
2nd Jul 2003

Robocop (1987)

Corrected entry: Why is the gun used for the original ED-209 demonstration still in the boardroom at least 4 months after this happened? We know it is at least 4 months because at the beginning of the film the OCP chairman says, "In 6 months we begin construction of Delta City..." and when Clarence and Dick are talking in Dick's office, Dick says, "Delta City begins construction in 2 months..." (01:31:57)


Correction: It's in an open box on a pedestal for display purposes. There are other sculptures and decorations in the board room. Many boardrooms also display awards or gifts the company received. The gun has a silver/chrome finish (probably aluminum, though) which further makes it look more like an award or souvenir. Maybe it was presented to the company when it first bought the police force or any of the other divisions it is part of.

15th Sep 2003

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: We are told there were 169 crew members on board but 1169 PEOPLE. The others could be non-crew members such as miners (it was a mining vessel, after all), passengers (commercial ships often carry them) or even crew members families (not unreasonable on a five year trip). There are many possible explanations.

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: Simple. Alburn's trial merely occured off-screen.

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: Lister never actually says that he's a pantheist - Kryten merely asks him if he's a pantheist, and Lister says that he isn't a "frying pan-theist". Also, it might be that since he's apparently done such a bad job of the Red Dwarf "game", he never even realised that Lister was supposed to be an atheist.


28th Dec 2003

Red Dwarf (1988)

Back To Reality - S5-E6

Corrected entry: When the crew are in the recuperation lounge, a woman comes in and asks if anyone in the room is called Dwayne Dibley. After everyone denies that it could be them, the woman leaves the case for someone to look at. After she leaves, Lister looks at the case and says it has to be Cat because his photograph is on the case. If this is so, then why did the woman not just look at the picture and tell for herself who Dwayne was instead of repeatedly asking?


Correction: It's probably standard procedure to do so in order to jog players' memories - after 4 years being someone else in a total immersion video game, wouldn't you forget who you are?

Andy Benham

27th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: Perhaps they didn't. It has been established that Kryten has a few replacement parts on Starbug - more than likely he used those.

Andy Benham

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: First explanation ; maybe you're right - he wasn't listening. Second explanation; Ace thinks Rimmer knows how Starbug works, and he can help with technical instructions and advice. Third explanation; he knows Rimmer is a total smeghead and he wants him where he can keep an eye on him to stop him causing any more problems. Fourth ... get the idea?

Correction: Perhaps he'd like to get to know this alternate version of himself in private, ask him some personal questions about where their lives diverged, etc, and fixing the engine on their own would be a good opportunity for this. He has no idea that Rimmer is such a smeg head.

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Camille - S4-E1

Corrected entry: In this episode Lister talks about his break up with Kochanski, but in the early episodes of the show, it is established that Lister always wanted ask Kochanski out but never worked up the courage.


Correction: He says he never asked her out, not that he never went out with her. Maybe she asked him? Maybe Petersen arranged a double date? Maybe Holly is programmed to arrange blind dates amongst random crew members? Why not?

Correction: It's kind of an acknowledged continuity error. In an early episode, Holly states that Lister and Kochanski had only exchanged a few hundred words; they hardly could have had a relationship. But in 'Time Slides' Lister talks about when she dumped him. The writers retroactively gave them a failed relationship to make Lister's obsession less weird.

1st Dec 2003

Red Dwarf (1988)

Blue - S7-E5

Corrected entry: The flashback sequence of Rimmer and Lister searching everyone's lockers is supposed to have happened not long after the accident which killed the crew. Rimmer is wearing his most up to date blue hard-light hologram costume, when he actually should have been wearing his standard cream shirt uniform.


Correction: This scene is supposed to have taken place in the alternative dimension, i.e. the one where Kochanski rescued Frankenstein and was put into stasis. Apparently Grant & Naylor never liked the look of the original uniforms, but had no choice owing to budget limitations. They probably took this opportunity to make the uniforms more like they had originally wanted. Kochanski is also wearing a blue uniform - which would have been made for this series, indicating that this was a deliberate difference.

26th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Rimmerworld - S6-E5

Corrected entry: If the Rimmers were supposed to be cowardly by nature, why were the 4 Rimmers who arrested the crew all brave? Surely this is a form of behaviour the main Rimmer found to be freakish and punishable by death?


Correction: He would find submissiveness attractive in his concubines and courtiers, but he would obviously want brave and assertive bodyguards. As long as they are obedient to his rule (and they ARE him, why wouldn't they be?) they can be as arrogant and violent as they like.

27th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: Who said the time wand's effects are permanent?

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Psirens - S6-E1

Corrected entry: Kryten shows Lister a picture of Kochanski and says that he dated her for three weeks, but in the first series it is established that Lister always wanted to ask Kochanski out but never worked up the courage.


Correction: Answered elsewhere - just because he didn't ask her out didn't mean they never dated. Maybe she asked him?

In an early episode, Holly says Kochanski and Lister had only spoken a few hundred words, they hardly could have dated for weeks. It's an acknowledged continuity error; the writers thought it would make more sense for Lister to obsess over a failed relationship than an unrequited crush.

Brian Katcher

27th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: The green-blue liquid is the luck virus and the red is the sexual magnetism virus.

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: Lister states in the episode "Future Echoes" in the first series that he is 23 years old. Thus, by simple addition, in "Holoship" he would be 27 - which could just about be said to be mid 20s.

27th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

Correction: He knew nothing about Kryten at that stage, and might have thought he was a fellow addict with supplies of Otrazone available to him. Making friends with him with a (small) nip might have made sense to him at the time.

25th Jan 2004

Red Dwarf (1988)

The End - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When Rimmer and Lister walk back into the teaching room after seeing the Cat for the first time, Lister bumps into the table that he was eating the piles of human ash from, but all the ash has disappeared.


Correction: There may be more than one teaching room on the ship. This may be a similar room but not the one that Lister entered earlier in the episode.

Correction: There was a deleted scene where Lister sweeps up the dead crew's ashes and dumps them into space, but it seemed silly rather than dramatic and was cut.

Brian Katcher

15th Dec 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: When Sid straps the rocket to Buzz and sets him down on the table, and then sets the alarm clock next to him, we can see a piece of black tape go right across Buzz's chest. Yet for the rest of the film, the tape that ties the rocket to Buzz is only on his back, none of it goes right the way around him.


Correction: I watched the movie and checked. In every shot you see Buzz from the front, he has a piece of tape on his chest. There is a break as it's the ends of two separate pieces. But it stayed the same as soon as Sid put it on.

1st Jan 2004

Grease 2 (1982)

Corrected entry: When Michael is making his own motorcycle with all the spare parts, he goes out to the field to try it. Frenchy appears and watches him. Listen very carefully after Michael falls the first time. You can hear him say 'bol**cks'. They must have realised this and tried to dub it out, but you can still hear it. It also shows Maxwell Caulfield's Scottish roots - it's a fairly British swear word, not widely used in the US.


Correction: Actually Maxwell Caulfield's character Michael is also supposed to be English, as explained by Frenchie earlier in the film. He speaks with an English accent throughout the entire movie.

15th Dec 2003

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

Corrected entry: Daniel fakes an old woman's voice on the phone to fool his wife, yet when he goes to his brothers house to get made up, they try various different looks to get his disguise right. Surely he would have told them that he has to look like an old woman, and not just any woman. Obviously the different look scenes were added to show off Robin Williams' hilarious talent, but surely Daniel wasn't actually going to go to his house dressed up in tarty clothes, massive red nails, barely no make-up, and with a Cuban accent and expect no-one to notice it was him?


Correction: It is obvious that this part of the movie is made for the accompanying song he sings as well as his talent. It's like they are having fun about trying different looks on Daniel, rather than seriously getting the correct look first time. Not really a mistake.

Corrected entry: When The Mole is dying, Kyle says that they boys dont know where they are. Yet, just after the fighting, we can see South Park in the background. Surely Kyle knows where he lives? (01:04:25 - 01:15:10)


Correction: He means they are unfamiliar with the army base they've snuck into and can't find their way out of it without him.

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