Audio problem: Engineer: Taunt Dueling Banjos: Sometimes when using the alt fire or primary fire buttons to change the speed of the Engi playing, will cause the music to stop with only silence. This can be fixed by leaving the taunt and activating it again.
Quantom X
5th Oct 2018
Team Fortress 2
2nd Oct 2018
Hereditary (2018)
Audio problem: As Annie is trying to leave Joan's house and she starts to give Annie instructions on how to do the ritual, it's obvious the audio for Joan's lines was dubbed in in post as a lot of her speech doesn't quite match up with her lips. Especially when she's saying "Your whole family needs to be in the house". (01:08:00)
26th Sep 2018
Lexx (1997)
Audio problem: The little RC claw thing that 790 takes control of starts following Xev and Stanley around as they carry his head. In most shots when it's seen moving it has the loud electronic engines moving it's wheels and a bell sound heard. However when they are going down a hall holding 790 up to several control panels and he's telling them access denied, it is still following them on screen but is completely quiet. (00:53:15)
26th Sep 2018
Lexx (1997)
Audio problem: Right after the Cluster Lizard gets into where Xev is being held to change her body and mind and eats the 790 Unit, it cuts back to Stanley walking. Two larger robots come towards him and he swerves to avoid them, while you can hear their loud clunky footsteps. However the sounds of their steps do not match up with when they are stepping. (00:41:25)
25th Sep 2018
Lexx (1997)
Audio problem: As Stanley is running towards the correction facility to not be late, there are several shots of the clock on the wall with the green bars ticking down. There is an audible tick every time a bar counts off. In one shot, we see it count down to having just 2 bars left, but it cuts back to Stanley running and we hear 3 clicks. When it cuts back to the clock there are still 2 bars left. Also in an earlier shot when the clock is off screen we hear more clicks than we see of bars having vanished when it cuts back to the clock. (00:34:00)
24th Sep 2018
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
Audio problem: After the Surfer flies by the wedding, Johnny takes off flying after him and at one point says "Man he's fast" while his face is on camera. His lips never move while saying this.
23rd Sep 2018
Lexx (1997)
Audio problem: As Kai is the last fighter left, he flies towards His Shadow's control pod on his ship to ram into it kamikaze style. As he's approaching and it cuts to the control pod dome starting to close, you suddenly begin to hear the alarms going off inside The Fore Shadow ship. And it's heard from inside Kai's fighter, and from outside from camera angles. And then when Kai crashes into it and flips out inside, you still hear the alarm inside the ship at almost the exact same volume as heard from outside. It's almost quieter even. (00:03:50)
23rd Sep 2018
Lexx (1997)
Audio problem: As the Fore Shadow is charging up its blast each time, when first shown it makes a high pitched shrieking sound as the energy spreads across The Web of cables fanning out from it. However as the battle continues, this sound effect becomes very inconsistent when it plays in correlation to the energy blasts charging up on the ship. (00:02:15 - 00:03:20)
20th Sep 2018
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Audio problem: When Maisie is complaining to Iris that she doesn't want a bath, Iris says "What?" while visible on the left of screen with her head askew to the camera. However her mouth movement doesn't match the audio as you hear her say "What?" her mouth doesn't move till after you hear her say it. (00:23:00)
10th Sep 2018
Ready Player One (2018)
Audio problem: Parzival starts to walk away from the Office Party recording as Halliday says "Why can't we go backwards for once." Parzival stops and turns around, telling the Curator to stop and go back right as Halliday finishes saying "Really put the pedal to the metal you know?" The Curator then replays that same recording over again. However the timing is off - it is actually two different recordings of the actor saying these lines and not the same message replayed. He says it a full second faster the in the replay. (00:24:55 - 00:25:25)
3rd Sep 2018
The Humanity Bureau (2017)
Audio problem: After Adam and Noah finish talking about Chester Hills, the movie shows a few shots of the desolate land and bad conditions. One shot is a close up of a decaying dead cow, and in this shot you hear the loud sounds of flies and bugs swarming it as you'd expect on a dead animal. However it is just the added sound effect as there is not one single fly or insect visible. (00:09:35)
3rd Sep 2018
Audio problem: The Choking Grounds: After being freed, the Gatekeeper will walk down the road and then leap up onto a higher area and proceed to walk behind a building to go away. Each step he takes is very loud as he's a giant rock creature on a paved road. But the moment he passes behind the building, the loud sounds of his steps stop where as you should still be able to hear him walking a way for a good distance. If you're standing in the right spot, you can even see him just suddenly despawn behind that building.
25th Jul 2018
Meet the Engineer (2007)
Audio problem: As the camera pulls back from the truck, a Pyro is running up at the Engi from the left side. When the Level 1 Sentry turns and kills him, the Pyro makes the Sniper's death cry. (00:01:10)
25th Jul 2018
Meet the Engineer (2007)
25th Jul 2018
Meet the Engineer (2007)
24th Jul 2018
Team Fortress 2
Audio problem: Soldier: Shooting with a Soldier weapon followed by a quick weapon switch will result in the sound being cut off. This excludes melee weapons.
24th Jul 2018
Lost Castle
Audio problem: Every time you beat the Goblin King, the audio for the sound effects is snuffed out. The explosions of his vehicle can not be heard, nor can his cries or his men's cries. As well as all your character's sound effects, like weapon slashing and so on, are muted until you leave the room to the next level. This only happens with this boss.
20th Jul 2015
Killing Floor
Audio problem: The various versions of the Scrake, including the Halloween and Circus Scrakes have chainsaws on their right arms. However, the Christmas Scrake has just a giant ice knife for a right arm. Yet you can still hear the sounds of a chainsaw when he is near despite not having one.
15th Oct 2014
Sniper Elite V2
Audio problem: Kaiser-Friedrich Museum: In the building where you find the Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle, you pass by a door way that is blocked by a truck as you go up stairs. The truck is running, and even while idling, it is a very loud old WWII era engine. You go upstairs and into the next room, after fighting the three guys up there, you grab the Mosin. When you do, a cut scene starts as Karl talks about the weapon he just found, and then goes back to where you control him. Return down stairs and now the truck is gone, the door way able to be walked through. However, at no point did you ever hear the truck leave. Grabbing the weapon is what triggers the cut scene and that is when the truck leaves, yet despite being by a window right above the truck, not once is it ever heard.
27th Sep 2014
A Car-Tune Portrait (1937)
Audio problem: When the lion walks on stage, the audience becomes completely quiet and all that can be heard is the sound of the lion's voice. Behind him is only a curtain that hides the orchestra from view. Once he finishes speaking, he turns around and the curtain opens, and suddenly you can hear the orchestra doing sound checks on their instruments and it is loud, the lion tapping his podium to quieten them so they know the concert is about to start. This means merely a curtain was keeping their sound check from being heard at all until it was open? (00:02:25)
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