
2nd Jan 2004

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: When Sully and Waternoose are talking, Waternoose pours himself a cup of coffee. Just after Waternoose takes a sip, Sully demonstrates his scaring ability on him and he drops his cup. The sound we hear is of an empty cup hitting the floor, but didn't Waternoose just fill it with coffee? There should have been a splash type noise to indicate the coffee has spilt on the floor.


Correction: Look more carefully at the "coffee" - it isn't liquid, but thick, heavy sludge. Thus, if a cup of that stuff was dropped on the floor, we wouldn't hear any splashing.

Phil C.

1st Jan 2004

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: Why does Mike need to put in a contact lens after going to work? Surely if his eyesight is bad, then he would have needed to put one on before leaving the house. After all, he wanted to drive to work, supposedly with bad eyesight.


Correction: He could just need a corrective lens for reading, which he has to do for work.


28th Aug 2003

Police Academy (1984)

Corrected entry: All Jones has is a microphone, which is hooked up to something, (we never see what, though), and he is able to control the police station and Police Academy's PA systems. So what is he carrying around which makes him able to do this? (And where can I get one)?


Correction: When we first meet Jones, we see that his microphone is hooked up to a portable bullhorn, of the type police use for crowd control. Jones does not control the PA systems, people just think that's where the sound is coming from.

J I Cohen

Plus the person doing the PA announcements sounds like Jones, because during the call for riot control Mahoney says something like "Was that you Jones?" and he says "Not this time."

20th Nov 2003

Robocop 3 (1993)

Corrected entry: I wasn't aware that traffic lights can be remote controlled so easily. How do the rebels control them, infra red, bluetooth, telepathy - perhaps wishful thinking?. Traffic lights are operated by underground wiring and can't be easily tapped into, or over-ridden by a remote.


Correction: Emergency Cars today use MIRT (mobile infrared transmitter) that allows them to turn red lights into "green" to allow them to pass intersections. This is done via a device that is mounted on the car and sends a signal to a device mounted on the signal pole, which looks like a small camera. The film oddly foreshadows a problem now facing many US metropolitain and cities, as people now gain access to these devices and try to beat the red light. See:

3rd Jul 2003

Alien 3 (1992)

Corrected entry: Ripley is convinced that she is carrying an alien queen inside her. It appears to come out of a normal egg and when it bursts out of her chest, it has a normal smooth shaped head. Shouldn't the alien queen have have come from a bigger pod and have a jagged head like the adult version does, or at least a little stump where the big head grows out from so people will know it's a queen?


Correction: There is no reason why a queen alien would have to come from a bigger egg, since it isn't the egg that carries the Alien embryo, it's the facehugger. In the original cut of the film, a special facehugger was designed which designated it as a queen carrier. And if you watch the alien when it rips out of Ripley's chest, you can see that its head is distinctly different in terms of its shape. Just like human baies don't have full heads of hair and aren't fully grown when they are born, so should an alien queen infant not be any bigger than any other alien chestburster.

Correction: His question meant what is it like living on Earth. He only went before to have a boxing match with Jesus and couldn't have learned much about the world.

Corrected entry: At the start of the film, a chopper falls off the truck and we see that the rotor blades are folded up as it begins to fall. A few seconds later when it is falling the blades have unfolded.


Correction: The shot which starts with the helicopter leaving the truck with its rotors folding continues to show them unfolding.


Corrected entry: When Stan gets thrown around from the blast of the bomb, he lands with his face in a puddle. When he lifts his head and sees the clitoris, the puddle dissappears, but it reappears after the clitoris tells him what to do.


Correction: Stan is imagining the scene with the clitoris, so it need not be in sync with what's 'really' happening to Stan at the time.


Corrected entry: How can Kyle be smart enough to crack encryption systems on the internet, and not be able to remember a simple password for La Resistance?


Correction: When he asks Gregory for the password (La Resistance) and Gregory says 'Bacon' it's just to show how serious the boys are trying to be but when the time comes to execute thier plan they can't do it.

Corrected entry: When all of the rings have been put in the champagne, the ones the Angels are after float to the top. But the rings are supposed to be made of titanium, which is far too heavy to float.


Correction: The angels mention the fact that the rings are completely hollow, with only a thin titanium shell for strength, so they may have been light enough to float. The bubbles in the champagne would have helped the floating process as well.

mandy gasson

6th Jul 2003

Alien 3 (1992)

Corrected entry: At the start of the film we see acid being spilled on the ground on the Sulaco and acid burns on Newt's cryochamber, but there is only supposed to be a facehugger on the ship. Facehuggers only have acid for blood, it has no other forms of defence, so how did it burn the floor of the Sulaco to start the fire, and how did it burn into Newt's cryochaber?


Correction: They have to be able to secrete acid when they want. Otherwise, how else did the first facehugger in Alien melt through Kane's helmet?

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Mustafa explains to Austin and Felicity that he can't stand being asked the same question 3 times, and so on the 3rd time, he answers. But just before Mustafa reveals this to them, he is asked a question by Felicity and he tells the answer straight away, instead of waiting for it to be asked 3 times. (Incidentally, the answer he gives to that question is that he can't stand being asked the same question 3 times.)


Correction: He only has to be asked three times if he doesn't want to give the answer. He has no problem telling Felicity he hates being asked the same question, it's only information about Dr. Evil that they have to force out of him.


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