Quantom X

Triumvirate of Terror! - S3-E8

Factual error: During the final fight in Lex's lair, Joker gives Batman a good smack with his large hammer. As is common in this show, when a good hit is delivered, a freeze frame is show with the figures moving in slow motion with a stylized colorful backdrop to add to the drama dynamics. But as Joker delivers this hit and this stylized shot is shown, the show cuts to some inmates in a prison cell watching the fight on TV. The same stylized shot is shown on their TV, where it would be show like that there, only to us. They would have just seen Joker hit Batman with the hammer and him fly off in real time with no stylized back drop or slow mo. (00:20:00)

Quantom X

4th Aug 2013

Stolen (2012)

Factual error: Before Harland arrests Will, he gets out of the cop car with a block of cash. Later in the movie you learn he burned it. There was a burn barrel next to the car with a low fire in it as he gets out of the car. It cuts to the cops yelling at him with a mega phone and then back to Will walking away from the barrel. Now the fire is roaring high up. It grew much too fast and high for such a short time. Money is not that flammable. (00:19:40)

Quantom X

4th Aug 2013

Nailbiter (2013)

Factual error: The girls escape down into a storm cellar to get away from the tornado. As the twister passes, it is indicated by just a lot of loud wind sounds and constant shattering glass. This is not at all what a tornado would sound like. As many tornado survivors have stated, one would sound like a huge freight train rocketing down the tracks at reckless speeds, and accompanied by what sounds like constant explosions as it disintegrates everything in its path. Living in Arkansas, I am quite familiar with that sound. (00:16:05)

Quantom X

Factual error: In the beginning scene, Roadblock melts through the fence using some high tech gloves. The design and application of these gloves make no sense realistically. For one, the gloves are open fingered, thus causing great risk to Roadblock of even just a melted metal drip with a slight breeze. The intense heat, even if directed down towards the fence metal, would still be enough, if able to melt through metal in an instant, to burn his fingers as well, even from behind. It would be much safer, much easier, and much more practical to have the same type of device as an external stick or long object, or even an extension of a gun, keeping the hands out of harm's way. (00:01:50)

Quantom X

Factual error: One of Carlos' henchmen is running from Agnes' dog in her weed garden, in a maze like environment. The actions of the dog are totally unrealistic in how a dog would actually be chasing a person with intent to kill, especially a Doberman. And it was not moving very fast either, like jogging. A real situation like this, the dog would have been full sprint and on the attack, the henchman would not have been able to get away as long as he did as slow as he was going. (00:47:20)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Parker (2013)

Factual error: At the fair, one of the guys sets some hay on fire and the fire goes to a cage of propane tanks. They begin to explode. The explosions are way too small for full propane tanks. You can tell they are supposed to be full as several shots show the red caps on the valves are faintly visible. The red caps are kept on ones that are full and unused. (00:12:40)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Factual error: After Ganon captures King Harkinian, he takes him to a circular room and says that Link and Zelda have one hour to surrender the Kingdom of Hyrule and the Triforce of Wisdom or the King will fall a very long time. After he says this, a bright light shines up from the center of the room and begins expanding, it being a hole. However, it is expanding WAY too fast to take an hour to make the King fall to his doom. At the rate of expansion, it would be to the edge of the room in probably just over a minute if not less. (00:06:55)

Quantom X

Fruit Picking Day/Daniel Is Big Enough to Help Dad - S1-E11

Factual error: Daniel's dad glues and screws the door bell button to Daniel's treehouse. He does not connect any wires to it or anything of the sorts, nor is there a power source to the tree house. Yet he pushes the button and the bell rings loudly. It is too small to house batteries or a speaker on its own. And the bell was electronic sounding.

Quantom X

The Legend of Zelda mistake picture

The Ringer - S1-E1

Factual error: Link is next to a flower pot after he rolls off the dragon. The shadow effects on the items around him are all wrong. By the lighting, you can tell that the light source of the sun is behind Link and to the left of the flower pot. The flower pot's shadow is stretching to the right of the screen. But the steps, which are in the same lighting, have their shadows cast to the left, into the light. (00:09:45)

Quantom X

The White Knight - S1-E3

Factual error: Zelda gives Prince Facade a compliment when he meets her father. Facade smiles and then looks over, the camera follows his view to a mirror on the wall. It then cuts to the mirror showing his reflection as he winks at himself. The problem is though, when the camera was panning from his position, it showed the mirror was against the wall a good distance from him, as well as facing almost a 90 degree angle away from him. So not only was his reflection too big for his distance, but the mirror would not have reflected his image back to him at that angle. (00:36:40)

Quantom X

29th Jun 2013

Lockout (2012)

Factual error: Snow and Emilie free fall from M.S. One to Earth's atmosphere. They are high up enough that they briefly catch fire on reentry with their speed. But they slow down enough to cool and then Snow breaks off his armor suit to help unconscious Emilie. They are high enough that they just had reentry. Snow taking his armor off there would have frozen him almost instantly that high up, much less him being able to breathe. (01:21:05)

Quantom X

26th Jun 2013

Superman: Unbound (2013)

Factual error: When Braniac's robot probe enters the atmosphere over Arizona, fighter jets attempt to shoot it down by hitting it with missiles. The pod is still going fast enough to be on fire from reentry. A missile could not have caught up to an object going that fast. (00:11:30)

Quantom X

Factual error: The Joes chase Cobra into the snowy mountains and attack inside the weird cave. One of the Joe's vehicles splits to a driving section, and Road Block flying up in a little fighter. Road Block is holding a large rifle with both hands, yet the fighter goes up and turns around and begins flying at his control but he never touches a steering wheel or anything. Just his big gun. And he does not speak so no voice commands are given. How is he flying with no hands? (00:19:40)

Quantom X

Factual error: In the Paris car chase, the black Hummer is hit several times by other vehicles on the sides. It has a very shiny and reflective black paint job. Yet at no point does it show any signs of damage or even scratches.

Quantom X

23rd Jun 2013

Cloud Atlas (2012)

Factual error: The Asian girl in the future was wearing her collar with termination charge for a very long time around her neck. When it was removed there was no mark, tan line, or indention or anything left behind, as if it had never been there. Yet all evidence points to years of endless wearing. (01:00:00)

Quantom X

11th Jun 2013

Mega Man 3

Factual error: In the original English NES copies of this game, at the end of the game it says the Robot Masters are made by Dr. Right instead of Dr. Light. Dr. Right is his name in the Japanese version.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Factual error: Bullet holes by all guns look the same. Even the Watch Laser and Moonraker Laser make bullet holes identical to other guns. The Tazer even makes bullet holes.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Factual error: Items in this game such as chairs and keyboards will explode with deadly force when shot with regular guns.

Quantom X

Factual error: Jake takes a huge piece of gold and condenses it down into a small strip. It is then lifted with no difficulty. For the science of the film to work, this would have to be done without losing any of the gold's mass, or they could just get a small piece. As of such, the condensed gold would be just as heavy, if not heavier than in its original form.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Star Fox 64

Factual error: On the Solar level, the other Star Fox team members only take damage from heat while they are talking. Being on the Lylat System star, they would be constantly taking heat damage just like Fox.

Quantom X

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