Question: Silver tells Chozen he's never had any children himself. If that's the case, then how are people calling Snake from part 3 Silver's son?
27th Oct 2022
Cobra Kai (2018)
Answer: When the movie came out in '89, it was revealed that the director's son had a part written just for him as the villain's son, and he would be called Snake. This relationship, however, was never addressed in the film itself and Snake just became a member of the house staff for Silver.
19th Oct 2022
Lean on Me (1989)
Question: At the end after Clark tells the Mayor the state can go to Hell, it seems like there was a cut scene. Clark tells the students that he was not going anywhere. They then show scattered cheering before Clark ask the students, "Are you ready, maestro?" without any lead-in. Was there a deleted scene to describe what appears to be this gap?
Answer: He actually said "are you ready my Ghosts (not Maestro)", but what I wondered is how he was able to just walk away after he was arrested.
28th Sep 2022
The Karate Kid III (1989)
Question: In Kobra Kai, Silver tells Chozen he never had children. Then why are people saying Snake was Silver's son especially since it was never established in the movie that he was?
Answer: When the movie came out in '89, it was revealed by the director John Avildsen that he had cast his real life son Jonathon as Terry Silvers son Snake. Although that connection is not mentioned in the movie, it did help explain why a grown man had a teenage boy living in his house.
24th May 2022
Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)
Question: At the end of the movie when Dave exits the truck, he holds Debbie from behind and in a romantic way sniffed her hair. Not only did Debbie lean back into him and smile, but Mike looked at them and didn't seem bothered. Is there an interview anywhere where the crew explains why Debbie and Dave seemed like they got back together out of nowhere? Are we supposed to forget the movie started off with Mike and Debbie as a couple?
6th Sep 2021
Sixteen Candles (1984)
Question: What was the purpose of Samantha at the end saying "she fell" before turning back into the church? It's obvious her sister fell, but Samantha acted all surprised over it.
Answer: She actually said "The VEIL" after remembering her sister tossing it away (when bugged she couldn't see with it on). Sam simply went back in the church to pick it up.
1st May 2018
8 Mile (2002)
Question: At the end, during the battle with Lotto, Rabbit tells him to "Pay attention. You're saying the same shit he said" while pointing to Lyckety-Splyt. Lotto's insults were all racist, while Lyckety (whose only racial comment was calling Rabbit a Nazi), focused his insults towards beating Rabbit and insulting his friends. Therefore how was Lotto repeating Lickety's insults?
Answer: Lyckety made several racial insults in addition to calling Rabbit a Nazi: "You the New Kid on the Block about to get smacked back to the boondocks", "form a squad with Vanilla Ice", "this guy's a hillbilly, this ain't Willie Nelson music", "you'll get dropped so hard that Elvis will start turnin' in his grave", "need to take your white a** back across 8 Mile to the trailer park." Cleverly, all of Lyckety's racial insults refer specifically to white recording artists besides his final insult. Lotto does essentially the same thing, saying generic things about Rabbit's race. This is why Rabbit says "you see how far the white jokes get you" when he battles Lotto.
18th Oct 2017
Baby Driver (2017)
Question: During the heist at the post office, Baby shakes his head at a woman who in turn grabs a cop. When the lady was walking up, she smiled and waved like she knew him. However at the end during her testimony, it seems like she didn't know him after all. If that's the case, why did she smile and wave at him? Did I miss something?
Answer: The woman works at the Post Office and was the one who served Baby and Sam the day before. He's shaking his head at her because he doesn't want her to go in the building and get hurt/ killed in the heist that's happening at that time. She doesn't know him in a personal way like Joseph or Debora.
30th Sep 2017
Left Behind 1
Question: I am looking for other fictional book series similar to Left Behind with The Rapture, rise of the Antichrist, tribulation, etc. Anybody have any recommendations?
27th Jun 2017
Stargate SG-1 (1997)
Question: Either it was explained in this episode and I missed it or maybe it was explained in a later episode and I haven't seen it yet, but I have always been curious. If the Asgard were able to remove the Goa'uld from Skaara, then why couldn't they do the same with Teal'c?
Chosen answer: Skaara has a Goa'uld in his head controlling him. Removing it returns him to a normal human being. Teal'c has a Goa'uld in a sac in his stomach. The Goa'uld in Teal'c acts as his immune system and helps him to have a very long life span. Removing it would kill him.
16th Feb 2017
It (1990)
Question: What is the deal with everyone saying "beep beep" to Ritchie every time he tells a joke?
Chosen answer: It's their way of telling Richie to be quiet. To get him to stop talking.
Answer: In the book it is explained that they are telling Richie to shut up.
23rd Jan 2017
Phantasm: Ravager (2016)
Question: I am confused as to what really happened. Was the entire series of movies a fantasy of Reggie's like Mike said it was? Was the planet taken over by the Tall Man like the other reality showed? Or are we left to our own imagination on which reality was real and which was not?
Chosen answer: This film is infamous for its confusing to follow narrative, owed to the fact it was originally intended as a series of shorts rather than a linear structure. As it stands it is up to the viewer to decide, however the post credits scene seems to suggest one world is real as Reggie plays no part in the scene.
1st Jun 2016
Outbreak (1995)
Question: I never understood how, like in this movie, after they leave the lab of infectious viruses, does being sprayed down with hot water prevent them from being infected once they take the suit off. Can someone explain that to me?
7th Jan 2016
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
5th Jun 2015
Three O'Clock High (1987)
Question: One thing I never understood in the movie. At the end right before the final punch, the principal sits up and says "don't fuck this up Mitchell." Was he referring to not losing the fight? Was he referring to his school career? It is hard to tell especially since he saved Mitchell from the police, then smiled and nodded at him before walking away.
Answer: He's telling him to win the fight. The principal knows if the bully isn't defeated, he'll continue to harass him and the students. He believes if the bully loses the fight, he'll no longer be a problem at the school.
10th Feb 2015
The Remaining (2014)
Question: The end of the movie had me all confused. What happened? Is it implying that the Angels came down from Heaven and began killing all the new believers? What were we led to believe at the end?
Answer: At the end locusts descend on earth from heaven to wipe out the human race. This is taken directly from the bible. Basically, everyone who was not taken during the rapture would be left on earth to be tormented and eventually all of humanity would be wiped out by a massive swarm of locusts.
15th Oct 2014
Tales From the Hood (1995)
Question: At the end when Satan reveals himself, what is the name of the beat that is playing and who performs it?
9th Oct 2014
Tales From the Hood (1995)
Question: When Simms tells the 3 thugs they are dead, he screams at them "This ain't no funeral home. It ain't the terra dome neither." What is the terra dome? When I look it up online I only find a mention of an underground home, but I don't see what that has to do with Satan and Hell.
Chosen answer: The word he says is "terror dome". He is just referencing a Public Enemy song, "Welcome to the Terrordome".
28th Sep 2014
The Thing (1982)
Question: Why did Kurt Russell sound the alarm when the thing was attacking the dogs? He was nowhere near the area and could not see what was going on. Also before he pulled the alarm, the sound he would hear was too faint to think something was wrong.
Answer: Remember that he'd just spent the whole day investigating how something mysterious and horrible destroyed the Norwegian camp, so he's already in a spooked state of mind. Hearing the dogs screaming at night is already unusual on its own, and also reminds him how this whole episode all started with a crazed Norwegian trying to kill a dog. Deep down he knows whatever happened to the Norwegians is now starting at their own camp.
I 100% agree.
Chosen answer: He sensed something was wrong and wanted as much help from the others as possible.
Answer: Having investigated the Norwegian camp, he could have conceived that the use of fire would be helpful. As such, he would need fire extinguishers after combating whatever the thing might be with the flamethrowers. It could have been foresight on his part that by ringing the fire alarms, somebody was more likely to bring fire extinguishers with them, thus allowing better control of the fire.
17th Sep 2014
Forrest Gump (1994)
Question: Is there a way to know what was going on in the TV footage that Forest is in? For example when He shows Johnson his wound and Johnson walks away laughing, or when he has the confrontation with Kennedy, what was going on with the actual footage they used?
Chosen answer: (1) The effects artists involved in "Forrest Gump" used footage of President Lyndon Johnson giving an award to Sammy Davis Jr., and superimposed Hanks over Davis to make it look like the president was giving Gump a medal. (2) Forrest appears with John Lennon on "The Dick Cavett Show." This was morphed with footage of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s first appearance with Mr. Cavett, which aired September 11, 1971. They were the only guests on the show that evening. But In the film, Forrest Gump's image is superimposed over Yoko Ono’s (original: In the "Forrest Gump" film, Cavett plays himself, made up to look younger. (3) I believe the archival footage of President John F. Kennedy is actual footage of Kennedy honoring a championship football team, with Tom Hanks digitally inserted. But I do not know which team nor the year. In all instances, when Forrest Gump is digitally composited into historic events, the special effects team recreated that archival footage with actor Tom Hanks. They combined their new work with the actual clip via CGI and clever editing. Finally, in post-production, they modified mouth movements of the historical figures so that they appear to be saying the new dialogue.
1st Sep 2014
Shutter (2008)
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Answer: I've seen the 1989 movie many times and never once did Silver ever present Snake as his "son." Snake and Dennis were two young men who simply worked for and/or lived with Silver and only called "the boys" when Mike first arrived.
I never said it was said in the movie. I said people are saying it. Social media. Etc.
Simple, people don't know anything and assume baseless things for absolutely no reason.