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2nd Sep 2018
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
I own this on DVD.
I feel this movie gets a lot more hate than it deserves. Sure it may not be as good as the second one, and let's face it it's hard to top T2. But that doesn't make this a bad film. I actually like how John Connor is portrayed in this. Sure he's a bit whiny and a bit of a coward, but that's because he has not grown yet into the person he will be. He's unsure, and full of doubt. He has to grow.
And this has one of the best movie trailers I've ever seen!
Mistake Status: Searched briefly on my DVD, may go back in the future.
28th Aug 2018
Black Water (2018)
I rented this from Red Box.
So what's this? Jaun-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren doing a movie together that isn't a Universal Soldier sequel. Well... it's a movie at least. I can call it that.
So what's the story? Van Damme plays Scott Wheeler who is some sort of special agent who has some data on a flash drive or something. He and his partner are on the run and he gets captured, his partner killed, and him framed for killing their contact. So he's taken to this special prison that is a submarine where Dolph Lundgren is kept prisoner also. A place that doesn't exist for people who don't exist, yada yada yada. Long story short, he breaks loose and teams up with a couple of others on the sub when the other agents turn evil and he teams up with Dolph as well and it just becomes one huge plot hole after another.
The acting is horrible, with the dialog painful at times. The effects are bad, even cars that get shot up having no bullet holes. Even Van Damme's acting seems phoned in. The film's budget was just 5 million dollars, and it shows. The effects are terrible. And the CGI of the sub is puke worthy.
This film isn't quite as bad as the schlock that The Asylum shits out... but it's pretty close.
It's just a mindless action film that is bad even by mindless 90's action film standards.
The only person who seems to be putting any effort into the movie is Dolph and he enjoys himself... only he literally only has about 3-5 minutes of screen time. He really got the bad end of the deal with this one.
Here's my Two Scraps Review of the film.https://scrap.tf/raffles/15T28X
Mistake Status: Skimmed while rented. Plan to never go back.
26th Aug 2018
The Humanity Bureau (2017)
I rented this from Red Box.
Honestly, I love Nicolas Cage, he's like my second favorite actor, only topped by Jackie Chan. And it's sad to see how his career has turned with all these low budget movies he's been doing, averaging about 6 a year. With the rumors of his financial trouble where he can't say no to a script. But gotta give him props for bringing his A game in each of these films. And most of the time, he's easily the best part. I like to rent these direct to video and low level theatrical release films that he's in that I see in Red Box. Often times they are actually pretty good, especially with what he brings to the table...
Humanity Bureau on the other hand... is not a good movie. The acting, aside from Cage, is terrible. Especially the kid who plays Lucas. The dialog is choppy, and clunky, and the writing feels like it was still just a rough draft and went to shooting.
So what's the story? Well it's a dystopian future where the world has gone to hell because of the pollution and shit, And so the US has set up this thing called New Eden where they deport people not being productive enough to society. The Agency that runs these operations is the Humanity Bureau, and Nick Cage plays the character Noah Kross who is one of these agents. But after bonding with a family that he's needing to deport, he discovers the terrible truth about New Eden actually being a death camp not unlike the Nazi crematoriums. So he takes it upon himself to betray the Bureau, rescue this woman and child, and head north for Canada with his truth so he can get it out there and start a revolution.
Sounds like a decent idea... but the movie is just made terribly. The villain is a cardboard cut out, the supporting characters can't act... and the ending of the film is just bland and bad.
The only thing this movie has going for it is the idea behind the story is interesting, an Cage's acting is top notch. So I'd stay away from this one.
I give this movie a 2 out of 5.
My two scraps review
Mistake Status: Skimmed while rented. May buy all Nick Cage movies in the future to go back to.
26th Aug 2018
Looking Glass (2018)
I rented this from Red Box.
So what's the story? Well, Ray (played by Cage) and his wife Maggie are trying to escape their past and get a new start on life after the death of their daughter. They make a deal with an old man to take over his motel. So they move out, get set up and start running a motel in a strange little town. But things are... odd around those parts. Ray begins to notice the odd behavior of the people but he doesn't understand what's going on.
Well while working on the pool service room, he discovers a secret tunnel that leads to behind the mirror of room 10 at his motel. And the mirror is a 1 way mirror allowing him to spy on whatever goes on in that room. He starts using it to watch an old trucker get it on with his various prostitutes for the night, as well as watches a lesbian bdsm scene. However, things start to get even crazier after one of those lesbians turns up dead on the news from murder. A dead pig sliced down the middle appears inside the pool, red paint is thrown on his windows, and he gets caught in a spiraling mess out of control of trying to figure out just what the hell is going on, keeping his wife safe, keeping his own little secret, and trying to stay sane. All the while trying to do his own investigation to find out what happened to the murdered lesbian.
Sounds like a decent suspense thriller from that, right? Well yeah, and the film does have it's high points. Just the bad thing is this film has poor pacing. And often times it just drags on, and is boring. Also, despite the premise of a voyeur one way mirror and a lesbian sex scene... there is disappointingly next to no nudity in the movie. Hell the lesbians are pretty much fully clothed as they choke each other and kiss. There is one moment while Cage and his wife Maggie (played by Robin Tunney) where you see her tits. But that's it. Just a couple of shots of Robin's tits. And she's no stranger to getting nude on camera.
For a rated R film with a subject matter like this, you'd think their would be more nudity...
The acting in the film is decent, with Cage again being the best performance. And I will admit that the film does keep you guessing till the end just what the hell is going on and who the murderer is. It does a decent job at that. But it just drags on too long and feels boring at times.
It's an all right film. But really could have used some work and polish.
I give it a 3 out of 5 stars.
My Two Scraps Review.
Mistake Status: Skimmed while rented. May buy all Nick Cage movies in the future to go back to.
26th Aug 2018
Bleeding Steel (2017)
I rented this from Red Box.
To be honest... this movie could have been better. But I really enjoyed it. It's nice to see Jackie in a sci-fi action movie like this... Thought he film as a whole doesn't make a whole lot of sense and there are about a trillion plot holes. And it's never explained how Andre and the Woman in Black have such advanced technology and even a freaking space ship in the year 2020 while everywhere else is more or less modern.
Jackie is amazing as ever, and still doing all his own stunts and is fantastic, even at the age of 64 now. (Hey my favorite number!)
Also the humor in the movie is freaking hilarious. I found myself roaring with laughter several times and almost peeing myself. Jackie's been doing this for over 5 decades now and he's really mastered how to get great slap stick humor down pat.
The movie itself isn't that great, and would definitely fall flat without Jackie. But he just brings so much to the table you can't help but love it.
Here's my Two Scraps Review of the film.
Mistake Status: Found a few when rented. No current plans to go back, but I do want to own all Jackie Chan movies. So very likely I'll get back it at some point in the future.
19th Aug 2018
Last Action Hero (1993)
I own this on VHS.
One of my childhood favorites. I watched this movie so many times as a kid, and it still holds up to this day.
This film gets a bad rep unfairly. This is one of those tragic cases of Box office slaughter, as this film had the misfortune to be released in theaters the week after the first Jurassic Park was released. And the film suffered BIG time.
This movie is largely responsible for my tastes in film and music to this day. I remember the emotions it would cause me as a kid popping in my old VHS for the 50th time and seeing that credit sequence for Jack Slater IV with MegaDeth, or the car chase scene playing AC/DC's Big Gun. To this day those are still two of my favorite songs of all time thanks to this movie. Other than Star Wars, I can't think of another film that has had more influence in my life.
Last Action Hero holds a very special place in my heart and it's truly a fantastic film. Grossly overlooked, whoafully underrated, and a cigar smoking dessert eagle totting Schwarzenegger one liner load of fun.
Mistake Status: I plan to buy the DVD at some point and go through it extensively.
12th Aug 2018
Incredibles 2 (2018)
I saw this in theaters.
It's been a long wait. 14 years since the first film and at long last we get the continuation of the story. This movie picks up right where the first one left off. Supers are back in the light and the public opinion is mixed as always with the law not taking too kindly to the Incredibles' efforts.
Honestly with how the movie goes, I can see that their really wasn't much else they could do with the story or where to take it and it still feel like Incredibles and carry the same spirit as the first film. It could easily have just become just another super hero movie with the family stopping some big threat or some other. They went deeper with this story and kept the similar tone of the first, and it works wonderfully. It may be more of nostalgia talking, but the first film still seems to hold up better. Then again I've only seen the sequel once in theaters so far. I was not disappointed and think the movie was wonderful.
Just hopefully we won't have to wait another 14 years for part 3... if we ever get a part 3.
Also. Whats up with the girl Evelyn looking almost identical to Roxanne in Megamind?
Mistake Status: Have not yet searched.
11th Aug 2018
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)
I own this on DVD.
Hands down my favorite movie from the animated DC series. Very well done, I love the story and the ideas. The characters are great, the twists good. Just an all around great movie. Even if it did spawn the... iffy New 52 universe and continuity as a consequence of The Flash's actions. But this movie on it's own is wonderful. It's so far my favorite animated DC film, and my second favorite animated super hero movie. (the first being Marvel's Planet Hulk).
Mistake Status: Thoroughly searched, but will go back through it again in the near future before moving into the continuation of the DC animated Universe
10th Aug 2018
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
I saw this in theaters.
There is a reason they are calling this the best action film of the year. Mission Impossible Fall Out puts everything on the table and shines bright like a fake out nuclear blast. Tom Cruse is finally starting to show his age now and it actually adds to the effect of the impossibility of the situations his character keeps finding a way out of.
And it kept me guessing. It's very rare for a movie to surprise me these days, as I've seen so many in the last 28 years. Some of the twists were obvious, like the identity of the villain. But other things really had me going "OH shit! that just happened!" Or turning to the girl I was on a date with in the theater and saying "Wow, I actually didn't see that coming."
That's just rare these days as movies become more and more predictable. Even in the Mission Impossible series.
This is a great film, though I think Mission Impossible 2 is still my favorite of the flicks.
I also was slightly disappointing in the potential that this film could have done. This is Mission Impossible 6... Or MI6. And with Daniel Craig having wrapped up his stent as James Bond, I felt that this movie missed a huge opportunity. To be a Mission Impossible and James Bond cross over. Hell, the film even has a large portion take place in England and the agency MI6 is involved... Having Ethan Hunt and James Bond working together or against each other is the stuff of 90's kids action movie fan wet dreams. It could have been Craig's final performance as Bond, or a segway to introduce the new actor as Bond for the continuing series. But oh well, what's done is done. Maybe some day we can get an MI and 007 cross over...
I always have my fan fiction I've written that's a cross over of James Bond, Ethan Hunt and Jason Bourne.
Mistake Status: Was too into the film at theaters to really look. I do plan to go through the whole series for mistakes in the future.
6th Aug 2018
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)
I own this on DVD.
Lots of nostalgia here. I grew up watching the TV show. And as far as I can remember, I believe this was the first movie I saw in theaters. It has it's ups and downs, the acting is on par with typical Power Ranger acting, but it has it's greats. Jason David Frank as Tommy is amazing as ever. And Ivan Ooze is one of the all time best Power Ranger villains period.
Mistake Status: Have not yet searched, Plans to do so in the future.
6th Aug 2018
I Can Only Imagine (2018)
I rented this from Red Box.
I'll admit, it's not hard to get me to cry in movies. Emotional scenes, some really well written love stories, the reunion of family, the ending of Toy Story 3, and so on.
This movie had me crying at least half of the time!
I actually wasn't aware that the I Can Only Imagine song had been around for 20 years now. It's amazing the impact that song has had on the world. Sure it's over played now but this film did give me a renewed appreciation for the bit. I loved this movie, and watched it with my parents.
Whether you're religious or not, this film will have an impact on you and I must highly recommend it.
Mistake Status: Picked up a few when watching with family. May buy the DVD in the future and look closer.
5th Aug 2018
Double Dragon (1994)
I own this on VHS.
I'll be honest, I can't hate or even dislike this movie. I grew up watching it, much like a lot of other "bad movies" from that time period but as a kid loved them. This film is one of my guilty pleasures and for a while was my favorite film as a kid. I never actually played any of the Double Dragon games, but as a movie I think it's not bad.
Mistake Status: Did what I could briefly with my VHS copy. Will try to get a DVD in the future and really look for mistakes.
3rd Aug 2018
Future War (1997)
I rented this from the library.
This is hands down the worst movie I've ever actually seen.The effects are bad, the acting poor, and the story nonsensical. The plot holes are massive and just pretty much everything you can think of is bad in this movie. From the knock-off Terminators, the Van Damme wanna-be, the cartoon video game sound effects, to the Jurassic Park moments (not joking), is just terrible. This is one of those films that's actually worth watching just to see how bad it is.
One of the stupidest things I remember from this film is the main character is a slave on a space ship... who somehow mastered Kung Fu by teaching himself inside his cell. And then he learns English in a single day by holding his ear to a radio... I am not joking.
Mistake Status: I plan to destroy this movie in the future. Don't know when. YOU ARE ON MY LIST!
2nd Aug 2018
Den of Thieves (2018)
I rented this from Red Box.
A thrill ride through and through. Both sides, the thieves and the cops, are compelling characters, and it's hard to decide who you're rooting for in the film. The story is great, the process smart and it really dives into showing these characters at their best and the actors playing them. The twist at the end was a surprise and very well done. Never saw it coming, and that's saying something for me.
Mistake Status: Skimmed through while watching the rental. No current plans to look again.
30th Jul 2018
The Amazing Adventures of the Living Corpse (2012)
I rented this from Red Box.
An absolutely awful film. I don't know anything about the comic it's based off, but the concept sounds sounds interesting. Being a sentient zombie somehow has super human strength and sets out to save his still alive son and what not... But the film adaptation is utter crap. Terrible animation that looks worthy of Asylum. The acting is bad, the story doesn't make sense, the characters motivations are not well founded. It's just all around bad and it was a waste of a dollar for me to rent it at Red Box.
Mistake Status: Searched through when rented. Might download the digital version later on to look again.
30th Jul 2018
Star Wars (1977)
I own this on VHS, DVD, and Blue Ray.
Probably the single most influential Sci-Fi movie in history, kick starting the single most influential Sci-Fi movie series in history. The start of a legend in this break out blockbuster of the millennium. Well crafted, well written, and a whole galaxy of characters and potential.
The film isn't flawless, but it paved the way for two superior direct sequels, 3 underwhelming but overly unfairly hated prequels, a continuation of side stories and distant sequels, an innumerable amount of books and comics, and a ton of fun video games. There hasn't been anything so impactful in cinema since, and may never again.
Mistake Status: Have not looked, might in the future but not sure I can find anything new. But up for the challenge.
30th Jul 2018
A Quiet Place (2018)
I rented this from Red Box.
A thrilling, well written feature. Suspenseful and full of powerful moments. The cast really shine with their ability to act without spoken word.
It is a creature feature, and sure the formula has been done a thousand times before where only a few survive and have to find a specific weakness to defeat the creatures in the end. It's just rare to find a movie of those elements done well any more. And to still bring an element of originality to it.
Mistake Status: Did not search, no future plans.
29th Jul 2018
Ready Player One (2018)
I saw this in theaters and I own it on DVD.
This is a pretty good movie. An apparent nerdgasm of references and experience. That is a great point of the movie... while simultaneously being it's biggest problem. Yeah it's fun seeing all the nice little references and geek culture scatted everywhere, but it does that too much. So much to the point that it seems to sacrifice on other elements of the story and character development for it.
It's a bit of an overload, while at the same time I love it.
It is missing a lot though, like Nintendo characters and more. But the things they did get in there are great.
My favorite by far is the Gundam vs Mega Godzilla battle... damn that was freaking awesome. That alone was worth the price of admission.
The story is good, the characters okay, the ideas interesting. But I feel in the end... he wound up with the wrong girl. I think he should have gotten with Helen. So shoot me I got a weakness for black girls. But also they had much better chemistry than Wade and Artemis. And they knew each other for so long. Even stated they can finish each other's sentences. I even got a bit of a feeling that Helen was jealous at times. I think But enough about that.
Good movie. Not overly great, but good. Some epic moments, underwhelming characters, wrong love interest in the end. But good. Just that often times the movie feels more like it's trying to just say "Ooh hey, look at me! I'm nerdy look at these characters, you recognize this?" than actually trying to tell the story.
Mistake Status: Current movie project, searching extensively.
29th Jul 2018
Peter Rabbit (2018)
I rented this from Red Box.
A thoroughly surprisingly good film. I rented this and expected it to be another Smurfs or Chipmunks film but it was everything but. The story is well written, the characters are invested, the acting is wonderful and the jokes are extremely funny and clever. It's a joy and a riot to laugh and love from start to finish and can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike.
Mistake Status: Did not look, may in the future.
28th Jul 2018
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018)
So today, I took my son to the theaters with my mom to see Teen Titans GO to the Movies.
Now, I loved the older Teen Titans show when it was on the air. Watched almost every episode. And when I saw what that was turned into with the pile of heaping walrus dung that is Teen Titans GO... I was furious. The show is bad and insulting in almost every way imaginable to both the original show and the audience. To make it worse, they actually have the audacity to consider it a sequel series continuing the original. -. -
However... the trailers to this movie were... actually surprisingly looking fairly good. So I went into this film with an open mind.
And to my surprise... it actually wasn't all that bad. Yes the characterization of the Titans, especially Robin, is still horrible. (with the exception of Beast Boy as he seems to actually fit into the newer version of the show fairly well with how his personality already is lol) However it seems that the film makers are well aware of the negative reception of the GO series and made this film around that. No, not that they changed what's bad... it's that they embraced it and make fun of themselves in this film.
And to their credit, this movie succeeds with that. Showing how the rest of the DC heroes see the Titans as a joke, not real heroes. That they are too goofy.
The humor and jokes in the film, for the most part, are actually well written. Aside from the handful of cringe worthy fart and poop jokes, there are a lot of things in this film that legit had me laughing in the theater.
And the inside jokes and references are subtle and funny. This... is actually something this film does better than Ready Player One. In Player One the references and nostalgic cameos are shoved down your throat every few seconds and you can't really take the time to appreciate any of them.
In Teen Titans GO to the Movies, they are fairly subtle and even many only an older audience like myself would actually get. Like the fact that Superman is voiced by Nick Cage, and him saying the like "Somebody save me." A lot of you younger kinds probably don't get that. There are a ton of other inside and subtle reference jokes like this through out the movie. It actually is a very funny film.
Now, if you set aside the fact that the characterization of the Titans is still an insult to the original series, and try to pretend this has nothing to do with the Teen Titans and consider it a stand alone feature, the film is actually not that bad. The plot works, and the film is constantly making fun of itself and super hero movie genre and industry as a whole. And DC even pokes fun at themselves quite hard in this movie. Hell... Stan Lee eve has a cameo in the film. Twice! It's like this film is Deadpool meets... well the Teen Titans. (and they even kinda make that parody with Slade lol)
Now, the movie does start a bit bland, with the balloon monster attacking the city and the Titans trying to take it down, and that whole fart joke that's in the trailers happens. And this is actually the low point of the film. It just gets better from there. Increasingly funny and a shockingly good story line about the Titans, and especially Robin, trying to figure out if they are true heroes and to prove it. While having to save the world.
I found myself enjoying this move quite a bit, and it for sure had my 4 year old son's attention glued to the screen the whole time. It's got something for all ages. Even my 60 year old mom enjoyed it.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this movie actually somehow turned out somewhat good. I'm blown away. I give it 3 stars.
Mistake Status: Caught a couple of mistakes while in the theater. I might buy or rent this movie later on to search for mistakes since I do like doing them to animated hero movies.
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