Factual error: Nate and the other chick find four amphoras full of salt inside an ancient Roman storage room underneath Barcelona's streets. When they burst, the salt is released and spilt everywhere. Salt is a very hygroscopic mineral. It is impossible for that salt stored underneath the city's streets in a non-sealed container to not be one giant block of wet, melted solid after 500 years of humidity. It happens to kitchen salt if not stored in a dry place, let alone salt from the 16th century.
26th May 2022
Uncharted (2022)
12th Mar 2022
The King's Man (2021)
Factual error: When the Duke of Oxford (Ralph Fiennes) meets Rasputin, he notes how he "mastered the Bryozka glide", a dance technique where the practitioner looks like they are gliding a few cm over the floor instead of walking. However, while the scene is set in what must be 1916, the Bryozka glide was only invented in 1948 by Russian ballerina and choreographer Nadezhda Nadezhdina, who founded the Beryozka Dance Ensemble. (00:44:10)
22nd Nov 2020
Vikings (2013)
The Message - S5-E7
Factual error: When Floki lands in Iceland with the other Vikings brought from Kattegat, they land on the beach near Dyrhólaey, the southernmost tip of Iceland. Moments later, they are shown walking near the waterfall of Dettifoss, on the opposing side of Iceland. That is almost 300km (186mi) away, assuming they walked on a straight line across mountains, glaciers, valleys and a highly inhospitable desert in interior Iceland. If they went along the coast, that's more like 625km (390mi). (00:30:55 - 00:31:16)
20th Nov 2020
Vikings (2013)

Factual error: In the scene, Floki walks towards a small waterfall today known as Kvernufoss. Floki is supposed to be the only inhabitant if not the entire Iceland, at least the region, as we are shown no sign of civilisation whatsoever, and as historical record tell us about Iceland in the early 800s (as the events of Vikings seem to take place). But a well beaten footpath is visible, leading to the waterfall at the end of the canyon. That path is an oft-travelled path tourists follow nowadays to reach Kvernufoss, a well-known site in the area. A path like that in Floki's time would simply not have existed (there is nothing in that canyon but that waterfall, no reason to go there if not for sightseeing) and represents a (tiny) intrusion of our modern world in a show set in the middle age Iceland. (00:37:42)
26th Oct 2020
Vikings (2013)
The Profit and the Loss - S4-E7
Factual error: When Floki has a vision of Aslaug outside the viking camp along the seine river in France, the vegetation is that of a pine forest and the landscape is that of a mountainous region. There is no such area from the English channel to Paris, which is only flatland. The scene was filmed in Scotland. (00:34:25)
1st Oct 2020
Vikings (2013)
Factual error: During this episode, Ragnar is lying down with a half-eaten pear on his chest. That pear is of the variety Conference, it was developed by Thomas Francis Rivers in England in the late 1800s, so almost one thousand years later than the events of the show are supposed to take place (in the 800s). (00:38:00)
31st Mar 2020
Bloodshot (2020)
Factual error: An aerial view of a seaside location is shown and presented as the Amalfi Coast, in the Campania region in the south of Italy. What's shown is not the Amalfi Coast but the Cinque Terre (Five Lands) in the Liguria region, northwest of Italy. A second sequence at 6:58, meant to show the following morning where the protagonist wakes up, is again supposed to show the Amalfi Coast but it's the town of Vernazza instead, in the Cinque Terre. (00:05:21 - 00:06:58)
15th Sep 2017
Ant-Man (2015)
Factual error: In the scene when The Wasp (Hank's wife) goes subatomic to deactivate a missile, you see the missile flying horizontally in the clouds. That is not possible. First, that missile does not have wings so it simply could not fly horizontally like an airplane. Second, Hank states it's a ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile). ICBMs have a circular trajectory with apogee at 1200km of altitude (750mi), WAY above the clouds.
11th Sep 2017
Inferno (2016)
Factual error: When Pr Langdon and Dr Brooks arrive in Padova by train from Florence, they ran next to a sign which says "Padova Centrale." However, there is no such sign in the Padova train station with the writing "Centrale", only "Padova." Moreover, on platform 8 you see a Freccia Rossa, a kind of train that in Padova only passes through platform 1, 2, 3 and 5. (01:11:30)
13th Aug 2017
Inferno (2016)
Factual error: When Langdon finds the bio tube in his jacket and opens it, it finds a "bone" cylinder in it, which Dr Brooks immediately identifies as human. There is no way to tell if a crafted and modified bone is human or animal by simply looking at it.
18th Jul 2017
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
Factual error: The party in honour of Gianna, Santino's sister, is held at the Terme di Caracalla (Baths of Caracalla). That site belongs to the city of Rome, and would never be used to host a private party, let alone a party in honour of a major Mob figure. Moreover, the place where John and Gianna meet while she's about to take a bath is the Horti Sallustiani (Gardens of Sallust), which are some 5 km away from the place where the concert is being held.
18th Nov 2015
Arrow (2012)
Restoration - S4-E3
Factual error: Felicity apparently extracts DNA from the tooth of one of Damien Darhk's men. She then realises that the DNA lacks "half of the genetic markers" by looking at an optic microscope. Skipping the fact that this sentence makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, you certainly cannot analyse genetic markers by simply looking a tooth with an optic microscope. (00:11:05)
Suggested correction: No science behind this statement.
What is it supposed to mean?
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