Question: In the opening credits, do Victor and Logan fight in both World Wars as Americans or Canadians?
29th May 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Answer: Canadian army in WW1. American army WW2. Specifically (as revealed in the comics) they were in the 1st Special Service Force A.K.A The Devils Brigade. It was made up of American and Canadian troops.
17th Apr 2009
General questions
I remember seeing a trailer for a movie on TV, where a car is going down the road and runs head-on into another vehicle. The car breaks into a bunch of pieces and goes around the other car (I believe it's a semi-truck) and the car forms back together and keeps driving. Any idea what movie this is from?
Chosen answer: That was the 2006 movie, The Covenant.
21st Mar 2009
The Karate Kid III (1989)
Question: Why does Daniel's karate skills regress in this movie? After fighting a Karate champ in the first movie and a Japanese fighter in the second, surely he must have gotten better as a fighter, not worse?
Chosen answer: First he could have just been out of practice, but the point they made in the movie was that his moves were old, so they knew how to counter the things he did in the past to win.
20th Feb 2009
61* (2001)
Question: Mickey Mantle was on a home run streak that year and then got hurt. I am just curious to know, if Mickey Mantle had been the one to break the record, if there would be such an uproar over it.
Answer: Actually Maris was MVP the previous year, 1960.
Answer: Probably not. Mantle was loved by the fans and the sports writers, plus he was a good layer. Maris never really had a good season before, or after, so a lot of people did not think he deserved to be the one to break the record.
17th Jan 2009
21 (2008)
Question: If the 21 game is still played in casinos, there could be hundreds of geniuses who can count and cheat the system as shown in the film. Is this a possibility, or have casinos adopted extra security measures or something?
Answer: Casinos have always looked out for people counting cards, even before the real events that inspired this movie.
Answer: Yes, most casinos have now upgraded to the automated card shufflers, which constantly shuffle the cards after each deal, so there is no way that counting cards would be possible.
27th Dec 2008
Hancock (2008)
6th Nov 2008
Dogma (1999)
6th Nov 2008
Family Guy (1999)
Brian Does Hollywood (2) - S3-E2
Question: I saw this episode on one of the channels where it is syndicated. The part at the beginning (during the action films parody), where Meg tells Lois that Peter isn't going to come out of the coma, was taken out. Does anyone know why?
Answer: Usually syndicated shows run a few seconds shorter than the originals, so they cut out things to make them fit.
24th Oct 2008
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003)
29th Sep 2008
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)
Question: Besides giving an excuse for the copycat killer to show up, was there any real point for the death of Joey, who was an innocent (and slow) young man? This part of the movie always struck me as being simply pointless and exploitative, with no reason.
Answer: His death is what motivated the guy to do the killings, so it wasn't pointless, it was very necessary to move the plot forward.
2nd Sep 2008
Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Question: When Ricky's mum is looking at his test results, I think his score was 710. I don't live in America, so I have no idea if this is good or not. I'm assuming it is, but if someone could confirm this and just how good (e.g. very high or simply quite good) it is, I would appreciate it.
Answer: The scoring has been changed in recent years, but for the time that is a very poor SAT score, the average was probably between 900 and 1000, and 1600 was perfect. But at the time, you needed to score at least a 700 on the SAT to get into college, so he would have been able to go to school on a football scholarship, had he not been killed.
8th May 2008
Iron Man (2008)
Question: I noticed Bill Smitrovich's name in the credits. Since he has such a distinctive appearance, I didn't see him in the film. Where does his character appear?
Chosen answer: He is in the scene where Tony Stark is demonstrating the new weapons system to all of the brass.
8th May 2008
Iron Man (2008)
Question: I've never seen them in the movie, but someone is in the credits as "Stan's Girls." I assumed this was Stan Lee, but where (if anywhere) are they in the film?
Answer: They are outside the award banquet he goes to, he calls Stan Lee "Heff" and Lee is dressed like Hugh Hefner, and has a few girls around him.
21st Apr 2008
General questions
I remember watching a film to a certain point, and I never found out its name. The film, from what I remember, is about a hollywoodic agent who got fired by his best actor. While travelling, he reaches a large house with a Giant living in it. The lovable, skinny Giant invites him in (he even carries him inside the house). When the Agent sees the Giant, he takes him under his wings and sets off with him to hollywood, giving him roles in many pictures and shows - including pictures in which his former actor stars in (there is a very amusing scene in which the Giant vomits on that actor's head during filming, While acting as a knight and riding on a horse). The Agent is making a lot of money from the Giant. However, the Giant himself is more concerned about finding a lost childhood love he hasn't seen in years - and has only one picture of her. I reached a point where the Agent takes the Giant to a freak-show, and promises him that by doing this they'll find his lost love. This film is not a cartoon. What is the name of that film?
Answer: Sounds like the Billy Crystal movie from 1998, My Giant.
5th Apr 2008
General questions
I had a flashback, if you will, of a scene from what I think is the beginning of a movie. From the description of the scene (which I will go into below) I can only come up with the conclusion that it may be about a male serial killer of some sort (some kind of thriller)? I know I have seen the movie within the past 3-4 years. Here is the scene that played in my head. Two kids on the side of a road/country highway, not sure if they are on bikes or not. One kid pushes the other kid in front of a passing car, thus said kid gets run down. The pusher then watches as the other kid lies on the road dying and just watches him die, in fascination. That is all I remember. Anyone have any clue what movie I may be talking about or did my mind just make this up? Thanks for any help as it's been bugging me for quite awhile now.
Answer: That is the 2004 movie called Taking Lives.
4th Mar 2008
The King of Queens (1998)
Question: Does anyone know if Carrie and Doug had a baby on the show? And also was it just me, or was Carrie pregnant in real life in one season, and they did not write it into the show, or did she just gain a lot of weight?
Answer: To answer the question directly. Carrie and Doug do not have a biological child during the show's main run. In season 3 or 4 finale (cant remember which) Carrie has a miscarriage. Later on in the show they find out Carrie has 1 working ovary. Thus reducing the chance of them conceiving. By the final season, they couple agree to adopt from China and go to collect their child in the show's final episode. While on the flight back from China it's revealed that Carrie is once again pregnant. However the last scene of the show is a flash forward showing that Carrie goes full term with that child and they are struggling with both kids.
Adding on to this answer, I read somewhere that producers were afraid of the show having a "before baby" feeling and then an "after baby" feeling. Some fans feel that main characters, or the show in general, decline in quality after a major change. For example, Jesse and Rebecca on "Full House" after they had twin sons, and Daphne on "Frasier" after she married Niles.
Answer: Leah Remini was not pregnant in real life at the time of the series finale in 2007. Her daughter was born in summer 2004 and it was obvious she gained weight and wore larger clothes during that season. So no, her real pregnancy was not written into the show.
Answer: They did have a baby in the series finale. They actually adopted a baby from China, and then at the same time they found out she was pregnant. She was pregnant in real life, but they just covered her up, as much as they could, during the filming of the show.
10th Feb 2008
National Security (2003)
Question: Steve Zahn's character avoids being in the prison population by repeatedly hitting the prison guards and ending up in solitary confinement. Wouldn't assaulting a prison guard also add time to his sentence?
Chosen answer: It could, but they would have to bring charges against him, and have a new trial for that crime. It would most likely prevent him from getting a early parole.
28th Jan 2008
The Office (2005)
Question: I am a little curious about the filming techniques in the show. A lot of it is filmed in focus and out of focus to get different people's reactions. But in other shots they just pan to the people or move closer. Why do they use such a way of filming?
Chosen answer: They do this because the show is suppose to be a documentary, all the filming is suppose to be on the fly, so they are reacting to what is going on at that time. Sometimes that would mean moving the camera around fast, and capturing someone in the background.
23rd Jan 2008
Cloverfield (2008)
4th Jan 2008
I Am Legend (2007)
Question: Who moved the mannequin to the snare trap? Was it Will Smith's character who did it, but couldn't remember because of his fragile mental state or was it someone else?
Answer: The creatures, or at least the creature that seemed to be in charge, and copied what Will Smith did earlier, did it. This showed that his theory of them being mindless was wrong.
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Answer: In WWII they are fighting for the Americans for sure, you can tell by the uniforms they are wearing. I am not sure about WW1, it was hard to tell the uniforms apart. But since they are fighting for the Americans in all of the others, it is probably a good bet they were in WW1 as well.