Other mistake: Mr. Monk is solving his 100th case, but in Season one Episode 3 Julie gives him 100 trophies, saying they rounded down from 104 to make an even number.
19th Jan 2023
Monk (2002)
10th Jun 2021
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Big Game - S5-E3
Factual error: All the players have their first names on the back of their jerseys. They should have their last names on the jerseys for better identification considering some of them would probably have the same first name.
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake just because a school does it a different way than what you expect. Not to mention that some people also have the same last name, so using the last name would create the same "problem." All they would have to do is add a last name initial.
It really is an error because in the opening, when the coach called "Emily," one of the players responded, "Which Emily?" As soon as the second Emily joined the team, the school would have changed the jerseys. Of course, in a school team, siblings may join the team, so first and last names would likely both be incorporated.
24th Jan 2018
Monk (2002)
Continuity mistake: In "Mr. Monk and the Birds and the Bees" Natalie mentions she doesn't have a sister when Julie's "boyfriend" says the aunt hired him to break her and her real boyfriend up. Here she has a sister and a niece.
Suggested correction: Natalie doesn't have a sister in this episode. The woman seen is credited as "Aunt Teresa." They're most likely cousins. Children of cousins are often referred to as nieces/nephews. This would make Natalie "Aunt Natalie" to Anne Marie (and Teresa would be "Aunt Teresa" to Julie).
7th Aug 2017
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Miracle - S7-E9
Corrected entry: The pharmacist's plan is really stupid. He changes all their meds so they don't work, after drinking from the fountain he changed them back so it appears the fountain healed them. The problem is if they think the fountain healed them they're not going to take their meds, so their pain would come back.
Correction: He didn't just change their medication so it didn't work, he changed it so they actually got sicker or worse. Even if they stopped taking their real medication, they'd still feel better than before when they were worse off and still think it was the fountain. But since he wasn't trying to scam anyone out of any money, he didn't need a long term solution for when their pain came back. Just enough to stop the monastery from digging up the fountain.
8th Jan 2021
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Genius - S7-E2
Corrected entry: It's never explained why Patrick would want to kill his second wife, or how he switched headstones without being caught or having some assistance.
Correction: Just because something isn't explained doesn't make it a plot hole. But his wife said Patrick took a $10M life insurance policy out on her, so that's one reason.
23rd Mar 2008
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Is on the Run (2) - S6-E16
Continuity mistake: At the end, when Dale Biederbeck is screaming at Monk, Dale is sitting in his wheelchair with both his hands down in his lap. The shot cuts in the middle of his sentence, and suddenly he has one hand up on the cell bars. (00:40:30)
Suggested correction: When he says Adrian is trapped in a worse prison, you see him put his hands on the bar. They're not in his lap.
27th Jan 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece - S6-E14
Factual error: When Stottlemeyer and Randy are at the painter's daughter's home they find a picture showing him in front of Carson papers, which leads the Captain to say: they have a contract with the treasury, they are producing the paper for the U.S. currency. This is wrong: the treasury is not in charge of printing the Federal Reserve Notes. Rather it is the privately owned Fed that prints the Federal Reserve Notes and then lends it to the treasury at interest. And the interest added is the reason why there will never be enough money to pay the interest, i.e. the state debt.
Suggested correction: While the Federal Reserve is in charge of maintaining our currency (through the creation or destruction of currency, real or digital), the U.S. Department of Treasury is in fact responsible for printing money, through the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
29th Dec 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Wrong Man - S6-E8
Stupidity: Instead of Monk pounding on the church's inner glass door for someone to let him in, he could have simply used the door handle on the outside which is the same as on the inside. (00:27:30)
16th Mar 2021
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Red Herring - S3-E10
Continuity mistake: In the pet store, the bird's cage has a plastic covering on the sides. But in various shots, either one or both coverings are missing.
Suggested correction: This is wrong, it was just the way the camera angle made the cage appear where I couldn't differentiate the space between the bars, so it looked like there must have been a covering.
28th Dec 2016
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Visits a Farm - S5-E14
Continuity mistake: In this episode, Randy says that his uncle left him a farm in his will. In the episode "Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever", Randy stated that all of his uncles are deceased. Kind of hard to be given a farm from a guy who's been dead since Season 3.
Suggested correction: Not necessarily, as in many cases when someone is trying to claim someone else's inheritance it can take years until such a case is finally resolved by a judge's ruling.
The point of the mistake is Randy said all his uncles are dead, but then later, Harvey Disher is alive. The farm wasn't in some probate court for years, Harvey had died the month before.
True. Obviously my bad! Thank you.
2nd Mar 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan - S3-E1
Corrected entry: The captain refers to the DA as a "guy" just after the New York policeman calls her "she", indicating she is female. (00:09:45)
Correction: He may have meant the man that the DA was going to help them meet with, rather than the DA herself. What the captain said was ambiguous.
It wasn't really ambiguous. But you're right, the Captain was referring to Warrick Tennyson. That was the whole purpose of the trip, to talk to him ("this guy"). The DA's office was the one that set up the meeting, so someone from the DA's office was going to meet Monk et al, but that's not who they were going to talk to.
17th Apr 2012
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion - S5-E6
Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode, when Katherine Rutherford is killed, she lands on her stomach with her eyes wide-open. Yet when Stottlemeyer and Disher arrive and see the cops looking at the body, she is now lying face-up and her eyes are closed. It is hard to believe that the police would move the body that much without first marking its original position with tape.
Suggested correction: It's a TV and movie trope that cops outline a body with tape or chalk, that's what photographs are for. But if someone found an old lady lying on her stomach, especially without blood, they might roll her over to check if she's OK or could be resuscitated.
5th Jan 2021
Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Big Game - S5-E3
Factual error: The hair dryer would not have hurt anyone as it was plugged into a FCI outlet. These outlets will immediately sense the interruption and cut the power to ensure electrical safety. The coach would have been alive. (00:02:23)
28th Dec 2016
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Gets Jury Duty - S4-E16
Factual error: Since Monk has OCD it would be highly unlikely for him to be on a jury. Plus, Monk works for the police department and since he technically works in the criminal justice system, that would have made him exempt from jury duty.
Suggested correction: First, he would have to ask for exemption in writing prior to serving, with proof, regarding hardship for his OCD. While it's possible his doctor might say serving jury duty would result in physical harm due to his mental illness, it's unlikely to be given by Dr. Kroger. And Monk is not an active peace officer, so that wouldn't earn him an exception.
5th Feb 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Bumps His Head - S4-E11
Other mistake: The diner Monk enters to eat something after the truck driver gave him five bucks is the same diner that Christie and Sharona are waiting in to meet Monk after work in the episode Monk and the employee of the month. But while this episode is said to be in Wymington, the earlier one is set in San Francisco.
Suggested correction: This is trivia at best. While the set may be reused, it's not meant to be the same diner. It might be a chain restaurant so they look similar, but the seats inside are different.
12th Jun 2020
Monk (2002)
Stupidity: It makes no sense why the staff or the guests would serve the wine to Natalie from where the dead body was being stored. The guests and staff go about cleaning up after he died to avoid any trace of him ever coming to the winery including putting his body in a large wine crate. Yet Natalie makes the discovery that the weird smell (of aftershave) from the wine which leads to the police discovering the body. There is no reason to serve her that wine. It was a vineyard after all - they had plenty of wine and as the staff was in on it, they could have made that crate inaccessible to serve. (00:18:35 - 00:40:04)
Suggested correction: The guests and staff involved had nothing to do with which wine was being served. Sylvia was just a hostesses and Ricardo was just a waiter. They happened to dump the body in a cask of the new wine which was being taste tested. The wine expert, bartender, and other waiters weren't involved and didn't know there was a dead body in the cask.
2nd Mar 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Red Herring - S3-E10
Audio problem: In the last line of the episode, the end of the word "spider" that Natalie is saying is cut off. It sounds like "spi." (00:42:05)
Suggested correction: I just watched the scene and I hear the whole word "spider."
8th Feb 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month - S3-E7
Plot hole: Monk wants to take a look at the case that got Christie to leave the force. But given that they are ordinary cops they would not be able to just go and pull internal affairs files.
Suggested correction: I'm not sure what you mean by "ordinary" cops. Captain Stottlemeyer is the one pulling the file. Plus, we don't see what they had to do to request access the files. There's no indication they just went in and randomly pulled the file with no authorization.
28th May 2007
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Goes to Jail - S2-E16
Factual error: When Monk visits the prison for the first time, he is searched, passed, and has a mini-panic attack because people have touched him. Sharona steps forward to comfort him, and she puts her arms around him. This is a very serious breach of procedure and it is not possible for the guards to miss it, because Sharona has not been searched. It's a common technique for trying to pass contraband called 'a touch through' - a person with an item to be smuggled into the prison (drugs, usually), passes them on to a person who has been searched and is therefore 'clean'. Monk would be taken back to the guard's station to be searched again. He would not be allowed leniency because the guards happen to know or to like him - visitor ingress and egress is always done under CCTV and the guard would know he was being watched - quite possibly by someone who doesn't know who Monk and Sharona are.
Suggested correction: Sharona was searched first by the female guard.
11th Dec 2020
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star - S2-E12
Plot hole: Unless I missed something, the killer didn't wipe his prints off the knife he used to kill his ex-wife.
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