Movie Nut

15th Oct 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

Casanova Klink - S3-E6

Schultz: They DID blow up the ammo supply!
Le Beau: No kidding!
Schultz: You all knew it, before it even happened. How? H-how did you know it?
Hogan: Schultz, we know nothing, we see nothing, we say nothing!
Schultz: We know nothing, we see nothing, we say nothing. Very good! I'll have to remember that.

Movie Nut

28th Apr 2017

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

16th Oct 2016

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

Get Fit or Go Fight - S5-E16

Hogan: [To Schultz about the Medical officer] Schultz, I want you to stall him for three minutes, then the Kommandant can see him.
Schultz: But why?
Hogan: We're trying to save Klink from the Russian Front. And if we save him...
Schultz: He will save me!
Hogan: Right. Now get going, raus, raus!
Schultz: Ja Wohl, herr Kommandant! I mean, Colonel! Oh, I don't know what this war would be without him.

Movie Nut

16th Oct 2016

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

16th Oct 2016

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

26th Sep 2016

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

Hold That Tiger - S1-E2

Schultz: [To Hogan about Newkirk in a Gestapo uniform] I must report this. It would be worth my life if I do not report this.
Hogan: It's only until tomorrow. He's gonna take it off again.
Schultz: Aahhh.
Hogan: After he steals the tank...
Schultz: Ohh?
Hogan: from the Panzer division...
Schultz: Ohhh?
Hogan: and brings it here into the barracks.
Schultz: Oh, I see nothing, I was not even here, I did not even get up this morning.

Movie Nut

31st Jul 2015

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

8th Sep 2014

Hogan's Heroes (1965)

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