
2nd Dec 2017

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: I don't get why Rogue is defending Bobby from what his parents are saying, because doesn't she hate her powers?


Answer: She may hate her powers, but she also hates being persecuted for being a mutant when it's not her fault. Plus, she truly does think Bobby is gifted and that his mutant powers are special (they were able to share a kiss because of his powers).


Answer: She does, but she also knows her situation is not everybody's (her power kills people, Bobby's makes nice ice flowers), and as a fellow mutant and Bobby's friend she comes to his defense.

30th Apr 2015

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: What was the whole purpose of Nightcrawler trying to assassinate the president?

Answer: In the first X-Men movie, the proposed "Mutant Registration Act" was called off. William Stryker, who was anti-mutant, wanted to force the issue by having a mutant kill the president, to show how dangerous mutants are. Nightcrawler was brainwashed by Stryker to attempt this.


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