirt.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

Continuity mistake: The letter that JD drops on to Turk's tummy changes angle between shots.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Way or the Highway - S1-E20
Continuity mistake: When Dr Cox is trying to tell the nurses how to make coffee, between shots Laverne's purple shirt goes from wide open to mostly closed, and her stethoscope moves.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Old Man - S1-E19
Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the episode when JD and Dr Cox are talking on the ward, JD's stethoscope jumps between shots from behind his name tag, to in front, and back again.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Way or the Highway - S1-E20
Continuity mistake: When Elliot chases after Sean in the car park, for one shot her name tag is flipped up with the back showing, in all other shots it sits normally.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Way or the Highway - S1-E20
Continuity mistake: When JD and Cox are talking outside the staff room, just as Laverne walks past, the magazine Cox is holding switches from being held under his right arm to his left in an instant.
12th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Way or the Highway - S1-E20
Continuity mistake: The amount of bites out of Elliot's powdered doughnut changes back and forth between shots.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Student - S1-E17
Continuity mistake: When Dr Cox goes to speak to Turk in the cafeteria, his stethoscope goes instantly from sitting straight down across his grey shirt, to at an angle across his white coat.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Bed Banter & Beyond - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: In the scene where JD is watching Dr Cox and Elliot talking, Dr Cox is holding a metal file which vanishes when he jumps up to sit on the counter top.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Bed Banter & Beyond - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the episode, when Elliot and JD are sitting talking in the staff room, Elliot's stethoscope goes from sitting on top of her name badge to behind it.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Student - S1-E17
Continuity mistake: In the cafeteria, there is a bottle of water on the table in front of Turk. This vanishes before Dr Cox comes to speak with him. It is not one of the items on the tray that Kirsten removes from the table.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Bed Banter & Beyond - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: When JD and Elliot are talking when they first enter the hospital, JD's stethoscope moves between shots from sitting over his name tag, to resting on top of it.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

My Bed Banter & Beyond - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: When Turk, JD and Todd are at the nurses' station, the metal file in JD's hand has the labelled side facing outwards. In the next shot as he turns around to face Carla, the plain side of the file faces outwards.
11th Dec 2006
Scrubs (2001)

Continuity mistake: When Elliot is unpacking her books at the apartment, she places a brown book on top of the pile next to her. In the next shot, there is a green book on top of the pile.
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