Quantom X

Bug: This glitch can happen in other areas, but it is most common at the game's airports. Due to the area proximity vehicle spawning, where vehicles off an area are programmed to spawn if you are in or near that area, vehicles that don't belong can spawn in wrong spots. Like if you drive or walk past an air port, forklifts and luggage cars can spawn on the highway near by, as well as regular vehicles randomly driving around in the airport. It is funny when the speed glitch combines with this and you see a fork lift blasting down the Las Venturas highway at 90 MPH.

Quantom X

Bug: On certain roads and highways, traffic can get a super speed glitch. Most notably on the highway that circles Las Venturas. Cars will start jumping around a little in their movements and be doing apparently 100+ MPH. Some will still go slow and often get rear ended causing them to stick together or even explode instantly. Very hazardous for players with slow cars.

Quantom X

Bug: Some cheat codes are incompatible with each other and cause the game to go screwy if used at the same time. If too many cheats are used at once, the game has a tendency to go nuts and even freeze.

Quantom X

7th Jul 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: In some levels, such as Control, Natalia is seen holding a Cougar Magnum in one hand. A very high powered revolver pistol. In some levels, there are times she will go to a computer and type on the keyboard. If it's a level where she has her gun, it is still in her hand as she types. It's comical to see her fist balled around the gun's handle, yet her hand going all over they keyboard and the gun even passing through the computer at times.

Quantom X

7th Jul 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: On the second Surface level, go into the radar dish building and go to the top area. If you manage to get the alarm to sound, step out onto the side balcony and look down. There will be a special forces team dressed in blue and wearing glasses waiting outside by the doors for you, just standing there. Disturb them by shooting or throwing a grenade or something. They will begin just running around in circles and against the building's wall trying to get in to kill you. There is a door right beside them, but they can't figure out how to get in. Occasionally, one will get close enough to the door to figure it out and go in, but most get stuck. A similar glitch can sometimes happen on the first Surface level.

Quantom X

Bug: Sometimes when exiting a building, a random plane will fall from the sky and explode near by. It seems to happen more often in cities. It seems to happen most when leaving a Burger Shot in San Fierro. This is a rare glitch. I have even had the plane kill me a couple times.

Quantom X

Bug: If you go to the light house area of the beach in Los Santos and start a gang war, sometimes the enemy gang members will spawn under water and be standing on the ocean floor shooting up at you. This is comical to see, and makes it difficult to kill them.

Quantom X

29th Jun 2013

Mega Man

Bug: If you switch to the MagnetBeam or SuperArm while fighting the Copy MegaMan, the copy MegaMan will stop attacking. He will only just jump around when you hit the attack button.

Quantom X

Bug: Get in a jet and fly towards a corner of the map and keep going. Make sure the jet has autopilot leveling, and leave the control alone. Works better if the cheat for no hunger is activated. Fly off the map and keep going for hours (in game time), approx 12 or so. Then jump out and kill yourself to respawn back on land. This causes the whole map to be covered with Gang Territories.

Quantom X

Bug: Go into any pizza restaurant in the game and look at the people sitting down eating. Most of them that raise pizza to their face miss their mouth. Some even are stabbing themselves in the eye with pizza.

Quantom X

26th Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: Vent shafts and grates can be passed through like they don't exist.

Quantom X

11th Jun 2013

Mega Man 6

Bug: Get to a point where the screen will scroll to a new one like at boss battle doors. Fire the Rush Power Adapter as you go through the scroll point, and MegaMan will rapidly keep punching while the screen scrolls.

Quantom X

11th Jun 2013

Mega Man 5

Bug: In the first level of Dr. Wily's Castle, you find an Energy Tank. Grab it, then kill yourself. The Energy Tank is now back. You can keep doing this again and again until you have a max of 9 continues.

Quantom X

11th Jun 2013

Mega Man 2

Bug: When attacked by projectiles, if you rapidly pause the game, enemy bullets will pass right through MegaMan without hurting him.

Quantom X

11th Jun 2013

Super Smash Bros.

Bug: In this game, unlike the sequels, the CPU players will go after any item that spawns with reckless abandon. If there are just two level 9 CPU players on the stage, and an item spawns, they will both go for it. If they are equal or approximately equal distance from it on opposite sides, they will steadily walk towards it. Once they get within a certain distance of each other, their Level 9 defense programming kicks in, and they will shield roll past each other, and the item. Get up, and do it again, and again, and again bringing the fight to a standstill until the item fades away.

Quantom X

Bug: In the Big Blue stage, the cars can be partly inside each other as the characters fight on top of them.

Quantom X

7th Jun 2013

Mega Man

Bug: This glitch has been fixed in later versions of the game, but still works in the original NES version. When fighting the Yellow Devil, select your Elecbeam and fire it at the enemy's eye. As soon as you fire, start rapidly mashing the Select button over and over again as fast as you can till it hits. If done fast enough, the beam will instantly kill Yellow Devil in one hit.

Quantom X

Bug: Like in most games of this style, grenades will explode on impact with the enemy. But sometimes in multiplayer, a grenade will hit someone and inexplicably just bounce off in a random direction. Even happens sometimes when hit in the face.

Quantom X

2nd Jun 2013

Halo 2

Bug: On the multiplayer level of Zanzibar, this is done with a Specter. The the right side of the generator building, there is some rubble and a door with 3 Plasma grenades next to it. The natural wall next to the building is at an almost 90 degree angle. If you hit this wall just right with the Specter, it will suddenly begin climbing the wall almost straight up and it will take you to the roof of the generator building.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: This glitch can happen on most levels with doors, but is most noticeable on Faculty. When solders are chasing you and you go behind a door which shuts, the enemies try to open it but are often still running in place at the door. From the other side, many times you can see their faces penetrating the doors or walls as they attempt to go through. Is especially funny on doors they can't open. Just constant faces bouncing around on a door or wall.

Quantom X

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